Sunday, 30 October 2016

sailling the prevailing currents

Today, sailor of the physical sea’s Dee Caffari tells about her unique journey, of being the first woman to sail, solo, non-stop around the world the ‘ wrong’ way: against the prevailing winds and currents.

Dee explains how she agrees that there is a good reason for going with the prevailing winds and currents, instead of against it.
  • It is a major challenge to go against the natural flow, under sail (using the natural free resource of the wind, to reach your destination of choice).
  •  It is much more ‘hard work’, than the other way around.
  • But if you are among the few who succeed…..that is something really special, too.

Her story resonated with me, a great deal, probably because I am navigating a nature-powered vessel too.
I call mine the ‘the Soul Dream’.
I am navigating the meta-physical waves and currents of  ‘life’ with it.
I often feel to be on a journey against the prevailing currents and winds too.
Not of nature, by the way…. but of those of the collective belief system of the species called man, in the modern western world and the storms and whirlwinds on that surface-layer of our world.
  • It is not ultra-nice, to be caught in a storm generated by one (or more) turbulent human being(s).
  • It is not ultra-nice to ‘sit and wait’ with all the patience I can muster, for a gush of wind to propel me and my Soul Dream forward, coming from one (or more) human being(s).

Luckily, I am aware that I am not only sailing on the surface of inter-personal human interactions and the qualities thereof. So I can still smile most of the time.

This morning, I surfed a long while on this massive wave of wonderment.
It shone a bright light on my confidence that my Soul Dream is most likely well on its way.

What if…..
  • I may be going against the prevailing currents and winds in the collective belief-system, but they form only a minor turbulence in the actual bigger picture/resonance system?
  • Seen from the bigger picture…. it is actually the collective of mankind who makes living a far too hard job, going against the prevailing currents and winds of nature
  • What is currently considered  the way to go-behaviour is taking far too much time, burning far too much energy, to achieve reaching your destination of choice….?

well… I’ve lost sight of what the overall joy of this endless struggling to ‘exist’ or to be ‘on top of the power pile’ is ….
What if….

  • The images I gathered in the top illustration show the differences, when you look carefully?
  • There are waves of wind and currents of water on the surface of our reality, but their directions and strength are all very much determined by the overall electromagnetic constellation.
  • That is a (one) cyclic flow, bundled through the core within and then out and spread around, around again, in one direction and pretty straightforward too?
  • Every entity has such a flow, that holds the entity together?
  • A individual person also has such a field ( you see me, on the Soul Dream depicted with that field, also showing my main chakra centre’s, my vibrational layers).
  • The Earth has it, as a sum total…..and
  • any collective of people, operating as a group, has one too, that forms the force to bind the group together.

That would lead to a couple of relatively simple conclusions.

If all this is true, then……if you align your own internal electromagnetic flow and direction with that of the biggest natural entity you feel/are part of:  maybe the Earth, or the Universe  …. life could potentially flow so much more easily, WITH you, through you.
Since.. there would be less friction to negotiate between your smaller system and the biggest system it tries to be a part of, work with/in.
And that conclusion, is fully in line with my own observations and experiences.

How you handle the stream of energy and information intra-personally, really has many effects on one’s relation with the self and the outside world.
Up for more what ifs, that I consider to be ‘ highly likely so’, based on my own experiences?
They may cause friction in the resonances coming from your belief system, depending on which direction yours operates.... obviously.

What if…
The  natural flow could be viewed to flow through the (energy-)system as:
Your are given fresh clear energy and information, that goes at high speed in one straight line, through your filters of perception, expression, etc ( all the chakra function layers) … until it pops out through your chakra’s of creation and security.
From there is spreads in all directions as new experiences over the surface of sphere of your outside world, stretching in the same intensity in all directions, to complete the cycle in a renewal of energy and information.  
A person who lives this, who is aligned in this direction would understand his/her life to be about:
“I am the embodiment of love, light and understanding. I receive it, it flows right through me and what filters down to the security levels of knowing to be my highest understanding, my best abilities, I pour undiluted and abundantly out into the outside world, in all directions with the very same force and intensity.
With my experiences, I feed the system, which in turn, feeds me with new energy and information, higher understandings and more opportunities to invest my ever developing consciousness and talents, right here, right now.”
What if, the general flow and setup of the current cultural division of resources and senses, ‘going the other way’ (the hard way) could be described as:
You are given fresh energy, that you push out in a range of outside world activities aiming at increasing your own security first.
With the energy that you then receive back into your inner world, you construct (create) the inner picture ( lego layers) of who you are, based on whichever action in your outside world got best/loudest/strongest received. That image swims ‘up’ and develops against the inner tide of information coming from the higher perspectives.
At the various check-points in the system, you get rather strong signals of something not being quite right, most often reported as ‘ mixed (streams) of emotions and mixed messages (thoughts).
A person who has chosen to sail though life, the hard way,  probably understand his/her life to be about:
“I am investing my energy in the outside world, spreading it widely over the surface of society, bending/keeping left or right, depending on whichever the prevailing winds I encounter locally ‘force’ me to take, to make my journey as pleasant and comfortable as I can, given the challenging circumstances.
I aim my energy-investment at my own security, which is not here and not now.
Once ( whatever is left of my energy) reaches at various speeds and levels of turbulent vibration my root chakra, I can create upwards and onwards an image and perception  of who I am based on whichever feedback I receive on my actions in the outside world ….”
Can you see what different quality of life the decision in which direction you send your energy makes?

The second category of people ( currently the majority of people in the western world) live on a constant undercurrent of fear.  ( A huge sign of structural state of friction with life.)

This fear gets projected outward, as not having enough of something in the outside world… because projecting into the outside world is the direction they always go and… truthful observation…. The vibes they do feel in their inner world, are not coherent and nice, so there must be something lacking!
Thought patters of a very specific format occur, which become motivators of usually not to bright, fully sensible behavioural choices on energy and time investments.

This is the format:I need to have something (I don’t have right now), in order to be able to do something I am not able of doing right now, in line with my highest understandings.
  • If only I had my own campervan, then I would have enough security to move around freely.
  • If only I had more money in the bank, than I would have enough security to start investing in a better future.
  • If only I had a (or another) job/logo/website/enterprise, than I would have enough security to start working on something really meaningful.
  • If only I had a certain diploma, then I could contribute to my tribe
  • If only I had a life partner/ was single ( the opposite of the experienced current situation) , than I would have enough security to act in line with my highest understandings.
  • If only I had more/other beautiful ( clothes/things/gadgets), then I could make life more beautiful. 
 Does this format actually work? When the new house/job/person/toy/gadget/gismo/winnig lottery ticket arrives.... does that remove the fear structurally?
What if …..
Chasing all these things , for seeing all this lack and turbulence, everywhere, constantly, experiencing all these ‘bad vibes’, in order to stop making life being so challenging and unfulfilling, might be much easier solved, following the advice of many esoteric sources.
Before you go 'out’, go within! Change your general direction… go with the flow.
Not societies setup of the requirements of modern day living, but that of the larger tribe you are a part of: life’s electromagnetic setup and constellation of being all free resourceful spirits?

Indeed, almost nobody else you know has made that life-as-you-know-it-threatening fundamental choice, for it does go against the grain of the strongest currents in the tribe of mankind.
But you know what a magnet does with a magnet that is pointed in the ‘wrong’ direction?
It gets pushed away.
So…. apart from living your own life unfulfilled, running from one lack to the next,  trying to attract anything from a life that is very busy pushing you ‘out’ ( on your own request, by the way) ,.you may also simultaneously be investing the energy you do have, in the whole of mankind being kicked of this  planet too. For it is my understanding that Natural Life on The Earth is the bigger magnet you are up against….
It is my understanding, that when you do make this decision, to focus on what you are being, over what you are (no) having or (not) doing ( not just once, or here and there, but structurally, actively, as you can well understand).....
Then what you 'do' always reflect who your really are, regardless of circumstances, joyfully sprouting, like a fountain of light, at high speed, fully focussed from the security of knowing to be alligned with you highest truths and understandings at any given time. And you'll see al the things you can do with what you have, hera and now, to express who you really are.

The more people make this decision, the better life flows through our human interactions, whole societies too, with the serious and joyful prospect of making it all a better place, for all involved.
Not incidentily, but purposefully and... electromagnetically... with the abundant winds of life in our sails.

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