Today an analogy came to me, I’d like to share here on this
It has a close relationship to the FOR/WITH blog post.
It has a close relationship to the FOR/WITH blog post.
When children grow up, they are very much attracted to toys
to play with.
It is both for fun and pleasure in their childhood here-and-now, as well as training important coping and (life-)skills) in order to be resourceful.
Most human children, boys and girls, are attracted to objects that activate and exercise their own creativity.
It is both for fun and pleasure in their childhood here-and-now, as well as training important coping and (life-)skills) in order to be resourceful.
Most human children, boys and girls, are attracted to objects that activate and exercise their own creativity.
In line with their natural developments*, the nature of the
toys and the nature of the creations, go from simple to more complex, from
chunky and bulky, to finer, smoother, more versatile and more detailed.
*on all levels, physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, spiritually… to name of few.
So, for instance, very young children often play with Duplo…large
simply shaped building blocks ( children cannot swallow them by accident and they fit very easily together).
Older children can still use Duplo, of course, but are more likely to desire to play with Lego.
It uses the very same principle, but because of its finer size and more versatile shapes… you can do more with it, like building things with much finer detail.
Older children can still use Duplo, of course, but are more likely to desire to play with Lego.
It uses the very same principle, but because of its finer size and more versatile shapes… you can do more with it, like building things with much finer detail.
Building with Lego offers another level of challenge, not available using Duplo, technical
Lego, where suddenly the world of electricity meets the world of building
blocks and, when you understand the principle, you can make all sorts of
automated creations, playing with phenomenon like light, sound and movement.
Now I am into building communities in what I call and Energetically
Sound Way.
There is quite a striking difference, between working ‘alive’
communal structures and ‘existing’ communal structures.
Existing in the two meanings here:
- Existing as in ‘ what is now’ ( most common) and
- Existing as in ‘functioning on a (much) lower level of life satisfaction and fullfillment, compared to ‘being/feeling alive’
The striking difference is the (meaningful and structural) use
of electro-magnetic fields.
The dynamics of existing communal structures is founded in
give and take. (con-sequentical)
(The glue used to make connections with is ‘FOR’)
The dynamics of alive communal structures is founded in send = receive ( instantanious)
(The glue used to make connections with is ‘WITH’)
The dynamics of alive communal structures is founded in send = receive ( instantanious)
(The glue used to make connections with is ‘WITH’)
The analogy with the fore mentioned toy-types is strong, if I do say so myself.
Existing communal structures are build with Lego.
It can be all singing and dancing and flashing, but the principle is that a ‘click’ is needed to connect an understanding, an agreement.
It can be all singing and dancing and flashing, but the principle is that a ‘click’ is needed to connect an understanding, an agreement.
In this community analogy, every person is like a lego-building-block.
Let’s say, that you are one of those 2 x 6 cubes.
Now we all have learned from building with Lego, that you don’t get much of an interesting structure when you click a pile of 2 x 6’s straight on top of each other. So alternating and sometimes connecting under another angle helps to create a variety of forms.
Connecting with other forms than 2 x 6 (smaller, larger) even opens up more options to create.
Let’s say, that you are one of those 2 x 6 cubes.
Now we all have learned from building with Lego, that you don’t get much of an interesting structure when you click a pile of 2 x 6’s straight on top of each other. So alternating and sometimes connecting under another angle helps to create a variety of forms.
Connecting with other forms than 2 x 6 (smaller, larger) even opens up more options to create.
The connecting points ( 6 give bumps on the top, 6
take-holes on the bottom) are, for the most part, except for the surfaces, hidden in a large construction.
You know they are they and you can deduce how many and where, but you can’t actually see them.
Once put in place, it ( the block …. a.k.a. ‘the person) is not changing anything any day soon.
You know they are they and you can deduce how many and where, but you can’t actually see them.
Once put in place, it ( the block …. a.k.a. ‘the person) is not changing anything any day soon.
The person knows, that by disconnecting anywhere from the structure, other connectiosn have to come loose too loses all connections within the
structure too.
No connections, no give, no take…. ! No existance?
Panic in most people’s system, because why else would a building block (person) exist than to be part of a creative (sturdy social) structure?
So if you are not happy with your place in an established Lego strcuture anymore, there is a knowing that a dramatic major ‘letting go’ clicks is needed…. maybe ‘all’ and then you’d be all alone, have to start from scratch.
No connections, no give, no take…. ! No existance?
Panic in most people’s system, because why else would a building block (person) exist than to be part of a creative (sturdy social) structure?
So if you are not happy with your place in an established Lego strcuture anymore, there is a knowing that a dramatic major ‘letting go’ clicks is needed…. maybe ‘all’ and then you’d be all alone, have to start from scratch.
No 6 year old in the world sees the problem with starting a fresh project with a huge pile of separate lego building blocks, but he….. ask the older sibling who got emotionally attached to a specific construction that took so long to build, (s)he might hate to see it go…..
In existing communal structures, the connections are made on
the level of ‘ doing’:
I do something for you and you do something for me.
I do something for you and you do something for me.
- I work 8 hours a day for you and you pay me X amount of money for that.
- I reply to and like your Facebook posts 3 times a week and you like mine too.
- I (earn the money to) buy groceries and you deal with keeping the house tidy.
- I say ‘I love you’ 5 times a day and you render sex-services in return.
It is Lego-life…. so feel free to make any combination you
can think of……
There are special colours of connections, called taxes and government.
They follow the exact same principle of building blocks, but are coloured/labelled to be for the common good, to support ( read most of the time finance) the communally rendered services (education, safety, health care…. to name a few).
I hope you can see that the colour/label doesn’t make it intrinsically different. Some communities are simply built with a lot of this colour (often referred to as socialistic systems), other with very few ( liberal systems).
This is the way the lego-life world of existing works.
If you want to play along, you’ve got to click somewhere in such a network.
Quantum magnetix, a new way of building communities
The world, mankind, seems to have access to a new way
of building communities.
I don’t know.
- Is it because mankind on earth has reached another stage in it’s development as a species?
- Is it because the Mayan calendar has ended ( in 2012) and it is a tradition that presents are being handed out at the end of a calendar period , in many circles related to the remembrance of the birth of a spiritual teacher?
- Is it because the Universal Consciousness is ready for a leap in it’s own development?
But he….. if the Universal Intelligence gives me as it’s offspring an intriguing fascinating present to play with, the latest quantum gadget with a lot of creative potential… he…. I don’t ask too many questions about why this present has found its way to me:
I am too busy exploring it’s creative possibilities :-) !
Simply compare what you can make with lego to what you can
make with magnetix, to see, the striking differences. (Using your own imagination or Google....)
Where you could combine Duplo and Lego bricks in to one
project…. a magnetix project doesn’t work/click with the non-magnetic Lego
blocks. ( It doesn't compute in the mind's beliefsystem on how things connect.)
Once you can get your head around ( and appreciate) how, instead of acting as ‘solids’, connecting by ‘doing’ , we (as human beings, alive now) can be magnetic connectors, with the capacity to be a conduit for an easy to transform structure, simply by ‘being’ magnetic, with an infinite amount of connecting possibilities in all directions..... things can 'click' this other way.
Important to know: the electro-magnetic powers work with direction, to ensure
the flow of the force that holds everything together, the electro-magnetic field,
to work.
Two magnets facing in the right direction ( not opposite to wrong, but right as in the direction that connects effortlessly) , will stick together and are able to hold many diffrent connections in place, with no effort what so ever.
Turn one of them around and with equal force and almost no effort, they push and wiggle.
That is where a common intention becomes so crucial in electro-magnetic
‘alive’ communities, you have got to all surrender to the chosen direction of
the flow…..( which is not an intention in the understanding of reaching specific pre-designed results, but more of a common intentional harmonious alligned state of mind)
But once that is done, magically many things ‘click’
together, with almost no effort.
And when a change is desired, anywhere in the system, simply letting go of a connection, keeps the whole structure still alive and intact and none of the balls has to give of any connection it still ‘loves’ to be involved with.
Change, transformation, developing ‘what is’, is so much easier than with Lego.
And when a change is desired, anywhere in the system, simply letting go of a connection, keeps the whole structure still alive and intact and none of the balls has to give of any connection it still ‘loves’ to be involved with.
Change, transformation, developing ‘what is’, is so much easier than with Lego.
And, like with lego, using
quantum magnetix community building blocks, doesn’t stop with building the
meta-physical equivalent of a stand-alone pyramid!
No, the fun really starts when it does more than ‘standing alone’:
Features like:
- growing and expanding organically,
- connecting long distance through space/time and
- creating movement by means of ‘being’ (energetical) from moment to moment,
(not by means of shuffling matter around with a lot of effort ( and doing quite some collateral damage, to other people emotionally attached to connections they invested their energy in and loved, as well as the planet)
Yes, it needs applying your highest understandings, a more
abstract, more mutlidimansional, multi-level approach, to create communities
with quantum magnetix.
Making Energetically Sound Transactions, becomes ultra-important to create what you intend to create.
When information presents itself as a qubit ( fluctuates over many values simultaneously), rather than a bit (yes/no), respect the flow ( Universal electro magnetic Intelligence of the system…. !
Making Energetically Sound Transactions, becomes ultra-important to create what you intend to create.
When information presents itself as a qubit ( fluctuates over many values simultaneously), rather than a bit (yes/no), respect the flow ( Universal electro magnetic Intelligence of the system…. !
For when a connection causes friction in the direction you are trying to connect with it, it is a clear sign that you are not placing this connection in line with the intention and pursuing it nevertheless, when you force it into a yes or no for reasons of ‘ it has to be, it always has been in that direction’, you are compromising the overall structural integrity and strength of the magnetix connections you are involved in!
No problem, you can go back at playing with your Duplo and
Lego at any time, it is still there.
But in my experience, unwrapping the box of 10.000 Volts worth of Magnetix I got handed to me in 2012 and playing with it ever since, gaining understanding on how that works ( and how not) has shown me how much more ‘feeling really alive’, self-realising fulfilling and creative potential playing with this has in building any social structures .
But in my experience, unwrapping the box of 10.000 Volts worth of Magnetix I got handed to me in 2012 and playing with it ever since, gaining understanding on how that works ( and how not) has shown me how much more ‘feeling really alive’, self-realising fulfilling and creative potential playing with this has in building any social structures .
Electromagnetic fields, the quantum characteristics of
photons etc. may be as old as the Universe....
Applying it in Quantum Magnetix
based communities, is a seriously playful new toy to play with, as mankind.
In closing, a reference to another video I watched on
I electro magnetically clicked with it yesterday and it surely formed some inspiration on this concrete large building block idea in relation to more abstract, subtle quantum understandings….
Meanwhile showing in the clearest terms I have seen to far, with research pictures , how the ability to disconnect fully( for instance meditate) forms a structural different way of ‘being’, with a different kind of connections.
I electro magnetically clicked with it yesterday and it surely formed some inspiration on this concrete large building block idea in relation to more abstract, subtle quantum understandings….
Meanwhile showing in the clearest terms I have seen to far, with research pictures , how the ability to disconnect fully( for instance meditate) forms a structural different way of ‘being’, with a different kind of connections.
Not a short sound bite, but well worth
watching, for a multitude of reasons.
Thank you, John Hagelin Ph.D. for putting this talk with your insights, based on your experiences, so clear together and thank you Stanford University for sharing this informatie with the world.
Read more on the lego analy in the following blog post.
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