Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Har-Money in Europe

Open letter to:
the main entities involved in representing, guarding and developing the system of European Values:
  • Mario Draghi, the president of the ECB ( European Central Bank)
  • Donald Tusk, the president of the European Counsel
  • The parliament of Europe

C:C: all involved in the collective consciousness

Dear all,

With this open letter, I am applying for a function on the European team, as the Creative Head of Project Harmoney.

In this letter, I will outline the thoughts behind Project Harmoney and introduce myself.

About me:

I am a Dutch, 44 year old woman, currently living in France.
I am independently active as an advisor in sustainable community developments.
My expertise lies in a combination of fields: 

  • I have a bachelor degree as a teacher in human interactions
  • I have then years of experience as an information specialist in the public domain, with a focus on developing online information management systems online.
  • I am an empath ( sensitive to what people really think and feel)
  • I am a natural 80/20 thinker
  • I have an affinity for seeing  practical simple, seriously playful, relatively ‘los cost’ ways on influencing the belief systems in the collective consciousness. Soulful ways, that are designed to : empower people to be able to invest their own talents, apply their own inner wisdom  and highest understandings of ‘quality of life’ smoothly in everyday life.
  • Through active experience, I know three cultures from living with it and speak their respective languages well: Dutch (native), British and French.

With this combination of strengths, I am dedicating my life to supporting the social emotional and mental developments of communities.
Strengthening the inner strength of the social fabric, by broadening the perceptions horizons:

  • from seeing increasingly problems and  ‘lack’ everywhere
    ( what people believe needs dealing with, by applying ‘more money’),
  • to seeing increasingly opportunities for intra- and interpersonal growth
    (what both scientific and esoteric sources point out to be achieved by applying more truth in harmony)

The European Union
Founded on an understanding that peace and prosperity stand a much better chance, when nations are on speaking terms with each other and cooperate on important issues, The European Union developed in the decades after World War II.
In all those decades, turbulence and differences of opinion, have always played a part in the developments. These questions usually form the heart of those matters:
  • ‘ what can the  people in Europe freely decide for themselves, in their own cultural ways’ and
  • ‘ what would be better, for all parties involved, to be governed from Brussels and Strasbourg?’

Currently, there seems to be an reasonably strong current in the collective consciousness where the people of Europe are indicating that they need more freedom in expression their own ways and less ‘Europe’, less ‘adapting to others’., to thrive, to be happy.

Any ‘others’ that seem to take a bite out of our money-minded security,  are looked upon with increasing suspicions and a sense of threat  and the sentiments of desiring to protect what is ‘ours’ arise.

On those sentiments, the Brits have voted to leave, despite that most people who think twice about it, acknowledge that Brexit, separating into smaller units again, is not doing the overall stability much good.
The same sentiments are alive in other countries within Europe.

In the international field, more fascinating choices have been made recently.
Do people really want to step away from efforts of peace-keeping and open, calm dialogue in the world, by focussing on the ‘lack’ there is in their first world everyday life circumstances?

They say, if you are healthy, you have many wishes, if you are unhealthy only one.
The same, I guess is true for peace. If you live in peace, you have many wishes, if you are at war, only one.

Please understand me right here.
I am not saying that those issues, felt by so many people in the Western World are not true or valid!

Based on my experience, I am wondering if the core of the matter doesn’t lie deeper, in the social emotional dynamic systems. ( It usually does, the actual cause of this type of problems is hardly ever found in the world of appearances).

The majority of people in the Western World do not feel to live  in peace, which is why they feel they need to fight for their personal freedom.
They may see and appreciate that they live in a country where there is a fair amount of physical free trade, free travel and physical safety....
Within themselves, however, in their meta-physical world, they don’t see ‘peace of mind’ and feel many limitations placed upon themselves in free trade, free flow and safety to express their freedom of Being Who They Really Are.

The war, most people are in, on a day to day basis, is an internal war between Who They Really Are (a free spirit, a knowing man:  homo sapiens) and the rules and regulations of their own society, they feel placed upon themselves, that are at variance with their nature, their core values as a person.

Cutting the ties with your planetary neighbours is most likley not going to end such an inner war within people.

From my point of view, I think there is a chance here to serve both needs ( BOTH physical peace AND  prosperity and meta-physical peace and a sense of abundance) .

By applying the resources of central government wisely… to increase the peace of mind of individuals in the community, gentle, playful ways that encourage people to do more meta-physical things ‘their way’… their natural, free spirit way.

About the project:

I have a very concrete idea in mind.
It is  based with one leg in the experiences gained in a major physical change in the collective European value system, all adults currently alive in Europe remember well: the introduction of the Euro.
The other leg stands in our collective understandings that money in the daily economic flow needs to be ‘real’ and ‘ whole’ and ‘clean’. So we are all familiar with systems being put in place to secure that only real, good standard money goes from bank to wallets to tills back to the banks again.
Only this time, the Europeans invite everybody to trade with the meta-physical currency of  Har-money, using personal style, as welle as modern means like a website and apps.

What if:......
Everybody is invited to work,  as a freelance ambulant ex-change officer, for the European Central Bank of Harmoney ( ECBoH), where various types of transactions ( in energy in motion… thoughts and feelings!) can occur in a slightly different mindset from being a powerless ordinary civilian.

For instance, as an freelance ambulant ex-change officer for the ECBoH:
  • You can encounter a ‘stranger’ who is giving you his/her honest values.
    As a civilian in society, what this person wants to give you, may seem unacceptable to you, so in that function/mind-set, you may feel you have to say: ‘stop, wait, this value is not valid in my/our system, you MUST give me something I value’.
    But as a staff member for the ECBoH, you can accept his honest human values  anyway and ex-change them,  straight away, with a friendly smile, into the values you know to be of real and high value in your system. acknowledging that their notes/values do matter to him/her, in another, probably well working system.
    The energetical equivalent of physical Moroccan Dirham’s, Brasillian Reals, US Dollars or Russian Rubbles ,his foreign to you thoughts and feelings, are simply are released by you into the Central Banking System for international exchange. You, personally ‘ loose’ nothing of value… what you give out from the Har-Money wallet you carry all the time, will be replaced.
  • You can encounter notes that vaguely look like real Har-money, but are all fumbled up, dirty, torn or incomplete.
    As a civilian in society, you may really frown upon receiving these. You may feel you have to make critical remarks about  the horrid shape or state of it.  You may even resist accepting them, insisting on receiving something more pristine.
    But as a staff member for the ECBoH, you can accept them anyway and ex-change them,  straight away, with a friendly smile, for whole, complete, clear and fresh notes. For it is easy for you to  acknowledge that these notes/values have served their purpose and it is time now for them to be taken out of the active flow, for recycling in the system.
    The incomplete dirty notes  are released into the Central Banking System. You simply, consciously and thoroughly wash your meta-physical hands before touching anything else and again….what you give out from the Har-Money wallet you carry all the time, will be replaced.
  • You can encounter false notes. They may appear to be the real deal, they may even be shiny and smooth and really good looking, but…. being/becoming an expert on what highest truth vibes, real Har-money, actually feels like and looks like, you are pretty sure this isn’t it. It hasn’t all the traits of being really true.

    As a civilian in society, you may really reject receiving these, when you notice it. You know that when you starts handing those notes out anywhere else, it may get you in really big trouble!.
    But as a staff member for the ECBoH, you have a wider range of options.
    When you suspect that this person received these false notes somewhere else, without actually noticing the falseness of these well-appearing notes, you can simply accept them with a smile, helping a trusted community-member to complete the desired transaction.
    It is an exception and treated as such, without any fuss ( there are many phoney notes that look very real in rotation!). As part of the Clearing-Harmoniously-The-Whole-System operation, you simply label this note as ‘likely to be false’ and the Central Banking System deals with it.
    Again….what you give out from the Har-Money wallet you carry all the time, will be replaced.
    But sometimes, it occurs, that the very same person, regularly brings an awful lot of phoney notes under your attention.  You can still accept the notes and trade them for ones you know are real. But you may decide you want to act upon this  recurring pattern.
    Before you jump to the conclusion that this person is probably the source of creating those false notes themselves ( for their own profit on the expense of others)  and should be arrested and punished for it…. there is also the likely possibility that they are confidently tapping into another source they actually blindly trust and are simply not as trained in distinguishing real Har-money notes, from counterfeit produce, as you are.
    You may want to share your understandings, to raise real Har-money awareness, on the built-in-traits in real Har-money.
If you are afraid that in this case you might be dealing with a real crook, who is really trying to deceive you on purpose, giving you willingly phoney Har-money notes of his own making, abusing your wallet of real Har-money… then you can alert the ECBoH to get in touch with this person.Let’s face it, when the news is out that you always give out real Harmoney, you are like a honey-pot for crooks. But that is where the system takes responsibility for the wellbeing of her freelance ambulant ex-change workers.
On your initiative,  the person get’s an alert from the ECBoH, though e-mail or sms. Usually  you are that close to such a person, that you know those details. It will state kindly that it has been noted within the system that a pattern of giving out dubious truths has been observed.  Choices are given on how it is advised to proceed, with the aim to raise awareness on the negative (trust deteriorating) social emotional effects of passing on phoney Har-money notes has in civil society. An invitation is included to join the ECBoH, where your Har-money wallet will always be replaced with whatever real Har-money notes you truthfully express.
The latter eliminates the  need to be the producer of ….. what is usually referred to as ‘lies’ or ‘deliberately incomplete truths’… in an attempt to make non-fitting energetical ends meet, in a ways that destroys meta-physical peace of mind and structural integrity of the relations this person is having.

Such a seriously playful way of expanding the use of real Har-money, honouring spiritual, social and physical needs, applying insights on strengthening meaningful relations, as free spirits, respecting the various social context people are living in, would kick-start a positive development cycle. In Europe, of course, but he….. technically is real Har-money a worldwide accepted natural currency, recognised and accepted by all people…..

Will it need resources to create this?
Yes, it will need a fair amount of good old Euros to build such a website and the apps in a technically and aesthetically  high quality way, in all languages spoken in the EU.
It will take a fair budget to communicate clearly and widely about this initiative, so people do know about it and can choose to apply for being a freelance ambulant ex-change worker for the ECBoH.

First  of all, this idea needs thinking about!
Do you, as the leaders of Europe, consider using your resources and influence to actively raise awareness and support people in seeing what they can do themselves in the flow of Har-Money,  their unique way, to be a good idea?

It almost goes without saying, that I would love to be involved, from  answering questions you might have prior to making a decision, to being actively involved in the creation process, with my expertise on influencing the meta-physical layers of the physical world, wisely.

Thank you for giving this ( unconventional) idea appropriate attention and letting me know how it resonates with you.

Enjoy your day,

Esther Dageraad
advisor in sustainable cummunity developments

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