Thursday, 27 October 2016

rainbow layers

Today, I’d like to make a nuance, zooming into the Lego-brick any person is (or can be), understanding how you can transform (yourself) to a magnetic connecting ‘sphere’.

When you think of a single Lego-brick, it usually has one colour.

But when I think of one person, I understand this person to be in itself a multi-layered multi-coloured construction of much thinner slices of ‘being’.  (see picture above)
It is quite common to distinguish 7 layers, often referred to as chakra’s, where each different colour has a different  function, produces a different effect. (Google chakra functions, for more info in this).

Now, you are free to deconstruct yourself (completely) and use different layers in different ways in different situations. He, it is Lego-life, freedom to play!
It is very interesting to experiences the various effects of doing that.

Now…Samadhi, the sense of being fully connected, is where I understand that you have aligned all your coloured internal layers, stacked them straight on top of each other.
You can reach this, in meditation, being disconnected from all activities, all doing ( interacting with others). ‘Sit or stand up straight, and centre your attention onto the inner connectivity of the self’ = build energetically yourself up as all chakra’s aligned.

When you are that solid rainbow brick, within yourself, you feel the wholeness, the bliss and flow and energising effects. Which is great and has healing properties in its own right.
But when you go back to your daily routines, when you reconnect with your social constructs and activities again, in the ‘normal’ way, the effect can dissipate rather quickly. Ffor you have energetically shifted your shape again, to fit into the overall constructs you form a part of, in parts. Your red part stretches maybe 6 blobs away from your core, your yellow part under a 90 degree angle is connected with 4 blobs in your centre and you may have given away your voice ( the blue layer) completely……etc.

All possible and you might even be ‘liked’ for it in the outside world, your capacity to stretch yourself so far, this thin and go the n-th degree of giving those slices requested for, by others.
  • Where did all your energy go?
  • Where did your satisfaction with life go?
  • Where did your sense of wholeness and completeness go?
  • Where did the experience go of feeling great in your own skin?

How can you feel so great in meditation, disconnected from all constrains of everyday life and so miserable, achieving nothing of any importance going about your daily life?
Is staying all day in mediation the answer? Or cutting all the cords? Is stopping all doing the answer? Is simply sitting under an oak tree and do utterly nothing the final answer to having great life?

That is not my understanding, no.
Not in the most literal straight forward understanding of giving up on all doing.
Making a priority of watching what you are ‘being’ over what you are ‘doing’… yes.

When you watch the video I embedded in yesterday’s post, you’ll see that when you are able to disconnect, at will, frequently….. gently but slowly the effects will stay with you in daily life too.

I understand that, in the Lego analogy  as: you learn that you can stay this one centred whole brick, when you are operating in/contributing to the social constructs too.
No part if you is then not centred. Those parts/layers, may all have a different role and function, but they operate aligned as one, everywhere they apply themselves in: doing! In investing energy, with full focus, mindful of the own inner state of being.

The step then, from being a rainbow brick of form (having given and take relations with the outside world), to a magnetic sphere of energy is then simple to make, for the internal top layer, then feeds the flow of all energy back to the internal bottom layer, (creating this instantaneous send= receive power-cycle in the inner world).

With many, many side effects:
  • With that, you are not bound to ‘have to’s’, but attracted to ‘ like to’s’
  • Connected to a powerful grid of information, of which you attract what you need to know and understand ( and apply), given your intention.
  • Happy in your own skin
  • Living without a constant undercurrent of fear
  • Being able to see the bigger picture, possibilities for growth in every situation.
  • Seeing better results with much less effort and surely no struggle
  • A deeply rooted sense of interconnectedness, sense of community
  • … to name a few

Does it need to be meditation?
I don't think so, but regurlarly disconnecting from all doing and focussing on being alligned.... yes.
I call it me-time.

If you like the theme of 'understanding humanity using  Lego' in a light/fun and visual way, take a look here.

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