Yesterday, I introduced the idea of using a diptych/triptych
to tell a coherent story in parts. Each
part can be seen separately and shows already a complete picture.
But where the different parts are seen together,
fully and wholly present at the same time in the same place, as intended, they convey
a higher truth, a broader understanding. Each panel then silently broadcasts
even more meaning, in the unseen, for being in this multi-perspective context.
The images I used, of a triptych of an apple, actually form a great metaphor for telling a story about one meta-physical ‘apple’ of life: being one multidimensional consciousness.
The images I used, of a triptych of an apple, actually form a great metaphor for telling a story about one meta-physical ‘apple’ of life: being one multidimensional consciousness.
Let me first tell the story while looking at a physical apple,
the top triptych in the illustration above.
Each of the three parts, tells individually the tale of an
aspect of this apple, where only one actually depicts the whole apple.
You might think that the overall picture would already ‘do’ it, if you are after seeing an apple.
But, you can’t fully understand what this apple IS, without being aware of the structures on the inside.
Looking at the cross-section of the apple, being cut vertically, a world of understanding suddenly opens up about previously invisible aspects of this apple.
It apparently has a core, that contains seeds. It apparently is divided in two halfs, both containing a seed.
You might think that the overall picture would already ‘do’ it, if you are after seeing an apple.
But, you can’t fully understand what this apple IS, without being aware of the structures on the inside.
Looking at the cross-section of the apple, being cut vertically, a world of understanding suddenly opens up about previously invisible aspects of this apple.
It apparently has a core, that contains seeds. It apparently is divided in two halfs, both containing a seed.
We already know by experience quite a lot about an apple, so this isn’t an enormous surprise to our minds, to find a core and two seeds on either side of the middle line.
But imagine for a moment that you didn’t know already what was inside…. and realise: It could be anything!
But, there is more to this work of art, since it is a triptych!
This series of three also contains a cross-section of the apple cut horizontally, right though the middle, on seed-level.
Again, since you already know quite a lot about an apple from your experiences of eating them…. it may not come as a huge surprise to find 5 seeds in a star form.
Can you see, that technically, based on two perspectives only, (the outside appearance of the whole apple and the vertical cross-section), you cannot fully understand the setup of an apple?
You cannot know the actual shape of the seeds, nor the length of them, nor the sum total amount of seeds, until you have a third perspective.
If you had a real half apple in your hand, you could obtain that information by peeling one out and look, to find out…. ( adding the third perspective of ‘looking at the seeds’, peeled out of their context ‘in’ the apple)
But still… wouldn’t have an idea of the natural relative position to each other and the rest of the apple.
Who cares….. ? Most people are not interested much in the seeds or the core anyway, being only apple consumers: seeing the soft sweet tissue as ‘usefull/food’ and the rest as waste-material to throw away?
It is the horizontal
cross-section image that is completing the story on the apple inside and out.
With your imagination, you can deduct from looking at these perspectives , all there is to know about the setup and structure of an apple.
With your imagination, you can deduct from looking at these perspectives , all there is to know about the setup and structure of an apple.
Now, I am taking this real apple into a more abstract level,
the apple triptych on the second row tells a story about (human) consciousness. Not very different,
based on the very same apple, simply outlining something more abstract.
I am going to illustrated this also on quite a personal level…
The next part reveals some of my experiences in life, as a part of a diptych/triptych work of art, I understand myself to be in relation to my twin soul.
I am going to illustrated this also on quite a personal level…
The next part reveals some of my experiences in life, as a part of a diptych/triptych work of art, I understand myself to be in relation to my twin soul.
The centre piece, is the whole consciousness. The all that
is, as is, complete and whole.
I am a part of that one consciousness, telling mainly the story of being open to the abundance of seeds for new developments, new generations of consciousness, that is within the perfect circle of the whole and it’s non-linear position within the whole. I am the cross-section, straight through the apple on seed level. The panel on the right, in the picture.
I am a part of that one consciousness, telling mainly the story of being open to the abundance of seeds for new developments, new generations of consciousness, that is within the perfect circle of the whole and it’s non-linear position within the whole. I am the cross-section, straight through the apple on seed level. The panel on the right, in the picture.
My twin soul,is telling this part of the story of this triptych.
He is not the other half of the same apple. He is not the other horizontal cross-section of the same apple, we don’t fit seamlessly together.
That would, within the purpose of telling a story, that raises awareness on consciousness also not be the most evident choice.
Together we do, however, depict/form the complete understanding of the setup of the whole apple. (That may sound very confusing, but stay close to the apple-story, bear with me.)
It is my understanding , as you can see in the picture, that
he is a vertical cross section,
straight through the middle of the apple.
He tells a story of being split in half and within that half, being for a great deal split in two halfs again, with two seeds on opposing sides, ‘right’ and it’s opposite side.
Culture seems to have a preference of calling that other side/seed ‘wrong’. Nature would have a more kind and more relative observation on that : ‘left’ for instance, or ‘the mirrored side’.
knows himself to be love (heart shaped), outside and in.
human habits
Now, just as much as people have a preference for cutting
apples in half the way depicted in the first row of the triptych, it seems that consciousness usually gets sliced in vertical perceptions too,
in every day life.
What then happens in human interactions, the meeting of parts
of consciousness, is that it is very easy for two vertically sliced apples to
relate to each other and feel the joy of how life mirrors their take on it. It
is very easy to come to the conclusion that this must be the way it was ‘meant
to be’.
Pleasure is ‘seeing the same’ reflected in the outside world.
Pleasure is ‘seeing the same’ reflected in the outside world.
Now… is pleasure the same as love, as experiencing full life fullfilment?
Pleasure may tell a part of the story of life and consciousness, but does ‘the pleasure of seeing/being/liking the same’ tell the whole story?
Pleasure may tell a part of the story of life and consciousness, but does ‘the pleasure of seeing/being/liking the same’ tell the whole story?
Having been on this planet now for 44 years, I know, from
experience that I am, apparently, not having the pleasure of being ‘normal’, according to cultural definitions/habits.
I am aware of the presence of more seeds (opportunities for development) than most people and fly ‘life’ from a very different perspective. I tell stories about the possibility to choose from more than two options and that they don’t intrinsically oppose each other… and I get the blank stare from most people. For that is "not possible".
Read: for they cannot relate to that concept, never having sliced their consciousness right through the middle in the other direction.
As long as I stick to telling less than half of my story, culturally
strictly vertically cross-section minded people, only think I am possibly a bit
funny ( for no two seeds within me are each other’s exact opposite). But being
with me is also a bit mind-boggling and results frequently in feelings of being
unsettled in the centre.
As long as I stick to showing only 2 seeds, I am close enough to their perspective on life to not form a complete threat to their take on life. They simply hang my non-levelled 2 seeds straight on the wall of their mind’s eye ( or tell me I am not seeing it straight) and all is well in the world of our encounter.
As long as I stick to showing only 2 seeds, I am close enough to their perspective on life to not form a complete threat to their take on life. They simply hang my non-levelled 2 seeds straight on the wall of their mind’s eye ( or tell me I am not seeing it straight) and all is well in the world of our encounter.
At the age of approx. 6 years old, I decided for my own social survival, I had to limit myself to showing only 2, almost opposing seeds of my collection, in public, for I couldn’t deal with the rejective responses of the public eye on revealing anything more of my true picture.
Example of me cloaking my real picture to match, at quick glance, to please a vertical cross sectioned person Yes, it does look like an alien staring at you though a hole ;-) |
When I do reveal more parts of the real deal: like the magical appearance of seed number three:
![]() |
Is that an angry alien ' coming to get you' peaking through the worm-hole? |
(or even 4 or 5 simultaneously)
..... and joyfullyexplain their intrinsic relation to each other and the whole, of which I am sure because I see it in myself as clear as day….then OMG!
When I tell the tale of being perfectly round on the outside and a star in the middle, and no… there is no heart shape to be seen… FGS……then the conclusion ‘ I am not love’ , ‘ I am not what most people are’, 'I am not acceptable/good enough/normal' is quickly drawn, in a most minds.
What I am, gets kicked out, at the speed of light, not matching their take on the reality of life at all.
Well, fellow parts of the one consciousness……I am love (like you).
But please, don’t expect all love to show up in your inner or outer reality as heart-shaped!
I am at any given time what everybody else is: a cross-section of the meta-physical apple, of consciousness, of ‘LOVE’ as the esoteric sources call that wholeness.
That I am a horizontal cross-section straight through he middle on seeds level, doesn’t make me a better part or a worse part then a vertical cross-section or any cross-section on another level than in the centre.
I am at any given time what everybody else is: a cross-section of the meta-physical apple, of consciousness, of ‘LOVE’ as the esoteric sources call that wholeness.
That I am a horizontal cross-section straight through he middle on seeds level, doesn’t make me a better part or a worse part then a vertical cross-section or any cross-section on another level than in the centre.
It probably does
make me a reliable source on knowing about, understanding and applying abundance of seeds for new developments within
the whole consciousness.
Where I also know that this consciousness is not a static,
nor flat, phenomenon. (But ever changing, mulit-dimensional) . And there are strong clues that we might even individually get to choose how we desire
to slice it, see it, in our reality…. (once we realise to be one consciousness,
we can explore being whilst growing, under all angles.)
So, to broaden your awareness of consciousnees ( the bigger totoal picture of what you are):
On the next apple you slice....try cutting it in half over the
horizontal line, before you enjoy its taste.
See. Really LOOK and understand.
And then.... on the next encounter you have, with an unconventional
person, see if you can determine which cross-section of the consciousness-apple
this person shows…
There is a strong link to this blog post too....
If you are the apple (the whole consciousness)....
There still is, however, no need what so ever, to reverse your electro magnetic direction, for being able to see the whole pure sharp undistorted vertical cross-section, as intened by the Master Creator.
There is a strong link to this blog post too....
If you are the apple (the whole consciousness)....
- How do you see the horizontal cross-section picture of abundance of seeds within yourself... ?
Your inner eye is situated quite high: by looking down onto your inner self.
- How do you see the vertical cross-section picture of two polarised halfs, complete from top to botttom...?
By looking straight ahead into a mirror of the outside world with an open heart/mind
There still is, however, no need what so ever, to reverse your electro magnetic direction, for being able to see the whole pure sharp undistorted vertical cross-section, as intened by the Master Creator.
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