Thursday, 22 September 2016

Cultural myth or universal truth

‘Nobody loves a know all’

This phrase is currently quite frequently and usually forcefully used as if it words a Universal Truth, something everybody should be (always) highly aware of in order to make life work well.

I love coming across perceived wisdoms that get regularly used in wide-spread one-liners indicating to be: ' always true, without exceptions'.

I tend not to believe them right away, by the way…. .
I like to chew on such a one-liner for a while, digest it and let it percolate through the filters of my own experiences and filters. How much Universal Truth does it actually contain?
If I can’t see any exceptions, none at all, that means it contains a whole lot of truth….. 
Then, and only then, I will probably consider to use this 'produce' on my palette of choice for a while too.

I usually start with exploding what it could mean?

Playing with the words, it seems to convey a message along these lines:

“ There is not a (significant?) person in this world who relates positively to an entity who expresses (with great self-confidence) all he knows (has observed/learned) to be true.”

Well, if this message was an undeniable Universal Truth, it would explain why we observe  in our western world cultures that:
  • Santa Claus (and his Dutch equivalent Sinterklaas) are among the most unpopular creatures on this planet. (Let’s face it, who wants the quality of their presents to depend on a know all: ‘They know if you’ve been naughty or nice!’)
  • when somebody is ill, he prefers to go see a doctor who clearly is clueless about this illness, and/or on providing human healthcare.
  • teachers give the highest praise to those students who simply shrug and hand in empty papers. Teachers' pain lies in having to work so hard to try and motivate the students who answer their questions according to their mutual highest understanding, to be more like the shruggers. They give these ‘know alls’  the lowest grades and when they persevere in this abhorrent behaviour, sometimes simply have to send them away.
  • society generally assigns the function of ‘judge’ to people who are clueless about the values underneath The Law, people who have the least affinity with the highest human moral standards.
  • nobody is interested in pairing up on quiz-nights with somebody who has easily access to all sorts of facts and figures in general knowledge.
  • everybody always sings the songs they like from paper, because showing to know all the lyrics completely by heart would mean the end of your social life.
  • never, ever, in social gatherings exchange people endless streams of details on the movies and things on television they watched. Such ‘know all’ behaviour is socially frowned upon.
  • no person in the world has the slightest interest in spirituality or religion, because all religions picture this Divine-creature (whatever his name might be, depending on the name of the religion) to be a know all.
  • Every single person in this world hates the internet. All that is known to man gets mentioned on this hateful thing. So, no person in his right mind spends any time consulting it, because that would mean loving it: relating positively to an entity that very confidently ‘knows all’ and shares it's knowledge whenever you send out a request.

I think, this very short list of how-it-really-isn’ts, is giving enough obvious evidence that there are human beings alive who do ‘love’ (positively relate to, spend time with, honour, respect and enjoy) intelligence being actively used.

Because to me, that is the core of what this message is about.
It seems to convey the message:
“ There is not a person in this world who relates positively to somebody who uses (with great self-confidence) his intelligence: his (or hers, of course) capacities for applying his knowing.”
This is fascinating, in the light of what I wrote recently on website about freedom, choices and leadership in humanity:
I wrote: “We all have access to the Knowing of man, because together we form the Knowing (of) man (homo sapiens means the knowing man)
Which would lead to thinking:
“ If you are actively believing this ‘nobody loves a know all’  to be a Universal Truth, that it is actually (always!) necessary for your survival to limit your capacities for applying your knowing…... are not loving being human yourself.”

Not loving yourself, not loving being fully alive……not loving comparing what you know and perceive with what other human beings know and perceive…not loving the knowing as the dynamic ever evolving grid of shared experiences…..Hum, well..........

So why is this one-liner so much used, with the force behind it of being a social truth on a life and death matter?
Try answering this question, having established that there are many situations when having access to all there is to know is a really good , preferable, enjoyable, humane and social thing.

Who does love the know-all who is fully applying his talents for truth finding when that is a judge who can and does tap into all there is to know, both in the seen, (what is said and done)  and the unseen (unsaid and not done) assessing a situation:
·         Is it the person who knows himself to be completely non-involved in the crime he is framed for by someone, or
·         Is it the person who knows himself to be the perpetrator

The person who thinks (fully well knows) his freedom and kind/social image is at stake when the full truth about his own real intentions, whereabouts and actions is known, is more likely to resent ‘all ( full) knowing’ with a passion.

Now it would be too easy to call this a personal strategy, of a few 'bad' people who have to hide severe wrong-doings.
We do, after all, collectively believe that this ‘nobody loves a know all’ holds quite some life-and-death truth… otherwise we wouldn’t be using it so frequently and forcefully. 
Otherwise it wouldn’t be one of the collective messages that makes so many talented, 'higly aware, highly sensitive' (HSP) and/or 'extra intelligent' people decide to stop or reduce being their knowing.

This sentence only impacts us when it is held (forcefully) before us by somebody we do depend quite highly on for our survival and sense of wellbeing.

We are fully aware of the severe warning transmitted in energy vibes:” Hold your knowing regarding this situation to yourself, or else… you’ll lose being related to positively ….by me.”

No child in the world can risk that his prime caretakers withdraws fully from them. It knows that that  will mean death. Social death, of not being loved ( your experience respected, your needs honoured, being given attention and opportunities to play with your unique talents) is maybe worse than being physically dead.
So, no child in the world can risk not to relate positively to his prime caretakers!

That means that the real truth, the message conveyed in energy-vibes would sound more like this:
”He, you! What the f**k! I don’t want you to express what you know to be true about me, because when certain details of that will be widely known, I know that to lead to severe, undesirable consequences for me on how people see me and relate to me, my likeability and personal freedom. So, shut up, NOW, will you!?”
Has to be interpreted as the message:
You are not loveable when you express openly and honestly your highest truths, apply your knowing!”
Which is such a harsh untruth against what we know on soul level, that it has to be translated into:
'Being a human being alive right now, apparently doesn't mix very well with being the knowing"
How much more encouragement do you need to shelve your own highest truths, your own talents, the things you clearly experience as a fully functioning human being, having this access to knowing of what-is-so, at any given time…..? Especcially if this message gets repeated over and over again?

So in order to be lovable (in the eyes of others we depend on) , we learn, we have to stay away as much as we can from applying all our knowing.

And when somebody openly wonders how what you say, aligns with what you actually do (and the vibes you are transmitting about it), seeing how you don't seem to choose to apply your own knowing, much……Your last resort is to pass on this message, forcecully, that is so accepted, almost as 'good advice' all over the world as really true about human life:
" Nobody loves a know all!"
It looks to be so true, because we collectively believe it.
We believe it for it was once the life threatening warning we had to respond to by shutting ourselves up in order to (socially and physically) survive. (Limit our own freedom.)
And in hanging on to believing it, way past its expiry date (childhood), we are (collectively) not alive as fully functioning human beings ( the knowing man), but only surviving as frightened-for-our-existence-children, desperate to avoid applying openly our own inner highest knowing. 
Passing on the very same abuse ( because that is what it is in plain terms, sorry if that word is difficult for you to accept) to our ‘loved ones’, in our adulthood.

Hiding our true selves, actively and deliberately hiding relevant information, especially from the people in our here-and-now company.....
That, to me, is not applying the knowing. That, to me, is not being the knowing.

It is not anywhere near close to my highest understanding of this spiritual concept of being ‘love’, or the down to earth understandings of ‘being a kind human being’.

I observe... the degree to which you live from this modus operandi, relates direclty to the degree you are happy with yourself and are happy with being in your here-and-now reality.
If these understandings make me a ‘nobody’ in the eyes of the current cultural collective mind, than fine.
I know that I enjoy being a human being who applies her talents, her highest understanding, fearless, to her best abilities. Despite what some people like to think when they don't like what I convey what I know and experience... that includes, with a sensibility to old wounds and cultural myths, wijth an intention support the healing and mutual understanding.
It doesn’t include anymore…. not believing my own experiences of all-that-is.
It does include the question: "how does all I know, relate to other information?"

Knowing that all-I-know…… expands and grows, transform and is a dynamic ever changing occurance.

If that sounds very much like ‘life itself’ …..  to me that rings quite true.

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