Friday, 18 November 2016

the saying 'no' strategy

So often heard:
  • " I am having a lot on my plate' (personally) 
  • " we are 'having a lot on our plate' (as a group/organisation)
followed by, 
  • "so I/we now say 'no' to just about everything'

It sets of all my alarm bells as being a risky business.

This approach may on a short term seem a good idea, to survive the stress of getting all the tasks done that are now on your plate.
On the long(er) term, this is NOT a sustainable wellbeing supporting information and energy management strategy!

In my experience, saying ' no' to just about everything, as a surviving strategy of ‘what is now’ , is saying 'no' to living life.

This is not a at all a plea to say ‘yes’ to things you really don’t want to say ‘ yes’ to!
Also not a plea on thoughtlessly piling 'yes-things' onto your plate, in a linair (stacking them up) way, whatever falls of, falls of......

It is a plea to keep consciously assessing, BOTH what is now on your plate, AS WELL AS any new appealing opportunities arising (here, now).

Replacing the question,
“What shall I say ‘no’ to?”,
“I wonder how I can harmonise all the things I like to say yes to’,
opens up the co-creative re-arranging powers of you and the ‘Universe’.

Feel fully free to not choose following up on this advise.
I am honouring my highest truth.
If I am aware of someone walking into a direction, known to me to hold severe wellbeing threatening risks, I will bring the information of what I know to work better, to their attention.
One cannot choose what one is not aware of.
All within the context of knowing that all people have full freedom of choice. 

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