Sunday, 11 December 2016

willingness to ex-position

I came across this colourful image and felt it points out something about minding your palette of choice. 

To my mind, it holds an important clue on managing your social mental emotional, moving it in the desired direction.
Apparently this image is founded on the understandings of David Hawkins.

The numbers on the left, indicate frequencies of vibrations of the self.
It is a gradual scale (as the rainbow is also indicating) where 17 mental emotional positions have been given a name one might recognise, from talking about inner world sensations.

On the right, in blue and red, are markings: contracted and expanded.
They indicate the state of mind, the state of consciousness, the scope of the awareness.

Although all sensations have  a place on this scale, the higher frequencies hold more appeal to most people to experience on a long term day to day bases than the lower ones.

The article (about a shift in consciousness) where I found this, stated that most people are currently living most of the time in a bandwidth around the 250 mark.  Neutral. Not ‘positive’, not ‘negative’. Somewhere on the threshold between contracted and expanded awareness.

Now, often these people speak of a desire (125) to experience more love (500) , more joy (540), and more peace (600) of mind, because they are sad (75) or angry (150) that life isn’t as enjoyable for them as them anticipate it could be.

Funnily enough, with my passion, experience and chosen occupation, I often have conversations about these topics with such people, offering to shine my light on the matter, to support them to be able to make this change.

I have always maintained that I can work with anyone who is willing and able to actively reach ‘willingness’ in himself.
If there is a will, there is a way. If there is no active will, there is no- way change is going to (miraculously) happen.

It sounds so simple, but to actively energetically shift gear to full wholehearted willingness, may be the ‘hardest thing’ ever.
I often compare it to driving a car.
You can’t go backwards and forward at the same time. If you want to change the direction of the movement, you have to stand still and actively put the gearbox into the other direction.
  • From Reverse to Drive, in an automatic car.
  • From Reverse to 1st gear in a manual gearbox.
Only wanting it, willing it in the sense of thinking the thought, liking the idea, is not enough to actually achieve this.
The active willingness to change the direction of your social mental emotional life dynamics, comes with the ability to completely stop yourself. Which I refer to on this website as the 3 stops ( mini-me-time/transformation time).

This, higher in active awareness and energy,  overall process-orientated willingness(310) , is therefore very different from passively longing for a certain outcome, the result-orientated desire (125).

This morning I suddenly found myself calling the required type of willingness: the willingness to ex-position.
Correct English? Maybe not. But it sure is correct Soul-speak.
(and has a strong link to a formerblog post I wrote on expositions)

The willingness to ex-position, is the conscious decision to be willing to step away from all previous (= ex) mental positions you are deriving your current sense of identity from. To let go of feeding them. To let go of ‘being’ them.

In self-development speak, it is popular to phrase that as ‘ to let go of ego’… which is so abstract that not many people would know what that is,  in practical terms and actions. Many interpret this as having to  get rid, totally,  of their ego (their personal identity). Which is not how I interpret it.

I see it more like this:
When your car driving instructor says:”  let go of the throttle’! “ you don’t get you wrench and crowbar out to rip the whole thing permanently out! IN that case, it is easy to understand that the throttle handles the levels of energy added to fuelling the propulsion in the direction you are currently going in right now and functions very well both in reverse as well as in driving forward.
Usually this ‘let go’ instruction is followed by ‘ and hit the break’!
Where the teacher will emphasize the importance of learning to do that firmly, confidently, purposefully, but not foolishly.. for you don’t want to bang your head on the windscreen or be a unpredictable hazard to other traffic.

In minding your palette of choice, changing from the lower frequencies to the higher vibrations, you have got to perform a similar social-emotional mental exercise, to move gracefully from contracted (reverse) to expanded (forward).

Sounds simple?

You may be (unconsciously) very confidently fuelling that you have to be in a certain position:
  • You believe that you have to feel guilty about taking the initiative for a divorce, in order to be a reliable considerate ex-partner and a compassionate loving loyal child to the parents who you know to feel both ‘trapped’ in a co-dependent marriage.
  • You believe that you have to feel anger for all the hurt your peers, parents, partners, siblings, teachers and co-workers caused over time, in order to be justified as a poor-me victim of life, to receive attention and comfort.
  • You believe you have to be proud on ‘what your people tend to believe and do’, in order to be a worthy representative of your tribe.

So hanging onto the emotional sensation may not look that appealing, but letting go of all the social goodies, like attention and acceptance attached to sticking to these positions, appeals even less!

For, you fear, internalised and incorporated somewhere deep down, that if you were to let go of these position your survival is seriously at stake.
And it is that social mental-emotional  position, you desire to survive (life?), is overpowering any willingness to really experience being alive, full throttle. It is that throttle that keeps propelling you in the direction you actually have great discomforts with.

For on soul-level, you being knows that far more important than your physical survival, is the quality of life while living it.
On soul-level, you know, that your chances on doing well on both physical survival and genuine high quality social interactions are much higher if you are also able to move ‘forward’ in life.

Letting go of the positions you are not actively in, anymore, means letting go of positions strongly related to past experiences, past roles you played in life.
It is therefore I call them here ex-positions.

And when you are in the no-position, with no-movement, then all options and all positions are open to you, in the here and now. Yes, you can go in reverse, if you so wish. But from here the option to move forward is open to too.
From the willingness(310) to exposition, gradually adding energy, you see and accept(350) the positions you are currently in, in you’re here and now. You see the reason (400) why you are here, the direction you fancy taking. You love (500)  where you are and were you are going, enjoying (540)  the ride, with peace of mind (600) and total awareness (700), even moving at high speed, of what is going on around you (thanks to mirrors all around) and full understanding on how you influence the quality of the flow of all traffic.

In going forward at high speed ( high resonances, high vibrations), you endeavour to show up very clearly ‘for all to see’ .  You aim to drive at the highest resonances you can currently reach for, timely indicating your intentions to others involved.
Really, this exposition of life is not much different from driving a car safely through traffic!

So the willingness to exposition has an iridescent multi-perspective, multicoloured meaning in this blog post.
Notice as well, that understanding that you are temporarily letting go of all ex-positions, in order to move happily forward on your journey, in a higher position, in a higher gear now… will teach you that you are not ripping out the other roles out of your life experience, the different positions you once had. They just transform, for the better (for all involved) .

And so then you’ll know that you don’t have to (and cannot really) ‘stop’ permanently ‘ being in those positions’.
But now you can integrate being All You Are, (also the range of 250 and up) without the fear-fuelled need to stick to driving in ‘reverse’.

Willingness therefor is to my mind much less about the willingness to 'do' something slightly different, but the willingness to stop, to re-asses the overall direction in your emotional gearbox. 

Tuesday, 6 December 2016


Hurry gets very often mistaken for being Happy.

And yes, they do have a lot in common!
  • Happy is usually rather quick and often busy, getting many things done very well. 
  • Well, Hurry is usually busy with doing many things often very quickly.

But ask Hurry and (s)he’ll confirm (s)he is not Happy.
Ask Happy and (s)he’ll confirm (s)she is not (in a) Hurry.

Happy uses ‘play’ for the story to be told at its natural intended speed and quality in any here-and-now.
Hurry runs thought the very same scenes applying ‘fast forward’, all the time.

Is it any wonder that these twins have difficulties spending time together in the same space?

But… wait a second….
Happy and Hurry actually energetical twins, or…….
one and the same, only having a different experience with life?

By....... choice??????

Saturday, 3 December 2016

the movie guideline

The movie guideline, is a really simple line of thought.
  • It honours the spirit of good and fair serious (inter) play.
  • Its wonderment structure,  works its magic by creating straight away a harmonious and creative BOTH/AND frame of mind.
  • It is useful for any person who likes to actively endeavour to perform in ways one knows to work best for all involved, honouring their own standards of good quality of life.

Here it is:
“I wonder…… would I be best pleased if my performance, right now, right here, acting the way I do,  in this scene, would be part of the movie of my life, for all to see, all over the world?”
For if the answer is a wholehearted ‘Yes’, it means you are BOTH pleased now with doing this, this way AND having a clear conscience about your performance, towards any person who might be(come) aware of you acting this way.

If the answer is leaning heavily to :
” OMG, NO.. this should never be openly shown or be known in public, it would ruin my reputation!”,
you are obviously still free to proceed.... in a Universe revolving around experiencing the natural consequences of you exercising your own freedom of choice.

However, any decent movie director will stop ‘wasting precious time on something of too low quality’ and call for shooting straight away a much better take 2:” Once more, with feeling…..please!”

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

clearing energy

In addition to the previous blog post, came this understanding.

When two or more people live together, maybe also work together, it can be compared to using the same workshop, as artist painters.
When they are living/working closely together, it can even be compared to using the same table on a regular basis.

Now picture that there is a person who doesn’t, for whatever reason, clean his dirty brushes in his own jar, but decides to dip them regularly into the jars of fresh water of the other(s)?

After a while, the other(s) will start to protest here and there, won’t they?
“Can you please make sure you clear your own stuff in your own jars, thank you!”
shall be the pivot of uttering some complaints.

Clearing and refreshing the jars is not much of an effort, no rocket science at all.
So why do they complain?
Why does developing a pattern of leaving that task always to another, not go down so well in the long run?

Of course, in a harmonious co-operative team:

  • cleaning the energetic jars with the social mental emotional residue muck, can be done ‘several at the time’ and
  • people will take turns to volunteer to do so.
  • No-one needs extensive ‘ thanks!’ for that. It is a simple friendly in a smooth workflow and will automatically be reciprocated without any fuss too, so
  • everybody can have the pleasure of staying in the flow of the work and play, without having to interrupt it for clearing their own jar individually every single time, when it gets troubled.
  • it is even perfectly OK, to dip your dirty brush into someone else's clean jar every now and then.

But if this natural automatic reciprocation is not happening and it is within in the team always the same people doing the energetic clearing up after the very same other people,  to keep the mutual energetic space workable and clean….. than this pattern does affect peace and harmoney on a very deep level: the sense of team spirit.

When it occurs temporarily, or for an objectively Very Good Reason where it is clear that a team member can’t be  contributing to this part of the co-operation ( but shows then genuine appreciation for being enabled by others to still make clear paintings in this mutual workspace), there will still enough foundation for peace and harmoney.
For it is part of team spirit, to give (simple) support to those who really can’t perform a task.

The thing is now that clearing energy, is a bit different from taking dirty mugs to the kitchen, or getting a round of coffee for everyone.
Not that much, if it is always the same people doing that for the very same others…….a similar undermining of the sense of team spirit is going on!
In this case, clearing your/an energy jar is not a physical ‘activity’, but a meta-physical procedure, that is, as I understand it, an intrinsically part of being alive, it is a soul capacity.
Anyone alive can ‘do’ it.

It is even my understanding that a person who doesn’t clear energy in his own here-and-now in a healthy natural way, for himself and regularly for the people he is actually sharing the same energetic space with….. will experience feeling less and less alive, well functioning as a fully healthy capable human being.

The reverse is, to my mind,  also true.

When one feels to need to make a major change in life, go somewhere else, do something else, leave everything behind, because you feel dull and numb and out of sorts, ‘ not happy’ and experiences all sorts of ‘lack’…. having endless lists of ‘things’ that are missing now, that would really make you happy….

Give a try to consciously clearing your own energy jars!

Of course you can probably find a new place where people like to welcome you on the team.
For you are so good in telling them nice things about their works of art and about all the other fantastic skills you see in them, for instance. People like hearing that.
And you can continue the habit to let other people do the energy jar clearing for you.
Trust that they will feel good about themselves for it…… until……. they don’t do it with a smile anymore and start wondering (out loud) what you actually are contributing to energise the team spirit of this team…...

So, yes... freedom of choice.
But the answers to these questions:
  • in who's jar(s)  do I clear my dirty life-residu brushes and 
  • how often you I refresh my own jar
  • how often do I recipricate clearing jars on my here-and-now team...
....are likely to have a lot of impact on the quality of life as you experience it.

How to refresh your clear energy jar?
Adding high-frequent small breaks, where you disconnect from all activities and relax your mind.

Sunday, 27 November 2016


Working on a Dutch website on the importance of taking short breaks on a high frequency ( mini-me-time) to keep your social mental-emotional state clear and fresh, this analogy came up.

Any water colour painter will know the importance of making sure you’ve got clear water in one jar.

The clear, fresh, transparent water is the carrier of the message you’ll add to it… the pigments you choose to add to it, in any shape you desire to form.
It is only, when you use clear fresh water, you’ll be able to preserve the lively light.
Which, for  those who don’t know this about this painting technique, is in a water colour painting not added by the painter… but is where the base, the paper, is still visible.

Not clearing your water on a high frequent regular basis will spoil the end result, so you do keep an constant eye on how clear your water is.

Replace ‘water’ with ‘energy’ and ‘water colour painting’ with ‘living’ and you know why I am such an advocate of regularly emptying a part of your system ( the energy-container) in an appropriate place (not over your canvas, nor somebody else’s) and get a refill of fresh clear energy.

It goes equally as quickly as emptying a jar of trouble water in the sink, opening the tap, washing the jar and filling it with clear water, before returning to you canvas.

You may think:" But I don't like working with clarity...!"
"Maybe I am living my life more like an oil painting artist... !? They don't use clear water as a carrier. They don't need transparancy on every layer to preserve the surface of the canvas in places, leaving parts untouched .. !They simply add the touches of light at the end."
Well, in real life painting you may have a choice on which techniques appeal most to you and when you master the skills, end up with satisfying results.
In this case here, I would say, that unless you are a car or another industrial machine, who get's a regular refill on oil (product) to run smoothly, who's systems short circuit and break down when water gets poored into it........
If you happen to be a living human being..... .you are more than 80% water, in every single cell of your body.
You do not end up with satisfying results, being troubled.
Refresh your content, at the 'tap of life'...... clear water, clear energy.

Thursday, 24 November 2016


What does a palette of choice sorceress do?
Well, she loves to put a spell on you!
Let me spell :” I am loving my life.”, for all to see
Using a special magic ABC

Awareness (of)

Applied simultaneously, wholehearted, all at once present in your mind’s eye
Or playing slowly, sequencial, ONE at the time, to gently familiarize yourself with the ‘why’?
In a Dutch sorceress here and now,
they clearly point to the very same!  ‘How’?

Awareness  (actieve bewustzijn)
Being (bewust zijn, wezen, wat iets is)
Consciousness (totale bewustzijn)


Tuesday, 22 November 2016

truth traits

What we find normal about dealing with money, may hold value in dealing with social-emotional interactions: exchanging values.

When you handle real money a lot, as a profession, working in a shop or at the bank, you develop skills to distinguish valid money in a split-second from  money that looks alright to the general public, but is not official produce from the banking system.

Sometimes the ‘fake notes’ need real close scrutiny, even for a professional, but very often it simply doesn’t feel right, or look right, to the trained eye and fingertips.

As an empath (with 10 years of hands-on professional information management under the belt), I can sense quite subtle discrepancies between what people really think-and-feel (intent and aim at) in relation to what the words they use and how it is presented (in form and actions).
As a professional in working with human interactions of exchanging energy, I can detect when when a message is suspiciously not quite fully genuine. I feel it, see it, when the handed out values are no genuine  produce from the Universal ‘banking’ system called ‘life experience’.

I can share some of my insights on how I can tell, using what you know about bank notes, as an example.

I am going to be painstakingly obvious here.
Please bear with me.
  • You recognise it general shape, for it matches what you’ve seen before
    (only goes for your own currency…. a note may be genuine, but from another currency system you are not familiar with)
  • It has likely values on it.
    (20, 25, 50, 100 are more likely than 33 and 89, let alone 32,5 or 88,7)
  • It has a front side, with many things on it ….. and a back side, with sometimes similar but yet quite different things on it
    (the complexity and variety of traits is created on purpose, so forgery is discouraged)
  • Front and backside are one ( same size, same paper, no layers in-between)
  • Within one currency, comparing notes with different values, they surely are different, usually have a different colour and often contain a different main picture, but  also have many consistencies in their general lay-out. Certain traits are always found on the same ‘spot’.         

As a member of the general public, you will immediately doubt notes with very unlikely values, notes that are completely blank or black on one side, or cobbled and glued together layers of paper.

The same goes with really clunky forged truths, often called ‘ thick obvious lies’

It is really important in the world of human energy exchange, which takes place in energy vibrations,  to take into account that people may be bringing you vibrational values that resonate on you as a very unlikely 21,6 or 41,7, but are actually genuine, life-experienced truths.
Very much like the international banking system, if you meet people from another circle of cultural circumstances, sometimes ‘conversion’ is in order… checking with the current real-time conversion-rate going between systems.
Which may give you the impression that it is easier to detect forged values within the circle of people of your own cultural background. 

However, if you are collectively holding some ideas to be true, that are actually at variance with real life experience ( human nature)… you may strongly believe those note to be true… use them yourself even on a daily bases (for everybody you know is using it confidently and accepting it everywhere you go)… but it still didn’t come from the only real Universal banking system of expressing energy in motions: life experience.

The first checkpoint when you desire to verify the authenticity of a value is, taking sometime time to interact with the person bringing this value to you.
Does (s)he belief in its authenticity?

Not unlike somebody who is trying to get away with handing out a forged banknote, and (s)he is aware of that, such a person will behave differently when you hold that note a while longer, start to play with it, look at it with more interest.

When you perceive behaviour like ‘not looking you straight in the eye, attempts to distract your focus from this value to something else (that is either obviously true, or ..... charming you), eagerness to speed proceedings up….’ are equally true when somebody wants you to accept and belief something they know not to be entirely true.

So, playing with the truth somebody is giving out from his beliefs system and holding it with interest to the light, asking honestly interested curious questions about its origin, is something only a person who is honestly convinced of the authenticity will appreciate to spend time on with you.

For….. I know to be true…. people like to talk about the backgrounds of their genuine life experiences, the values they hold dear. 
So when you show interest in both the face-value (opinions, ideas) as well as the backside,  most people don’t mind at all to spend a few minutes chatting about that.

A great litmus test for authentic truth is 'flipping'it'.
For, like money has its marked value on the whole note, regardles from which side you look at it, despite the fact that they are opposing sides and different.... all Universal Truths are paradoxes too.
When you 'flip it', it will look and be the opposite side, but still holds the same value/truth!
So, trying to make fun of a truth, flipping it around, going to the exact oppsite side and inquire if the bringer is equally happy and confident with that happening, sees the value and fun in that too, is a great indicator for it holding great Universal value.
That can be done asking the question:" Can you put yourself in the reverse position of the one you are presenting me with now.... what do you see?"
Somebody who doesn't like people to flip his truths around, alter perspective, only want to look at it the way he presents it, from a certain perspective and distance, isn't confident that from whichever angle you look at it, it will show clearly the very same value........

The more enthusiastically and detailed a person can tell you about all the inns and outs and can answer in depth questions about the core-value system, with a genuine smile and twinkle in the eye, the more likely it is that this person has actually used this value himself over and over again for years and has experienced its real value in his life. Chances are, it is a genuine currently still valid note from the Universal bank of life experiences.

Give away trait
Which brings me to the main trait even the most well crafted counterfeit produced values I have come across in my experience, fail to re-produce with accuracy.
Whether the note is single-handedly produced by the person standing in front of me, or multi-handedly by the collective of his culture … that doesn’t make  a difference.
It is the watermark of Universal authenticity, the vibe of wholeheartedness.

Every single genuine life-experienced note of real value, has ‘ the heart in it’.

If you look at the image above, you’ll see in a corner, on each side, this image.

It is the only feature ( apart from the fibres of the paper) that connects front and backside and is only viewed whole and complete, when it is ‘in the light’.

And only, only, when front-and backside fully align (what you say you belief and what speaks  out of your actions, matches what you mean, by the heart of (your own) life experience…. then and only then, the heart shape shows welle and complete.

The paper is  transparent there!…
Most counterfeit produce can’t get the transparency right, so you can only see half a heart on whichever side you hold it against the light.

Many people don’t know what these odd little abstract vibes are all about, so .....often a mind-made reproduction/interpretation of it is made.
Where I even came across this: not getting the direction right on one side ( like in the image above).
Even if the value had been transparent, it wouldn’t show a heart, but two not connected shapes.

And then, when people are doing their best on transparency and get both halves of the heart in the/roughly the same place (the here and now, area) , it is very difficult to align both ‘prints’ and ‘cuts’ in such a way that it always fits seamlessly, no matter how often they give notes of this value out.

That only succeeds, in my experience, in genuine produce coming from the Universal banking system, applying the sturdy fibres and various colours of the highest values in the life-experience.

To which, every living being on this Earth, is very much invited to help clear the system:
With play, with light, with curiosity with taking an interest in both sides and …… making sure to give  people authentic notes,  where you see, inside/out  the whole heart picture: transparent and present, in any here and now.

Yes, clearing the system, also means testing the values in the belief system wallet that you got culturally handed over from generation to generation, knowing that REAL Universal Natural Truths, will always show up wholeheartedly, no matter where they are: fully, transparent, simple and clear.

The watermark of the Universal Love of Life.

Friday, 18 November 2016

the saying 'no' strategy

So often heard:
  • " I am having a lot on my plate' (personally) 
  • " we are 'having a lot on our plate' (as a group/organisation)
followed by, 
  • "so I/we now say 'no' to just about everything'

It sets of all my alarm bells as being a risky business.

This approach may on a short term seem a good idea, to survive the stress of getting all the tasks done that are now on your plate.
On the long(er) term, this is NOT a sustainable wellbeing supporting information and energy management strategy!

In my experience, saying ' no' to just about everything, as a surviving strategy of ‘what is now’ , is saying 'no' to living life.

This is not a at all a plea to say ‘yes’ to things you really don’t want to say ‘ yes’ to!
Also not a plea on thoughtlessly piling 'yes-things' onto your plate, in a linair (stacking them up) way, whatever falls of, falls of......

It is a plea to keep consciously assessing, BOTH what is now on your plate, AS WELL AS any new appealing opportunities arising (here, now).

Replacing the question,
“What shall I say ‘no’ to?”,
“I wonder how I can harmonise all the things I like to say yes to’,
opens up the co-creative re-arranging powers of you and the ‘Universe’.

Feel fully free to not choose following up on this advise.
I am honouring my highest truth.
If I am aware of someone walking into a direction, known to me to hold severe wellbeing threatening risks, I will bring the information of what I know to work better, to their attention.
One cannot choose what one is not aware of.
All within the context of knowing that all people have full freedom of choice. 

Thursday, 17 November 2016

paradigm fun

Two people, walking the path of life, are having a turbulent conversation about the importance of caring for others, in order to make the most of life.

The ego-centric person exclaimed:
”Others? Why should I bother with others, if I can simply have it all?”
The altruistic person replied fiercely in horror:
” I wish someone could teach you a real good life lesson!”

Since they are both walking their path soooo closely to Joy, the purple sorceress picks up on their turbulence and miraculously appears.
“ There is a difference of opinion about dealing with others here, I notice?”

‘Yes, sorceress, PLEASE explain how it is impossible to have peace of mind if you don’t bother with others, at all.”

The purple sorceress looks really rather puzzled on this request.

Then she replied enigmatically:
“ Peace of mind might also be found when one sees how this holds truth:
BOTH the ego-centrics AND the fully enlightened will NOT see the purpose in bothering with ‘others’.

The ego-centric smiles and walks on, boasting:” So, I am right then!”

The altruistic person pauses for a second, gazes with wonderment at the sorceress and then laughs with a new twinkle in her eye.
She thanks the sorceress for this Really Good Life Lesson, that opened her spiritual eyes.
Fully spiritually awake now, she walks on too, with a wide open heart and peace of mind coming now from the paradigm of being one, knowing all to be interacting parts within the inseparable one consciousness.

The sorceress giggles at the magic and wonder of playing with words :
Two answers to the very same questions can be exactly the same in words.... and yet coming from a completely different deeper understanding and intention, produce a completely different set of behaviour and perceptions on what makes 'quality of life'
There is freedom of choice, even in choosing your paradigm.

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

crossroads: happiness or joy?

Having a fair amount of misery left behind me….what to choose?
He, look, a cross-road in life! How convenient. Guidance on my path.

Let’s see……
Hum…… is  JOY not the same as HAPPINESS?
My own personal happiness, containing all the things that please me, is indicated to be the left.

Sounds like  a ‘joy’ to me…..
Why is ‘my joy’ then indicated to be to the right?

Oooooo...... is this supposed to be the point in my spiritual growth where I have to abandon all the things that please me, personally, to experience MY JOY?

That seems like a no-brainer to me…let’s go left… !
I can always try spiritual growth some other lifetime.

  • Why is this little playful purple sorceress staring so intently at me, freezing me in my tracks?
  • Why is she pointing out that this whole website, where I am staring at this cross road,  is about being able to make both/and choices…not only either/or?
  • Why would it be that those distant images of happiness and joy seem to have so much in common….?


The sorceress:
Consider that soul deep JOY includes your personal happiness (BOTH/AND) , while pursuing your own happiness (on the expense of the freedom of choice and self-expression of others), is not heading for soul deep joy.
For your soul longs to resonate harmoniously with all ( not only the people you like better on face value than others, or find more palatable to interact with) ….knowing….. we are all one: blocking out another, is harming the (sustainable happiness of) self.

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Har-Money in Europe

Open letter to:
the main entities involved in representing, guarding and developing the system of European Values:
  • Mario Draghi, the president of the ECB ( European Central Bank)
  • Donald Tusk, the president of the European Counsel
  • The parliament of Europe

C:C: all involved in the collective consciousness

Dear all,

With this open letter, I am applying for a function on the European team, as the Creative Head of Project Harmoney.

In this letter, I will outline the thoughts behind Project Harmoney and introduce myself.

About me:

I am a Dutch, 44 year old woman, currently living in France.
I am independently active as an advisor in sustainable community developments.
My expertise lies in a combination of fields: 

  • I have a bachelor degree as a teacher in human interactions
  • I have then years of experience as an information specialist in the public domain, with a focus on developing online information management systems online.
  • I am an empath ( sensitive to what people really think and feel)
  • I am a natural 80/20 thinker
  • I have an affinity for seeing  practical simple, seriously playful, relatively ‘los cost’ ways on influencing the belief systems in the collective consciousness. Soulful ways, that are designed to : empower people to be able to invest their own talents, apply their own inner wisdom  and highest understandings of ‘quality of life’ smoothly in everyday life.
  • Through active experience, I know three cultures from living with it and speak their respective languages well: Dutch (native), British and French.

With this combination of strengths, I am dedicating my life to supporting the social emotional and mental developments of communities.
Strengthening the inner strength of the social fabric, by broadening the perceptions horizons:

  • from seeing increasingly problems and  ‘lack’ everywhere
    ( what people believe needs dealing with, by applying ‘more money’),
  • to seeing increasingly opportunities for intra- and interpersonal growth
    (what both scientific and esoteric sources point out to be achieved by applying more truth in harmony)

The European Union
Founded on an understanding that peace and prosperity stand a much better chance, when nations are on speaking terms with each other and cooperate on important issues, The European Union developed in the decades after World War II.
In all those decades, turbulence and differences of opinion, have always played a part in the developments. These questions usually form the heart of those matters:
  • ‘ what can the  people in Europe freely decide for themselves, in their own cultural ways’ and
  • ‘ what would be better, for all parties involved, to be governed from Brussels and Strasbourg?’

Currently, there seems to be an reasonably strong current in the collective consciousness where the people of Europe are indicating that they need more freedom in expression their own ways and less ‘Europe’, less ‘adapting to others’., to thrive, to be happy.

Any ‘others’ that seem to take a bite out of our money-minded security,  are looked upon with increasing suspicions and a sense of threat  and the sentiments of desiring to protect what is ‘ours’ arise.

On those sentiments, the Brits have voted to leave, despite that most people who think twice about it, acknowledge that Brexit, separating into smaller units again, is not doing the overall stability much good.
The same sentiments are alive in other countries within Europe.

In the international field, more fascinating choices have been made recently.
Do people really want to step away from efforts of peace-keeping and open, calm dialogue in the world, by focussing on the ‘lack’ there is in their first world everyday life circumstances?

They say, if you are healthy, you have many wishes, if you are unhealthy only one.
The same, I guess is true for peace. If you live in peace, you have many wishes, if you are at war, only one.

Please understand me right here.
I am not saying that those issues, felt by so many people in the Western World are not true or valid!

Based on my experience, I am wondering if the core of the matter doesn’t lie deeper, in the social emotional dynamic systems. ( It usually does, the actual cause of this type of problems is hardly ever found in the world of appearances).

The majority of people in the Western World do not feel to live  in peace, which is why they feel they need to fight for their personal freedom.
They may see and appreciate that they live in a country where there is a fair amount of physical free trade, free travel and physical safety....
Within themselves, however, in their meta-physical world, they don’t see ‘peace of mind’ and feel many limitations placed upon themselves in free trade, free flow and safety to express their freedom of Being Who They Really Are.

The war, most people are in, on a day to day basis, is an internal war between Who They Really Are (a free spirit, a knowing man:  homo sapiens) and the rules and regulations of their own society, they feel placed upon themselves, that are at variance with their nature, their core values as a person.

Cutting the ties with your planetary neighbours is most likley not going to end such an inner war within people.

From my point of view, I think there is a chance here to serve both needs ( BOTH physical peace AND  prosperity and meta-physical peace and a sense of abundance) .

By applying the resources of central government wisely… to increase the peace of mind of individuals in the community, gentle, playful ways that encourage people to do more meta-physical things ‘their way’… their natural, free spirit way.

About the project:

I have a very concrete idea in mind.
It is  based with one leg in the experiences gained in a major physical change in the collective European value system, all adults currently alive in Europe remember well: the introduction of the Euro.
The other leg stands in our collective understandings that money in the daily economic flow needs to be ‘real’ and ‘ whole’ and ‘clean’. So we are all familiar with systems being put in place to secure that only real, good standard money goes from bank to wallets to tills back to the banks again.
Only this time, the Europeans invite everybody to trade with the meta-physical currency of  Har-money, using personal style, as welle as modern means like a website and apps.

What if:......
Everybody is invited to work,  as a freelance ambulant ex-change officer, for the European Central Bank of Harmoney ( ECBoH), where various types of transactions ( in energy in motion… thoughts and feelings!) can occur in a slightly different mindset from being a powerless ordinary civilian.

For instance, as an freelance ambulant ex-change officer for the ECBoH:
  • You can encounter a ‘stranger’ who is giving you his/her honest values.
    As a civilian in society, what this person wants to give you, may seem unacceptable to you, so in that function/mind-set, you may feel you have to say: ‘stop, wait, this value is not valid in my/our system, you MUST give me something I value’.
    But as a staff member for the ECBoH, you can accept his honest human values  anyway and ex-change them,  straight away, with a friendly smile, into the values you know to be of real and high value in your system. acknowledging that their notes/values do matter to him/her, in another, probably well working system.
    The energetical equivalent of physical Moroccan Dirham’s, Brasillian Reals, US Dollars or Russian Rubbles ,his foreign to you thoughts and feelings, are simply are released by you into the Central Banking System for international exchange. You, personally ‘ loose’ nothing of value… what you give out from the Har-Money wallet you carry all the time, will be replaced.
  • You can encounter notes that vaguely look like real Har-money, but are all fumbled up, dirty, torn or incomplete.
    As a civilian in society, you may really frown upon receiving these. You may feel you have to make critical remarks about  the horrid shape or state of it.  You may even resist accepting them, insisting on receiving something more pristine.
    But as a staff member for the ECBoH, you can accept them anyway and ex-change them,  straight away, with a friendly smile, for whole, complete, clear and fresh notes. For it is easy for you to  acknowledge that these notes/values have served their purpose and it is time now for them to be taken out of the active flow, for recycling in the system.
    The incomplete dirty notes  are released into the Central Banking System. You simply, consciously and thoroughly wash your meta-physical hands before touching anything else and again….what you give out from the Har-Money wallet you carry all the time, will be replaced.
  • You can encounter false notes. They may appear to be the real deal, they may even be shiny and smooth and really good looking, but…. being/becoming an expert on what highest truth vibes, real Har-money, actually feels like and looks like, you are pretty sure this isn’t it. It hasn’t all the traits of being really true.

    As a civilian in society, you may really reject receiving these, when you notice it. You know that when you starts handing those notes out anywhere else, it may get you in really big trouble!.
    But as a staff member for the ECBoH, you have a wider range of options.
    When you suspect that this person received these false notes somewhere else, without actually noticing the falseness of these well-appearing notes, you can simply accept them with a smile, helping a trusted community-member to complete the desired transaction.
    It is an exception and treated as such, without any fuss ( there are many phoney notes that look very real in rotation!). As part of the Clearing-Harmoniously-The-Whole-System operation, you simply label this note as ‘likely to be false’ and the Central Banking System deals with it.
    Again….what you give out from the Har-Money wallet you carry all the time, will be replaced.
    But sometimes, it occurs, that the very same person, regularly brings an awful lot of phoney notes under your attention.  You can still accept the notes and trade them for ones you know are real. But you may decide you want to act upon this  recurring pattern.
    Before you jump to the conclusion that this person is probably the source of creating those false notes themselves ( for their own profit on the expense of others)  and should be arrested and punished for it…. there is also the likely possibility that they are confidently tapping into another source they actually blindly trust and are simply not as trained in distinguishing real Har-money notes, from counterfeit produce, as you are.
    You may want to share your understandings, to raise real Har-money awareness, on the built-in-traits in real Har-money.
If you are afraid that in this case you might be dealing with a real crook, who is really trying to deceive you on purpose, giving you willingly phoney Har-money notes of his own making, abusing your wallet of real Har-money… then you can alert the ECBoH to get in touch with this person.Let’s face it, when the news is out that you always give out real Harmoney, you are like a honey-pot for crooks. But that is where the system takes responsibility for the wellbeing of her freelance ambulant ex-change workers.
On your initiative,  the person get’s an alert from the ECBoH, though e-mail or sms. Usually  you are that close to such a person, that you know those details. It will state kindly that it has been noted within the system that a pattern of giving out dubious truths has been observed.  Choices are given on how it is advised to proceed, with the aim to raise awareness on the negative (trust deteriorating) social emotional effects of passing on phoney Har-money notes has in civil society. An invitation is included to join the ECBoH, where your Har-money wallet will always be replaced with whatever real Har-money notes you truthfully express.
The latter eliminates the  need to be the producer of ….. what is usually referred to as ‘lies’ or ‘deliberately incomplete truths’… in an attempt to make non-fitting energetical ends meet, in a ways that destroys meta-physical peace of mind and structural integrity of the relations this person is having.

Such a seriously playful way of expanding the use of real Har-money, honouring spiritual, social and physical needs, applying insights on strengthening meaningful relations, as free spirits, respecting the various social context people are living in, would kick-start a positive development cycle. In Europe, of course, but he….. technically is real Har-money a worldwide accepted natural currency, recognised and accepted by all people…..

Will it need resources to create this?
Yes, it will need a fair amount of good old Euros to build such a website and the apps in a technically and aesthetically  high quality way, in all languages spoken in the EU.
It will take a fair budget to communicate clearly and widely about this initiative, so people do know about it and can choose to apply for being a freelance ambulant ex-change worker for the ECBoH.

First  of all, this idea needs thinking about!
Do you, as the leaders of Europe, consider using your resources and influence to actively raise awareness and support people in seeing what they can do themselves in the flow of Har-Money,  their unique way, to be a good idea?

It almost goes without saying, that I would love to be involved, from  answering questions you might have prior to making a decision, to being actively involved in the creation process, with my expertise on influencing the meta-physical layers of the physical world, wisely.

Thank you for giving this ( unconventional) idea appropriate attention and letting me know how it resonates with you.

Enjoy your day,

Esther Dageraad
advisor in sustainable cummunity developments

Friday, 11 November 2016

The apple: practical

The apple story continues.
Here is more Food for Thought, (a meta-physical puff-pastry) containing apple.

Where a good number of previous blog posts can be viewed as being rather abstract, this one is rather practical.

It is in a very practical way describing how you can familiarize yourself with using the glue WITH for you projects , without having to let go of the more familiar glue FOR (yet), that you are taught you need (have to apply) for your physical survival.
Using the image of the multi-dimensional cross-sections of the one apple.

You may find this blog post tasty and nourishing when you've got an appetite for boosting the quality of your life.

“ Yes, ...the quality of my life could really do with a boost”

First step:
Let’s check if you are making connections in your life using the glue FOR.

By asking yourself a lot of ‘why’ questions.
Why am I investing time and energy in the things I invest my time and energy in?

Do your answers fit into this format?
  • I do THIS, so THAT happens/ I do THIS to avoid THAT from happening.
  • If I don't do THIS, then THAT happens/ If I don’t do THIS then THAT doesn't happen... 

Is that true?
Then the rest of this blog posts may be of interest to you as a simple way to improve the quality of your life.
As a side line, before getting practical, let’s have a look at what applying this format onto your life choices, says about the way you mind your palette of choice.
Implicitly it shows that:
  • You have a preference for seeing those specific EFFECTS in your world and you make the desirability of the outcome leading in your choice process.
  • That you are making predominantly mental LINEAIR (either/or) connections
  • That you a pretty sure (doing) THIS to be the only way, to create THAT effect.
Which is fine! Don’t get me wrong. It works well in many situations.

However, if you can stay open to the possibility that this is not your whole palette of choice and other reasoning MAY also be (-come) valid (if for no better reason than that you don’t really enjoy doing the things you feel you have to do), than you can seize this as an opportunity to play with non-lineair interrelatedness.

Bewildered? Not having answers on how that can be done?
Good answers have a tendendy to come to the front on answering good questions.....

Second step:
The wonderment start here on this good question:

“ HOW ELSE could it be possible to see the EFFECT I like to appear in my world, in another way, than it is done now?”

Wonderment opens the valves of creative juices and new inspiration to flow into your world.

Let’s take the real life example brought under my attention earlier this week.
“ If I don't shop, we don't eat.”

Between the lines it clearly reads:” I don’t like doing the shopping much...but I sure like to eat something!”

Other ways of having the groceries in the house, without having to go out yourself to the shops to buy them, could for instance be found in wondering:

  • Is there somebody else who simply loves to shop... who might be willing to do it for me? (For 'nothing', for money, or in exchange for something you are enjoying to give/share)

  • Is there a way where it is indeed ME organising groceries to come to my home, but I am not leaving the house for it at all?
    (online grocery delivery services…) 

Whether or not these specific answers/options are workable for you, is not so relevant here in this context. They are here as examples, opening your mind for the realisation that it is possible to see things differently and to do things differently, while ( and that is important for your peace of your mind)….. still having the likeliness for creating the the same material results: groceries to eat in the home.

third step:
So, with a more open mind to seeing options for doing something a bit differently, I now go a dimension of living up. ( This is a puff-pastry ... it contains many layers ;-) )
I am connecting the dimension of the soul, the layer of your innermost being to the daily energy investments.

The practical steps, started with asking ‘WHY?’, where you would formulate your effect-related matching answera to the task you are performing.
You identify why you feel you have to do it.
You may think this routine task is limiting your freedom?
You'd rather do something else, something more fun, more creative, more rewarding……?

On your way to ‘more freedom’, I am suggestion you to add another layer/dimension of WHY, to the reason why you are performing this task and…..
I am suggesting to use consistently the very same answer, over and over again, alongside (= non-lineair) to the effect you prefer to see appearing.

"Why am I investing time/energy in this?"

They answer may look like this:

  • “ FOR creating effect X (Y and Z) AND because it is an opportunity to invest and develop my strengths and talents

    A bit shorter:
  • FOR effect X ( Y and Z) WITH my talents”

In choosing to make the connection with both FOR and WITH, you are miraculously turning a ‘have to’ into a ‘want to’, a 'like to'.

You are emotionally stepping away from a task being a 'burden', where you don't have much choice... "it just has to be done."

You are emotionally energetically stepping into the joyful territory of deciding which of your talents you are investing and developing here and now with this time/energy investment.
Producing the desired material effects almost as a side-effect of seizing an opportunity.

side step to step 3:
Now you may wonder, “ What are my strengths and talents?”
If you don't already have a fair idea on that, I suggest you’d go to this website.

You've got to register ( it’s free) and then take the test called 'VIA survey of character strengths'.

In about half an hour of being totally honest to yourself, about yourself (important!) , answering 240 questions, you'll be presented with the 5 natural strengths/talents of your unique being.
It is a scientifically validated psychology test, created by Martin Seligman and his ( how-to-increase-wellbeing) research team.
By filling it in, you are providing valuable data to this research on human wellbeing too.

So, instead of only making a vertical cross-section of the apple-eating (energy consuming)  task at hand, seeing the half-heartedly, (resentfully-at-times, even) shape in your core.
Seeing “there is the task on the one hand side and the desired effect on the other and I just have to swallow it, since there is nothing else to be seen…..”
( the left panel in the illustration above)....

You are simultaneously making a horizontal cross-section in the very same apple.
Where, you see your unique 5 full-of-new-life-seeds you can saw into this opportunity for new developments. And a twinkle/ a star in the middel of your core.
( the right panel in the ilustration above).....

Freedom of choice, again. Hurrah!
You are free to simply pick 1 strength/talent from the 5...or combine several, stick them all in the fertile soil of this energy-investement opportunity and see what happens.

Chances are, you will be enjoying performing those tasks more, for... they become an expression of your Highest/Best Self.
The way you work, the way you shop, the way you wash laundry..... cannot be duplicated by any other person, the same way.....

In the process you get to really know and understand your own talents.

You are incorporating your soul (your being) into your doing.
In investing the best you've got to offer, to your best abilities, you are improving the quality of (your) life.
Not as a side-effect of obtaining the material effects at some point in time, by doing things in a half hearted way.
As an instantaneous effect (authentic happiness) of being the expressed best version of Who You Really Are, right now, right here, seizing more and more opportunities to be that, to know yourself as multi-dimensionally whole-hearted….. as the whole apple.

Funny afterthought, play on words:
Some changes seem big, but are actually achieved with making small tweaks.

How can I 'apple' my (whole) self?
How can I 'apply' my (whole) self?

Apple is using an E ( Energy), it's a fruit of labour
Apply is a transformation of that energy WITH knowing why ('Y'), as a fruit of labour of .......
mix the letters of V O E L...--Dutch for feel--.... in any meanignful order on the dots ;-) 


Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Expo Basics

This ‘ apple painting’ analogy, is still with me.
Today, I am using the paintings again, but… like I love doing… I flip them around.

To explain something (rather obvious to me, apparently not to evident to everyone) basics on what works well in presenting your true colours and lively image in the exposition of ‘life’ we all form together.

For this thought experiment, picture yourself to be this work of art created by the Master Creator, in the original frame (of mind).

And let’s say you’ve been selected by the museum of life to be visible to the public.
a.k.a. you are alive.. paintings that are ‘dead’ are not gone forever,  simply stored in the central archives of the museum of life, to come back another day, in another setting, for another exposition
Then, there are a couple of pointers on ‘what works best’,  in no matter what context you are in:
  • Regardless of how many other paintings are mounted on your current wall,
  • Regardless of how publicly accessible your current wall is,
  • Regardless of how many people look at you….
  • Regardless of if you understand why you are part of this exposition-space, what the theme here is and if you see the beauty in this overall setup…..
  • Regardless of if you know yourself to be a small painting or a large one……


With physical paintings it is soooooo obvious, that if the panel comes loose of the frame, or is set in a frame that doesn’t fit,  TLC is needed to fix that first.

Then the painting is put on a wall, on a level that works for it to be seen. Not too low, not too high and in an ecstatically pleasing composition with the other paintings on the wall… in such a way that they can all be seen in this context.

The picture side is facing the inside of the room, the backside is facing the wall.

As an advisor in  what works best to enjoy life, personally and collectively, I see that many people look to solve their enormous problems with life anywhere … except, in these three basics. 
This is where I transfer this very image to the meta-physical world, the world of our thoughts, feelings and beliefs.
Mark: I know none of us is flat, or static. Most of us are hanging on various walls on the very same day (at home, at work, in social gatherings…etc) Despite those differences, the analogy works well.
Simply observe:
Am I standing straight, feeling centred, at peace in my mind?
If not….. TLC: to the body, to the mind….. do what is needed (to yourself!) to fit, without tension in your own frame.

Am I feeling levelled, at the right emotional height in this context?
This is a little bit more complicated to discern… for you can be on your intended level, and another painting on the same wall may have shifted, so the relative position isn’t as intended anymore.
Check first if you feel sad/angry in yourself, about yourself:
  • Feeling angry: you strings are too tights, you moved higher than you are intended to be.
  • Feeling sad: you strings are too loose, you fell lower than you are intended to be.
Still sad/angry, but now about some other paintings position in relation to you:
  • Communicate about the interrelation, within this context.

Last but surely not least.
The wall, in my meta-physical understanding within this analogy, can be understood as ‘the past’.
It is solid and… it doesn’t move or change.
It is what is behind you, the accumulation of what mattered in your experience, that is holding your hook of the here and now in the right indented position, in this context.
Your frame of mind, should best, with it’s string at the backside, under the right tension, be on that hook.
You are in the here and now, gently strung to your past, facing forward., into this here and now situation, showing your real deal artwork to whomever is laying an eye on you.
In my experience, most people experiencing problems with life, put their picture out there, facing the wrong way, looking constantly at the past. 

Showing what?
Their real colours or the reproduction of their real artwork? Who knows….. ?
Becasue what is visible in the only real exposition room of life, the here and now, is the energetical back side of this work of art of life.

The painting/person is out of order: “ Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause”

The person is either twisting his string into strange high tension bends, in order to succeed hanging there in reverse.
Or, like in the illustration above, the string has broken and the painting is simply standing there, facing the back wall, wondering why life was so good in the exposition halls in the past and has turned so dark now.

It hasn’t, apply some basics and you'll see.

Turn your attention to the here and now, the context of the exposition hall you are in now, relating to the people who are curious to see what stories life has to tell with your presence in this context.
No painting next to you on the very same wall, looking at the very same here and now context, at the moment? He, you may be the first to be put out on this wall, in a new exhibition area.... or..... the only master piece to admire on this wall, for telling an important aspect of life all by yourself?
And yes, you are right if you observe something to be a bit odd here.
This is where the paradoxes of life start to give an interesting dynamics within itself….. .
Every person is intened to be simultaneously both the work of art, on the wall and the visitor walking past. Both the observer and the creation, moving constantly the walls of the exposition, in the process.

Mindboggling? Amazing? Fascinating?
In any case, both work of art, or visitor..... not by staring at the walls.
Simply allow them to form your here and now context, in which you are all aspects, observer, creation, creator.

Just start (and keep regularly an eye) on the basics on being a part of an interesting lively exposition.


For the same goes for being an actively involved visitor ;-)
For the same goes for being an actively involved co-creator ;-)

And: if you do want to apply for a co-creator function in life's expo-hall, being trusted with the responsibility to (co-) decide what is happening.....ask yourself:
Would you hire yourself for that task if you are not showing that at least you are able of putting your own authenitic painting up 'comme il faut':
  • straight, horizontally and vertically alligned
  • fitting a suitable frame,  
  • the string attached, with the appropriate tension, 
  • (actively) facing the here-and-now
  • on a level that works well, given the context you are in?

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

The Apple Story of Consciousness

Yesterday, I introduced the idea of using a diptych/triptych  to tell a coherent story in parts. Each part can be seen separately and shows already a complete picture. 
But where the different parts are seen together, fully and wholly present at the same time in the same place, as intended, they convey a higher truth, a broader understanding. Each panel then silently broadcasts even more meaning, in the unseen, for being in this multi-perspective context.

The images I used, of a triptych of an apple, actually form a great metaphor for telling a story about one meta-physical ‘apple’ of life:  being one multidimensional consciousness.

Let me first tell the story while looking at a physical apple, the top triptych in the illustration above.

Each of the three parts, tells individually the tale of an aspect of this apple, where only one actually depicts the whole apple.
You might think that the overall picture would already ‘do’ it, if you are after seeing an apple.
But, you can’t fully understand what this apple IS, without being aware of the structures on the inside.
Looking at the cross-section of the apple, being cut vertically, a world of understanding suddenly opens up about previously invisible aspects of this apple.
It apparently has a core, that contains seeds. It apparently is divided in two halfs, both containing a seed.

We already know by experience quite a lot about an apple, so this isn’t an enormous surprise to our minds, to find a core and two seeds on either side of the middle line.
But imagine for a moment that you didn’t know already what was inside…. and realise: It could be anything!
But, there is more to this work of art, since it is a triptych!
This  series of three also contains a cross-section of the apple cut horizontally, right though the middle, on seed-level.
Again, since you already know quite a lot about an apple from your experiences of eating them…. it may not come as a huge surprise to find 5 seeds in a star form.

Can you see, that technically, based on two perspectives only, (the outside appearance of the whole apple and the vertical cross-section), you cannot fully understand the setup of an apple?
You cannot know the actual shape of the seeds, nor the length of them, nor the sum total amount of seeds, until you have a third perspective.
If you had a real half apple in your hand, you could obtain that information by peeling one out and look, to find out…. ( adding the third perspective of ‘looking at the seeds’, peeled out of their context ‘in’ the apple)
But still… wouldn’t have an idea of the natural relative position to each other and the rest of the apple.
Who cares….. ? Most people are not interested much in the seeds or the core anyway, being only apple consumers: seeing the soft sweet tissue as ‘usefull/food’ and the rest as waste-material to throw away?
It is the horizontal cross-section image that is completing the story on the apple inside and out.
With your imagination, you can deduct from looking at these perspectives , all there is to know about the setup and structure of an apple.

Now, I am taking this real apple into a more abstract level, the apple triptych on the second row tells a  story about (human) consciousness. Not very different, based on the very same apple, simply outlining something more abstract.
I am going to illustrated this also on quite a personal level…
The next part reveals some of my experiences in life, as a part of a diptych/triptych work of art, I understand myself to be in relation to my twin soul.

The centre piece, is the whole consciousness. The all that is, as is, complete and whole.

I am a part of that one consciousness, telling mainly the story of being open to the abundance of seeds for new developments, new generations of consciousness, that is within the perfect circle of the whole and it’s non-linear position within the whole. I am the cross-section, straight through the apple on seed level. The panel on the right, in the picture.

My twin soul,is telling this part of the story of this triptych.
He is not the other half of the same apple. He is not the other horizontal cross-section of the same apple, we don’t fit seamlessly together.
That would, within the purpose of telling a story, that raises  awareness on consciousness also not be the most evident choice.
Together we do, however, depict/form the complete understanding of the setup of the whole apple. (That may sound very confusing, but stay close to the apple-story, bear with me.)
It is my understanding , as you can see in the picture, that he is a vertical cross section, straight through the middle of the apple.

He tells a story of being split in half and within that half, being for a great deal split in two halfs again, with two seeds on opposing sides, ‘right’ and it’s opposite side. 
Culture seems to have a preference of  calling that other side/seed ‘wrong’. Nature would have a more kind and more relative observation on that : ‘left’ for instance, or ‘the mirrored side’. 
He knows himself to be love (heart shaped), outside and in.

human habits
Now, just as much as people have a preference for cutting apples in half the way depicted in the first row of the triptych,  it seems that consciousness  usually gets sliced in vertical perceptions too, in every day life.

What then happens in human interactions, the meeting of parts of consciousness, is that it is very easy for two vertically sliced apples to relate to each other and feel the joy of how life mirrors their take on it. It is very easy to come to the conclusion that this must be the way it was ‘meant to be’.
Pleasure is ‘seeing the same’ reflected in the outside world.

Now… is pleasure the same as love, as experiencing full life fullfilment?
Pleasure may tell a part of the story of life and consciousness, but does ‘the pleasure of seeing/being/liking the same’ tell the whole story?

Having been on this planet now for 44 years, I know, from experience that I am, apparently, not having the pleasure of being ‘normal’, according to cultural definitions/habits.

I am aware of the presence of more seeds (opportunities for development) than most people and fly ‘life’ from a very different perspective. I tell stories about the possibility to choose from more than two options and that they don’t intrinsically oppose each other… and I get the blank stare from most people. For  that is "not possible".
Read: for they cannot relate to that concept, never having sliced their consciousness right through the middle in the other direction.
As long as I stick to telling less than half of my story, culturally strictly vertically cross-section minded people, only think I am possibly a bit funny ( for no two seeds within me are each other’s exact opposite). But being with me is also a bit mind-boggling and results frequently in feelings of being unsettled in the centre.
As long as I stick to showing only 2 seeds, I am close enough to their perspective on life to not form a complete threat to their take on life. They simply hang my non-levelled 2 seeds straight on the wall of their mind’s eye ( or tell me I am not seeing it straight) and all is well in the world of our encounter.  
At the age of approx. 6 years old, I decided for my own social survival, I had to limit myself to showing only 2, almost opposing seeds of my collection,  in public,  for I couldn’t deal with the rejective responses of the public eye on revealing anything more of my true picture.
Example of me cloaking my real picture to match,
at quick glance,
to please a vertical cross sectioned person

Yes, it does look like an alien staring at you though a hole    ;-)

When I do reveal more parts of the real deal: like the magical appearance of seed number three:

Is that an  angry alien
' coming to get you'
peaking through the worm-hole?

(or even 4 or 5 simultaneously)

..... and joyfullyexplain their intrinsic relation to each other and the whole, of which I am sure because I see it in myself as clear as day….then OMG!
When I tell the tale of being perfectly round on the outside and a star in the middle, and no… there is no heart shape to be seen… FGS……then the conclusion ‘ I am not love’ , ‘ I am not what most people are’, 'I am not acceptable/good enough/normal'  is quickly drawn, in a most minds.
What I am, gets kicked out, at the speed of light, not matching their take on the reality of life at all.
Well, fellow parts of the one consciousness……I am love (like you).
But please, don’t expect all love to show up in your inner or outer reality as heart-shaped!
I am at any given time what everybody else is:  a cross-section of the meta-physical apple, of consciousness, of ‘LOVE’ as the esoteric sources call that wholeness.

That I am a horizontal cross-section straight through he middle on seeds level, doesn’t make me a better part or a worse part then a vertical cross-section or any cross-section on another level than in the centre.

It probably does make me a reliable source on knowing about, understanding and applying  abundance of seeds for new developments within the whole consciousness.

Where I also know that this consciousness is not a static, nor flat, phenomenon. (But ever changing, mulit-dimensional) . And there are strong clues that we might even individually get to choose how we desire to slice it, see it, in our reality…. (once we realise to be one consciousness, we can explore being whilst growing, under all angles.)

So, to broaden your awareness of consciousnees ( the bigger totoal picture of what you are):
On the next apple you slice....try cutting it in half over the horizontal line, before you enjoy its taste.

See. Really LOOK and understand.

And then.... on the next encounter you have, with an unconventional person, see if you can determine which cross-section of the consciousness-apple this person shows…

There is a strong link to this blog post too....

If you are the apple (the whole consciousness)....
  • How do you see the horizontal cross-section picture of abundance of seeds within yourself... ?

Your inner eye is situated quite high: by looking down onto your inner self.

  • How do you see the vertical cross-section picture of two polarised halfs, complete from top to botttom...?
By looking straight ahead into a mirror of the outside world with an open heart/mind

There still is, however, no need what so ever, to reverse your electro magnetic direction, for being able to see the whole pure sharp undistorted vertical cross-section, as intened by the Master Creator.