Wednesday, 26 April 2017

remember me....?

Just a thought.

What if….
  • the collective consciousness really is like a giant Universal Wide Web of information?
  • it is organised rather similar to the way mankind on earth has organised the World Wide Web of the Internet?
  • you can’t surf it with your mind without being known… like the web knows and needs your IP-adress in order to function?
  • ticks can be (and are) played by people to deny you access to the full free content?

How do I get to this line of inquiry?
(Technically, it came to me, this afternoon on my walk)

Well, I know that if I am not physically in the Netherlands, my computer is banned from being allowed to see the online streams of television broadcastings… who are free for all people in the country to see.
I know that, when one is physically in China, the world wide web seems a lot smaller than it actually is, for there are filters put in place, though which you cannot access unauthorised content.
Moving to another place, gives you thus another range of things you can access, while ‘you’ are no different. Who you ‘are’ is nevertheless different, influenced by the location from where you look.

But….. there are IP-adress cloaking and altering programs….you can ‘be’ in any country in the world, view what is authorised to view freely from there, while you are physically not in the place the IP-adress you are ‘on’ is indicating.

In my experience, the mind seems to work very similar.
I can set my mind to match where I physically am and I see what he people around me can tap into and see, all in line with the filters the authorities have put in place which parts of the collective consciousness one is culturally allowed to freely access and use, with which functionalities.
To me, it is feels most of the time like setting my modern colour t.v. with dolby surround sound  to black and white and mono-sound, with a delay in the broadcasting, giving time to any (live-) experiences to be (severely) censored and narrated in another language in something you know is not original (not in lip-sync).
I can also choose to set my mind to match who I really am, a free, not bound to the physical world limitations, spirit and use my original free spirit soul-ip code to logon into the full free on air experience of the collective consciousness. Much more real-time in-depth fun and a full range of relevant and to the point information can be obtained that way.

People in China will insist that certain webpages simply don’t exist, while any person outside the county will have easy access to it and can’t understand why it doesn’t show up in Being.
Dutch people abroad may be aware of the existence of free  streaming-on-demand broadcast services of television programs, but lack the experience of having real joy. They always get  ‘ access denied’ when they visit those pages. That squeezes quite a lot of fun out of it.
Now, in the world of free choice, using certain available, free to download applications, you can be known to the system as A and nevertheless, ‘surf’ with the filters of ‘B’…
In terms of this website… BOTH/AND…… you don’t have to completely logoff and completely be rebuilt and re-enter (often know as die and be reborn) in order to experience live differently!

But some ways of BOTH/AND are more simple and elegant than others.

Let’s say you were born in the UK, raised in the UK and currently live in the UK and you identify with the British filters of the collective consciousness to the extent that you choose to be permanently logged in with the name your parents gave your physical UK you form. For instance, your initials are R.A.M.
You can then choose to apply plug-in/apps within that setting, enabling you to see the ‘world’, ‘live’ though for instance.. spiritual eyes, Dutch eyes, or French and compare the views.

But, default is ‘UK’ …. so, you really have got to put effort in seeing any broader/different pictures, manually arranging ‘settings’ in the mind. Which will constantly ‘flip’ back, to the default.

Let’s say, you were born in The Netherlands, raised in the Netherlands and currently living in France.
You identify with the free spirit-connected with all that freely is, to the extent that you choose to permanently be logged in with the unique vibration you universal soul has.
So yes,used to use the  Dutch ‘identity’ with the initials E.B. as a child, E.K. as a married woman living in two countries, but ever since 2012, I use E.D. on my travels and more permanent stays, an ID that is the short-code in words that matches the identity of my (speed-of-light) being.

What is ‘free on air’ in any consciousness, can be picked up in full colour, multi-dimensional depth, dolby surround sound and real time. Speaking ‘ for itself’, not needing any narrating and explaining.

If and when I encounter a misunderstanding, a scrambled content, an –access denied-sign….. and wonder why something needs to be cloaked and scrambled here…. I can then simply use the application to mimic being ‘ of that other person’s kind’ and.. ….access granted.
I can then understand my fellow human being’s mind a lot better….. for I can see what they are seeing…. and usually also ‘what’s in it for the authorities’ to have set this filter in place.

Having seen however the full unscrambled version of the reality play in my mind’s eye, I usually like surfing ‘life’s’ information on my free spirits soul IP-adress much better. It is richer and less confusing, very straightforward and transparent.
But, communicating with people about the interesting and useful information that is freely available ‘ out there’, without any hidden agendas tp push me to do or think something … is just as challenging as taking to the Chinese about the full internet experience…..

R.A.M. …..
You logged on for a period of time in 2012 with your temporarily soul IP-adress HC2 in the plugin. And in those days, and when you did, ‘life’ was so much more beautiful, you and I said. We connected easily and shared some magnificent experiences surfing life in real-time ,  multi-coulour, depth and instant mutual joy.
When you decided that you ARE however R.A.M. and even made sure the checkbox ‘ remember me’ was checked on the main logon screen, hardly ever logging on to life as HC2 anymore,  you re-disappeared  behind the walls of the authorised filters of the British collective consciousness and all you saw were scrambled versions of my and life’s broadcasts, about full harmonious spiritual freedom…..
Those freedoms are not allowed, not ‘liked’  by ‘your authorities’.

Of course, I am curious.

If and when you decide that you prefer to use your soul IP identity again, HC2, (or another one) we may meet again ‘free in the air’ of Universal Space, unscrambled, unfiltered, unconditional, free flowing our creativity, love and understanding as humans.
I am aware, such a decision means daring to be largely and structurally different from your cultural peers.
I know, because after having had a play for months with my temporarily soul-IP-adress *V, switching mindboggling backward and forwards between perceptions from the default ‘ Dutch’, I made and effectuated the decision in 2012 to make my free spirit soul address my default state of mind.
You did it at the same time, but under severe peer pressure and fear of losing your network in the physical world, you hit ‘ ESC’ and changed it back to R.A.M.
Just sending you a postcard from life, an anniversary message, for in this period of the year,  it is five years ago we created respectively the add-on identities HC2 and *V and played with our soul-freedom on the extended web of consciousness.
I am liking being beyond the manmade boundaries of cultural filters and agendas, I feel so much more ‘myself’, ever since, much more feeling ' alive' and a 'joy within'.

Logged on as R.A.M. to the collective consciousness of life, you may not understand a word of this apparent scrambled message, that hurts your mind and leaves enormous gaps in your understanding.
If ever you choose to apply HC2 again and play with it….. it very well may resonate again on Universal Truths on freedom of choice and using your mind wisely.

I put this message on my blog, for it contains wisdom for other people too.

So, (other) people…..
Giving your soul, (your freedom) a name (or listening to the name it whispers to you) and using that, being that, seeing the world though her/his/its eyes….. may first serve as an app/plugin to your default (culturally filtered) identity mind-set…..but may very well be the key to choosing to be a full time free spirit while on this Earth ( who chooses to apply cultural filters only part-time, and enjoy the ‘other and limited experience’  it offers, as an exploration tool).

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