Again, I watched an interesting video related to quantum
understandings, that delivered me the visual illustration of an energetical
This is the video, a Ted Talk, by Dutch quantum physicist Leo
He explains ( in the part
starts 9 minutes in the talk) something he could create in the (to normal human
eye-sight invisible) world of small
particles: teleportation.
The image, rings true on being quite a good illustration of something I recognise from the world of human interactions, on the invisible level of energy-exchange.
Simultaneously ‘true’ on many levels of understanding… which
makes this blog post rather difficult to write, trying to put into a linear
sense (sentences in words) a multi-layered, iridescent vibrant multi-dimensional dynamic
Let me state the levels:
- Intrapersonal, I… we all… feel our own level of energy within ourselves and its possible fluctuations.
- Interpersonal, I…. we all….know from experience that energy can drop (or lift) in no-time, interacting directly with another person.
- Inter-groupal ( not a word you’ll find in a dictionary, but what the heck…), I…. we all…. know from experience that energy can drop/lift in a group we are currently physically present in, when nothing visible ‘happens’. The….. there is an elephant in the room….sensation.
- Inter-tribal, I…..we all(?)/many of us….. know this ‘knowing that something of strong emotional impact is happening to a beloved tribe-member, elsewhere in the world’
- Intra-Universal, I…. some of us…. are aware of an interconnectedness all over this Universe, a bond, on existential (quantum?) level that is a both energy and information exchange system, running on relativity… every occurrence has its complete opposite too, somewhere in this Universe. (Where the God voice in Conversations with God, from Neale Donald Walsch says something along these lines: “That is a natural occurrence… you don’t have to re-create that in your own back-yard”... in your own being, in your own tribe, on your own planet.... although we are free to do so.)
OK, here goes nothing, for the sake of trying.
The same (interrelating, now) range of levels, related to BOTH
the teleportation experiment AND my 2 previous blog posts about the Lego state
of collective mind and the Quantum Magnetix state of collective mind (one and two).
What if:
- We, as an individual, feel most content, alive, happy, when our energy levels are above a certain level and of a certain colour-range (bright). We are then one happy particle.
- We have a built-in resonance system in which we automatically entangle on a quantum level with any other person we have a 1-on-1 interaction with. Little quantum chameleons, are we, take on all the colours available in the environment ourselves.
- We are also equipped with built-in measuring devices, we can measure (come to one specific conclusion about a phenomenon, using a standardised ruler/rule book) anything, inside and outside.
- Du moment that we apply that measuring ‘stick’ on whichever side of the transaction concluding:” I am X” or “ you are Y”, the quantum reality of our entangled quantum reality has no other option but to ‘oppose’: be(come) instantaneously the other set of colours/energy vibes.
- That influences all the people involved in the system, on an energetic level, whether or not in the room…?
Well….. ( no comment for now… this is not the end of the understanding)
What if….
- Luckily there is a Universal back-yard, we are also allowed to consciously interact with( and therefore have an existential entangled relationship WITH)
- I deliberately write consciously, for I understand that we are wired to have that relationship with the back-yard, regardless of the choices of our conscious mind.
- That Universal back-yard is the world of anti-matter, into which we project all our experiences, conclusions, understandings, perceptions……every day, fully automatically, when we are asleep, but if we so wish, also during the day by conscious choice.
- That natural energy ( and information) exchange system is not really interested or impressed by the constructions of our Lego-life. It simply registers (closer to absorbs, changes along with) all the variations in states of being in the whole electro-magnetic spectrum of being?
Still, this line of thought, doesn’t make an enormous difference to the doomsday scenario… we would just spread our junk also in the back-yard, fully automatically even, without knowing that.
Well…. (still no comment… for there is a happy ending to
this line of thought, which start at….. the beginning)
What if…..
- This rainbow aligned full and whole electro-magnetic qubittal ‘sphere’ being is our true essence, how all of life started life, how all of us started life? The full spectrum all connected to itself LEGO multi-layered brick, with no connections to anything is for….. there was nothing else.
- In each and every one of us, there is a copy of that qubit of reference, the blueprint of our quantum energetical DNA. ( Some sources call that the Christ seed, for instance, others the inherent knowing of Who We Truly Are).
- There is a copy of that, out there in the archives of the Universe.
- Then, when you feel your energy drop, because of an energetically unsound transaction, either in direct contact with some-one, or by resonance in your tribe, you can teleport your un-bright state of being, the incomplete colours scheme, the energy-draining-vibes of that, instantaneously, to the back yard of the Universe.
- The Universe is exchanging these teleported ‘ bad vibes’, not only for ‘nice vibes’, but also conveys in the transaction information about the whys and wherefores…. to learn from.
- This one ‘benchmark’ qubit , always present deeply seated within every person, is always in the ultimate superposition of being all things, simultaneously and will, cannot ever, be anything else.
- Once you let all your parts resonate with that you feel joy and connectedness.
- That means that you don’t achieve ‘feeling good’ about yourself on the expense of somebody else needing to feel worse. You don’t have to leech on other people’s good vibes energy, draining them, in order to acquire more energy for yourself.
- This process is referred to when spiritual people talked about clearing your energy and surrendering your ‘ bad vibes’ to the Universe ( in steed of projecting them back into another person).
Enfin, this blog post probably makes no sense what so ever to
anyone with a binary mind, not interested in the bigger picture of living in a
Quantum organised universe.
I hope it sparks the soul of those who do believe we can make
a difference for the better for all involved, by letting go of building our
lives with binary minds producing a LEGO-world.
(This morning, I saw that almost as a formula: L ego, life (L)
based on judgmental rigid forms of ego.)
Enfin, enough on this attempt to explain in words, what can
only be experienced, really.
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