On my palette, a couple of elements got mixed and showed an
option I found intriguing to apply at least on this blog-canvas of life.
The main elements I recognised in the mix:
- My understandings on vibrational essences and how they relay messages a human being can interpret in pure energy
- My recent discoveries reading on the Female brain, more specifically, the Mommy brain
- A desire to be able to improve the quality of communal life with almost no cost, little effort, using the already (freely) available natural resources.
As often, it would go to far within the context of this blog
post to try to explain all the background in depth, since it contains at least decades
of looking at my life experiences with a special interest in human interactions
and how various streams of information can be meaningfully used.
Based on the prime observation that the overall state of how
we interact with each other in the tribe of mankind, leaves quite some room for
Yeah..... quite an understatement….. and…..narrowing it down somewhat.
This is before I delve into how human beings interact in general with other living beings on this planet.....
I suddenly found myself
wondering, yesterday afternoon : "What
if the milk a mother produces for her child, contains… apart from biological
components also….. information about the developments in the community they are
a part of?”
Pulling this idea a little closed to the puddle of knowledge
on vibrational essences with my mental
- What if the mother’s personal resonance creates in the fluids of the milk a vibrational essence?
- What if that gives the child a great deal of energetical input, based on the mother's observations on both the developments of the community as well as the developments of her child?
I could mix that easily with a blob of the insights conveyed
by Louann Brizindine in the Female Brain.
Not only are women ‘hard wired’, as she calls it, to have fine-tuned sensitive antennas for what is going on on the subtle levels of all the relations she is involved in and an ability to influence the processes in subtle ways……
When a woman is a mother, she has developed a Mummy Brain, where the wellbeing of the child gets super-priority. So the antennas to tune into all the child’s needs to support a healthy development are extra alert. Since a well functioning, caring for all its members, community increases the chances for this child to grow up in a healthy way ( in case anything happens to mum, for instance) both mother and child have an invested interest in healthy sustainable developments in the community.
Not only are women ‘hard wired’, as she calls it, to have fine-tuned sensitive antennas for what is going on on the subtle levels of all the relations she is involved in and an ability to influence the processes in subtle ways……
When a woman is a mother, she has developed a Mummy Brain, where the wellbeing of the child gets super-priority. So the antennas to tune into all the child’s needs to support a healthy development are extra alert. Since a well functioning, caring for all its members, community increases the chances for this child to grow up in a healthy way ( in case anything happens to mum, for instance) both mother and child have an invested interest in healthy sustainable developments in the community.
I was then wondering, extrapolating a little:
- What if, part of what these regularly updated news bulletins also contain, is information on the existential theme on ‘how to be a caring nurturing human being that is able to provide exactly what is needed in a natural way, using natural resources to help the wellbeing and healthy growth of the members of this community develop’.
Why would this be part of the mix?
Well….. it is what the mother is being, is expressing to her best natural ability.
It could very well be the core of her resonance, especially when she is nursing her child, actively producing the product from her own body, that feeds the baby.. who embodies the ‘ future’ of the community.
Well….. it is what the mother is being, is expressing to her best natural ability.
It could very well be the core of her resonance, especially when she is nursing her child, actively producing the product from her own body, that feeds the baby.. who embodies the ‘ future’ of the community.
Then….. if there is merit to this being part of the natural
stream of information…. I wondered on the darker side of the palette:
Hmmm, so if more and more children are not being breastfed (
observation), already for many generations, are large contingents of people missing
out on this existential input on what it
means to be a human being?
Would ‘not having had that message repeated to you, while experiencing (over and over again) how a member of the tribe was actually catering tailormade her (natural) produce ( freely, willingly and for free) to your very needs’….. begin to explain why the concept of sharing, caring and using natural resources wisely for yourself and others would seem to alien to so many of us?
Would ‘not having had that message repeated to you, while experiencing (over and over again) how a member of the tribe was actually catering tailormade her (natural) produce ( freely, willingly and for free) to your very needs’….. begin to explain why the concept of sharing, caring and using natural resources wisely for yourself and others would seem to alien to so many of us?
Knowing that babies do get some formula to drink, to grow
on, providing them the biological nutrients…. I even wondered…..
Hmmm…. If that formula is created from cows-milk……if there
is still any energetical messages in it on an existential level….what could
that be:
- I am a herd animal….. I have to follow the herd, my safety lies in doing what the others do?
And, if a Mommy Brain is also present in the Mummy Cow ( and
why not) would it relay various messages on the current state of affairs in the
community of the cows world:
- All children are being taken away from us. I am not allowed to care for my offspring or the members of my community myself, my (natural) way!
- (deep grief about the structural injustice of ‘life’… if you have ever heard the cows when they take the calf’s away)
- I exist to support what is not my tribe, the people who do not deeply care for my wellbeing, are not providing me with all I need to thrive.
I don’t know, this me be my empathic imagination working at
high speed, but if such messages were conveyed in energy through all
the milk products we use, both as children and as adults…. and the core of our
being would be naturally still picking up on those messages as the highest available
current truth about our life…… it may be blunt, but…. to my mind it would explain
a lot about the current state of affairs in the world of human interactions.
We ‘ follow the herd’, exist to support the ‘tribe’ that is
feeding us (money/status) , on the expense of given proper care and attention
to the people in our close relationships.
Trying to fit a herd-animals take on the world into a human being existence ( yes, a social being, but no, not a herd animal) may influence the palette of choice in a way that steps away from the unique human characteristics and traits…….
Trying to fit a herd-animals take on the world into a human being existence ( yes, a social being, but no, not a herd animal) may influence the palette of choice in a way that steps away from the unique human characteristics and traits…….
So.. what if there was a fair amount of merit and truth in
all this… I wondered would this insight hold a clue for improvement?
He, it is easy to look at it from a doom and gloom angle:”
We’ve messed with nature and our natural Food for Thought for a long while now.
Whoops. Sorry, try again next planet. Game over.”
But he, it ain’t over till the fat lady sings!
- What if, this very dynamical vibrational essence of nursing mothers, could be the natural resource to turn to help the community of mankind to climb out of this disconnected state!
Using the knowledge on how vibrational essences are created and distributed, I know you only need a very small quantity of the mother-tincture ( ha, ha, how appropriate that this is already called mother-tincture!) to make an enormous batch of daughter-stock and from that dosage bottles.
- What if, when used wisely, this vibrational essence could be more than only a ‘ static’ one, reminding people of sharing and a collective consciousness … using the ‘ core’ resonance of that.
- What if, it could also be a dynamic essence!
If the milk is freely, willingly and with full attention for this purpose also donated to the community this nursing mother is a member of herself, she will relay daily updated valuable information from a highly attuned to the collective consciousness Mummy Brain all there is to know about the current developments in their community.
All that takes is some clever efficient organisation, so she can supply a small quantity… as if it were a life-yoghurt starter.. to a large container of fresh spring water, where the community members who choose to, can tap from to drink supply themselves with the wisdom within the this human tribe.
(yes, the wise
use would also involve making sure the mother is not only freely willing and motivated,
but also healthy. HIV for instance seems to be able to travel through breast
milk, it being a bodily fluid. )
Using eons of Mummy Brain experiences, tapped into by a
human being who is a mother right now
who is already hard wired to pick up
on what is going on on the unseen levels of relations, being able to provide
subtle influences to increase the quality of it……. sounds like a wonderful source
of wise resonances on the actual communal tides to me.
Yes, this while idea would need research. It would need research that looks beyond the biological components, straight into what is relayed in pure energy -in-formation.
Yes, there would be a number of squirms that needs looking into.
Yes, the dairy industry may not be best pleased with his blog post for believing it and acting widely upon it may ruin their trade and well maintained reputation of providing healthy products.
But, on the bright side of all that: if mankind goes on interacting
with each other and other living beings the way it does now, using the current ethical
and moral standards, economical motives and health & safety understandings…… the trade and high held reputations of all of
us may seize to exist anyway ;-)
So, trying to protect and stick to that, may not be what serves/safes ‘us’ in the long run.
So, trying to protect and stick to that, may not be what serves/safes ‘us’ in the long run.
There is a lot of ‘what ifs’ in this blog post.
I don’t ‘ know’ for sure!
It hasn’t been tried yet, nor thought about much in this light. I just ' made it up' on my palette of choice, only yesterday!
So yes, feel free to wonder:” What if this is just all rubbish, mixing things that have absolutely nothing to do with each other, no obvious correlation what so ever!”
I don’t ‘ know’ for sure!
It hasn’t been tried yet, nor thought about much in this light. I just ' made it up' on my palette of choice, only yesterday!
So yes, feel free to wonder:” What if this is just all rubbish, mixing things that have absolutely nothing to do with each other, no obvious correlation what so ever!”
I suspect, the more interesting
question if you endeavour to open up your palette of choice would be to ask yourself
here :
“ What if there is
merit to this line of thought?” … and….“ How can I combine this idea what I know from my experience?”
That is to say: without running away from it or needing tofight it.