Thursday, 17 November 2016

paradigm fun

Two people, walking the path of life, are having a turbulent conversation about the importance of caring for others, in order to make the most of life.

The ego-centric person exclaimed:
”Others? Why should I bother with others, if I can simply have it all?”
The altruistic person replied fiercely in horror:
” I wish someone could teach you a real good life lesson!”

Since they are both walking their path soooo closely to Joy, the purple sorceress picks up on their turbulence and miraculously appears.
“ There is a difference of opinion about dealing with others here, I notice?”

‘Yes, sorceress, PLEASE explain how it is impossible to have peace of mind if you don’t bother with others, at all.”

The purple sorceress looks really rather puzzled on this request.

Then she replied enigmatically:
“ Peace of mind might also be found when one sees how this holds truth:
BOTH the ego-centrics AND the fully enlightened will NOT see the purpose in bothering with ‘others’.

The ego-centric smiles and walks on, boasting:” So, I am right then!”

The altruistic person pauses for a second, gazes with wonderment at the sorceress and then laughs with a new twinkle in her eye.
She thanks the sorceress for this Really Good Life Lesson, that opened her spiritual eyes.
Fully spiritually awake now, she walks on too, with a wide open heart and peace of mind coming now from the paradigm of being one, knowing all to be interacting parts within the inseparable one consciousness.

The sorceress giggles at the magic and wonder of playing with words :
Two answers to the very same questions can be exactly the same in words.... and yet coming from a completely different deeper understanding and intention, produce a completely different set of behaviour and perceptions on what makes 'quality of life'
There is freedom of choice, even in choosing your paradigm.

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