Wednesday, 27 July 2016

milk: a carrier for community information?

On my palette, a couple of elements got mixed and showed an option I found intriguing to apply at least on this blog-canvas of life.

The main elements I recognised in the mix:
  • My understandings on vibrational essences and how they relay messages a human being can interpret in pure energy
  • My recent discoveries reading on the Female brain, more specifically, the Mommy brain
  • A desire to be able to improve the quality of communal life with almost no cost, little effort, using the already (freely) available natural resources.

As often, it would go to far within the context of this blog post to try to explain all the background in depth, since it contains at least decades of looking at my life experiences with a special interest in human interactions and how various streams of information can be meaningfully used.

Based on the prime observation that the overall state of how we interact with each other in the tribe of mankind, leaves quite some room for improvement.
Yeah..... quite an understatement….. and…..narrowing it down somewhat.
This is before I  delve into how human beings interact in general with other living beings on this planet.....

I suddenly found myself wondering,  yesterday afternoon : "What if the milk a mother produces for her child, contains… apart from biological components also….. information about the developments in the community they are a part of?”

Pulling this idea a little closed to the puddle of knowledge on vibrational  essences with my mental brush:
  • What if the mother’s personal resonance creates in the fluids of the milk a vibrational essence?
  • What if that gives the child a great deal of energetical input, based on the mother's observations on both the developments of the community as well as the developments of her child?

I could mix that easily with a blob of the insights conveyed by Louann Brizindine in the Female Brain.
Not only are women ‘hard wired’, as she calls it, to have fine-tuned sensitive antennas for what is going on on the subtle levels of all the relations she is involved in and an ability to influence the processes in subtle ways……
When a woman is a mother, she has developed a Mummy Brain, where the wellbeing of the child gets super-priority. So the antennas to tune into all the child’s needs to support a healthy development are extra alert. Since a well functioning, caring for all its members, community increases the chances for this child to grow up in a healthy way ( in case anything happens to mum, for instance) both mother and child have an invested interest in healthy sustainable developments in the community.

I was then wondering, extrapolating a little:
  • What if, part of what these regularly updated news bulletins also contain, is information on the existential theme on ‘how to be a caring nurturing human being that is able to provide exactly what is needed in a natural way, using natural resources to help the wellbeing and healthy growth of the members of this community develop’.

Why would this be part of the mix?
Well….. it is what the mother is being, is expressing to her best natural ability.
It could very well be the core of her resonance, especially when she is nursing her child, actively producing the product from her own body, that feeds the baby.. who embodies the ‘ future’ of the community.

Then….. if there is merit to this being part of the natural stream of information…. I wondered on the darker side of the palette:

Hmmm, so if more and more children are not being breastfed ( observation), already for many generations, are large contingents of people missing out on this existential  input on what it means to be a human being?
Would ‘not having had that message repeated to you, while experiencing (over and over again) how a member of the tribe was actually catering tailormade her (natural) produce ( freely, willingly and for free) to your very needs’….. begin to explain why the concept of sharing, caring and using natural resources wisely for yourself and others would seem to alien to so many of us?
Knowing that babies do get some formula to drink, to grow on, providing them the biological nutrients…. I even wondered…..

Hmmm…. If that formula is created from cows-milk……if there is still any energetical messages in it on an existential level….what could that be:
  • I am a herd animal….. I have to follow the herd, my safety lies in doing what the others do?

And, if a Mommy Brain is also present in the Mummy Cow ( and why not) would it relay various messages on the current state of affairs in the community of the cows world:
  • All children are being taken away from us. I am not allowed to care for my offspring or the members of my community myself, my (natural) way! 
  • (deep grief about the structural injustice of ‘life’… if you have ever heard the cows when they take the calf’s away)
  • I exist to support what is not my tribe, the people who do not deeply care for my wellbeing, are not providing me with all I need to thrive.

I don’t know, this me be my empathic imagination working at high speed, but if such  messages were conveyed in energy through all the milk products we use, both as children and as adults…. and the core of our being would be naturally still picking up on those messages as the highest available current truth about our life…… it may be blunt, but…. to my mind it would explain a lot about the current state of affairs in the world of human interactions.

We ‘ follow the herd’, exist to support the ‘tribe’ that is feeding us (money/status) , on the expense of given proper care and attention to the people in our close relationships.
Trying to fit a herd-animals take on the world into a human being existence ( yes, a social being, but no, not a herd animal) may influence the palette of choice in a way that steps away from the unique human characteristics and traits…….

So.. what if there was a fair amount of merit and truth in all this… I wondered would this insight hold a clue for improvement?

He, it is easy to look at it from a doom and gloom angle:” We’ve messed with nature and our natural Food for Thought for a long while now. Whoops. Sorry, try again next planet. Game over.”

But he, it ain’t over till the fat lady sings!

  • What if, this very dynamical vibrational essence of nursing mothers, could be the natural resource to turn to help the community of mankind to climb out of this disconnected state!

Using the knowledge on how vibrational essences are created and distributed, I know you only need a very small quantity of the mother-tincture ( ha, ha, how appropriate that this is already called mother-tincture!) to make an enormous batch of daughter-stock and from that dosage bottles.

  • What if, when used wisely, this vibrational essence could be more than only a ‘ static’ one, reminding people of sharing and a collective consciousness … using the ‘ core’ resonance of that.
  • What if, it could also be a dynamic essence!

If the milk is freely, willingly and with full attention for this purpose also donated to the community this nursing mother  is a member of herself, she will relay daily updated valuable information from a highly attuned to the collective consciousness Mummy Brain all there is to know about the current developments in their community.

All that takes is some clever efficient organisation, so she can supply a small quantity… as if it were a life-yoghurt starter.. to a large container of fresh spring water, where the community members who choose to, can tap from to drink supply themselves with the wisdom within the this human tribe.

(yes, the wise use would also involve making sure the mother is not only freely willing and motivated, but also healthy. HIV for instance seems to be able to travel through breast milk, it being a bodily fluid. )

Using eons of Mummy Brain experiences, tapped into by a human being who is a mother right now who is already hard wired to pick up on what is going on on the unseen levels of relations, being able to provide subtle influences to increase the quality of it……. sounds like a wonderful source of wise resonances on the actual communal tides to me.

Yes, this while idea  would need research. It would need research that looks beyond the biological components, straight into what is relayed in pure energy -in-formation.
Yes, there would be a number of squirms that needs looking into.
Yes, the dairy industry may not be best pleased with his blog post for believing it and acting widely upon it may ruin their trade and well maintained reputation of providing healthy products.
But, on the bright side of all that: if mankind goes on interacting with each other and other living beings the way it does now, using the current ethical and moral standards, economical motives and health &  safety understandings……  the trade and high held reputations of all of us may seize to exist anyway ;-)
So, trying to protect and stick to that, may not be what serves/safes ‘us’  in the long run.

There is a lot of ‘what ifs’ in this blog post. 
I don’t ‘ know’ for sure!
It hasn’t been tried yet, nor thought about much in this light. I just ' made it up' on my palette of choice, only yesterday!

So yes, feel free to wonder:” What if this is just all rubbish, mixing things that have absolutely nothing to do with each other, no obvious correlation what so ever!”

I suspect, the more interesting question if you endeavour to open up your palette of choice would be to ask yourself here :
“ What if there is merit to this line of thought?” … and….“ How can I combine this idea what I know from my experience?”

mind: mine

I was going through the produce in my Food for Though storage space ( the hard disk on my computer).
I found another jar with 'pickled' ideas that had been sitting there, ripening in the unseen.
This one....? I actually forgot about making it! But remembered I did it about a year and a half ago.

I think this playful home made pruduct goes very well with many dishes related to freedom of choice.

So help yourself to a spoonful of playful inspiration for the mind by going to the online shelve I created for it here.

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

palette of resonance

I sometimes feel very closely related to people like for instance Leonado da Vinci, Galileo Galilei, Einstein.

They were pioneers in their fields of interest.
They came up with ‘stuff’ that the majority of people of their time could not begin to grasp and would strongly oppose against.

“ A thing that flies in the sky, with a person in it! It is impossible to build such a thing! Where do you get such ridiculous ideas from?”
“ The world not flat? Can’t you simply see that it is flat when you just look around you seeing the horizon? Where do you get such ridiculous ideas from?”
“You age depending on the speed and direction you travel? Being in two places at the same time is theoretically possible, you say? Common, don’t be a fool. Where do you get such bizarre ideas from?”
We don’t blink now when we see an aeroplane or a helicopter or a rocket and from that higher perspective it gives, it is observable quite clear to the majority of people that the world is round, despite appearances on ground level.
Many of Einstein’s understandings are still difficult to grasp for  the majority of people, but quantum-scientist are happily playing with the concepts, proving the theoretical ideas to have practical ‘legs’ too.

My field of interest is ‘ human interactions’ combined with the role information management plays in the developments of ‘ being human’.

To my big surprise (a while ago) , I can tap into a source of information that is like a Universal Internet. You are curious about something you experience and observe…… just ask your questions about it…… and answers and angles to explore are given.
That is where I get my ideas, concepts and angles to fly from.
That is where Da Vinci, Galilei and Einstein got their ideas from, I’m pretty sure.
Even though it is not common belief that such a source of information a) exists and b) is accessible to every single one of us.

Like Leonando da Vinci was sketching out a lot of the concepts, he didn’t go round to build each and every single one of them. He left the notes for others to be inspired to do so, in due time.
Am I doing the same here?
Seeing all these beautiful options, sketching them out… endeavouring to put abstracts concepts into concrete words and images.

It is all founded on an image of a human being that we are ‘round’: we move through space in a complete sphere, constantly changing position and…. are willing to express and develop our ‘good nature’.

Am I ridiculous?
Am I a total and utter idealist who has her eyes in her pocket all day!?

I don’t think so.
I only have to look around me, to see that the human interactions horizon is appearing to be flat, flat, flat and flat only.
Especially looking at the broader landscape: by reading a magazine, listen to the news ( attack, after attack after attack),  there is not much else to see than people battling their way through relationships with work, the government, their loved ones and .... themselves !
So yes, I do see the flatness of the human interactions horizon, the sharp separations we have grown to belief are top and bottom of our reality, no matter in which direction you look, no matter what you do.

But if we ‘knew’ our human interactions reality to be multi-dimensional… not flat. Ever changing... not static.
Would we dare to start exploring?
Would we dare to go to places we haven’t been, yet?
Would we dare to leave the familiar territories of ‘ fight& flight’ to find the goodies of our collective human sphere we all suspect, deep down inside us, to exist, beyond the line of 2 choices?

This whole palette of choice sketchbook, is obviously not about real paint and painting you ‘do’ with your hands.
Under the common understanding of the word MIND, you may think it is about ‘ideas’ that you actively ‘think’ with your thought processes. Which would set your palette of choice fairly equal to your belief system: the ‘things’ you label in a certain colour/value.

It isn’t predominantly about your belief system.
It is about your resonance system.

You belief system is about having content…. your resonance system is about being content.

And yes, there is a relationship between the content you are having; the multitude of things on your belief system you cherish and hold onto as precious…. and the contentness you experience with your life. But that relation is quite non-linear… more like…. a sphere… a constellation of things having certain positions at certain times.

A couple of months ago, I sketched out something about the position of perception in the resonance system of a human.
I didn’t call it resonance system yet, that thought just came to me today.
It has many foundations in the understandings about  chakra’s (energy centre’s) in the human being, that are usually depicted in rainbow colours.
It offers  an explanation on the level of the resonance system on why  so many people resonate with life as ‘ being so ‘ flat’’, so ‘unfree’ and so lacking any real joy.
It also gives clues on how to solve that issue on an energetic level, so the ‘ strings’ of life can be played freely and harmoniously.

I find it to make a lot of sense, seen from my perspective of the world.
I find it to be supported by many, many scientifically already proven insights.

But is it true?
Is it more than just a theoretical view, unconventional?
Has it any practical implications?
For everyday use by many… or just for scientist to play with?

At this point in time….. I don’t know what this sketchbook will lead to.

I do hope, there is merit to it.
I do hope, that even if it is not 100% ‘nailing it on the head’, it will inspire people to play with the ideas, to start exploring.
To broaden the human interactions horizon in a new way. Not by travelling far to see the flatness everywhere you go, no matter how much effort you put into it.
Maybe by travelling higher up, right where you are…..  in your energy investments in expressing your full palette of resonances, without constrains.

This form of freedom… to be precise…… does not imply:
  • trying to create or have a belief system without any form of constraints nor 
  • trying to create a reality that has certain characteristics and is completely free of other characteristics!

This freedom is the freedom to resonate, without constrains*, without fretting about things ( fretting is flat lining your energy strings, as you will see in the images, when  you follow the link).
And then… see from there, from resonating fully with the life that is in your real here and now energy-sphere, options to harmonise it...... ( in line with the ever evolving belief systems of the people involved).

And yes… that will change your belief system… the actual content about phenomenon of life.
And yes… it will change your resonance system… the actual contentedness with life.

Which, most people would agree, could do with a significant upgrade anyway……

Enfin, when you are interested to read more about this, you can find the sketch about the resonance system on this webpage on my website.
It is like a pickle, that really accompanies the taste and texture of this meat-physical 'fish', caught today, very well, I believe, as Food for Thought.

* some spiritual sources may refer to this concept as ' unconditional love'...
but since that usually seems to lead to the idea that you have to 'love' ( as in accept) everything that occurs with your belief system in order to be ' good human being' freed of any form of his full potential and ' have' everything you dream of.....I see how, if we are actually talking about different interrelating  aspects of the human being.... such an understanding of 'unconditional love' may create more havoc than less.

Friday, 22 July 2016

painting rainbows with black paint?!

In the previous blog post, I talked about making beautiful deeply profound and high quality black paint for your palette of choice, to paint long lasting pictures with in the canvas of life.

But what if you really desire to paint rainbows… ?

There are various ways of going about that, open to you, once you start mixing your own truths, with full attention, applying your own produce.

I’ll mention 2 different ones here.

Before we dive into that, let’s be inspired by how rainbows are painted in the sky.

You need:
·         sunshine
·         a rain cloud approaching and
·         an observer (being: you)
When it starts to rain, you make sure the sun is behind you. You turn your back to the source of light beaming this constant flow of light.

Doing that, right in front of you, the rainbow is being painted in the sky.
The more contrast ( the darker the clouds) the more vibrant, clear, big and shiny the rainbow becomes.

So, you are inspired by that miracle, that Universal symbol of hope and desire to see the very same pretty colours appear on your canvasses.

You may look at your batches of black paint, with a sense of despair.
They don’t resemble rainbow colours at all!

Option 1

One is ‘ a miracle’ you can perform with any amount of black paint you come across, physical as well as meta-physical.
It is where you let the black paint transform itself into a rainbow on the canvas of your life.

All you have to do, is…… relax, sit and notice the miracle to happen, automatically.

Now, you may ( or may not) be aware of a science experiment having to do with chromatography.
It is often done in school. ( google it to see pictures

This is how it goes.
  • You put a dot of black on a piece of white paper, usually similar to coffee filter paper.
  • You hang that right above some water in a bowl.
  • The paper will pull the water upwards.
  • The black will dissolve in it and starts to travel with the water.

But the…. o wonder……you’ll notice the black ‘ breaks down’ in its colourful various components.
Once the process has finished, you’ll see a rainbow of colours. It has painted itself!
This is done in the physical world.

It can also be done in the meta-physical world of your inner world paint-studio.
  • Imagine to take a clean, fresh piece of paper where you put a dot on of the colour you have available right now on your brush.
  • Imagine to hang it, suspended in ‘yourself’, to allow it to be picked up by the flow of (your) life, for it to be filtered.
  • Let it be.
Don’t disturb it, don’t shake it… just ‘let it happen’.

You can choose to sit back, relax and watch it happen and unfold to your awareness , without you ‘doing’ anything.
You will then notice how this will paint a picture on your mind. Since it is made out of your own experiences, it will show you those components  in their natural ‘ rainbow’ order, very clearly.
You can also choose to let it happen unobserved and come back to it in a couple of hours.
If you set it in motion in the evening, just before you go to sleep and have a look first thing next morning….. you will see in one ‘image/sensation’ the whole splendour of this particular rainbow, created under these very specific circumstances.

You ‘made’ this rainbow occur, with your true colours of that day.
Even if all you thought you had available was pure black.

Option 2:

OK, so at any given day a rainbow can be painted without you doing anything.
Cool…. but… want to be able to do it yourself, using all sort of colours?!

Now that is where ‘trade’ comes in.

People are specialised in making one or a few colours in their mental mortars.
Like not every geographical area has all natural resources…..some are found in mountains, some are found in seas.. ….the same goes for any energetical area called ‘a human being’.
You may not know yet what other natural resources you have than the dark debris of life…. anger and sadness.
But he, there is market out there for high quality black paint as well as beautiful black and white canvasses painted with high quality paint!

Now, the trade on this market fully takes place in ‘energy’ so ease your mind about how much ‘money’ goes round there.

On this market there is only fair trade. You deliver something good, you get back something of equal quality that you can use. Also, you deliver something of poor quality…….send equals receive.

It works very easy….. you endeavour to apply the highest quality, which.. contains the highest percentage of truth as you know it, well processed, free of free flowing toxic particles or any artificially ‘enhanced’ bits, openly, for all to see and experience.

Any person who ‘ wants’ what you have got to offer, shall give you something of equal value, in energy, what you can use.
(You may not see that, you may not ‘like’ the taste or appearance of this offering,  you may not recognise what it is right away, since it may be new to you….. it happens.)

Suddenly, you’ll feel you’ve got more and new interesting options available on your palette of choice.
You didn’t  ‘make’ it ( you wouldn’t even know where to start)…but now there is ‘Burnt Sienna’  or ‘‘sepia’  available to you to play with on your palette of choice and in your own compositions.
You very well may indeed have to get used to this ‘ new option’, get to know the effects, but… wow…. this is good fun… more options: colour is now appearing!

Don’t despair if nobody wants to see your true colours in the course of the day, the week, the month….
At the end of the market day, you can trade all leftovers with the Universe.
Just surrender all your good quality stuff to the Universal Intelligence and…… it will give you back something of the very same quality you can use in the compositions you desire to create.

Of course, you are allowed to ‘ hold on to it’ and have a cupboard full of your own produce.
But he, there are only so many days an organic specialist cabbage grower can fully appreciate eating only his own produce!
That this meta-physical energy market is founded on fair trade also means you can always safely give out the best you have to offer ( not what you can pretend to have on offer, trying to cater for what somebody would like to have… that is not containing enough truth).

If the person you are offering it to, doesn’t want it, doesn’t like it, or doesn’t have anything of the same value to trade it with, that you can use….. the overall market system shall organise that it will be settled right.
Even if that wasn’t the case (hypothetically speaking) …. you know by that time that you can produce this great produce over and over again, without losing anything of any significance. Gaining life experience, getting to know your true colours in depth.

Accept a sample of whatever a person has to offer, thinking…..’ I shall use it myself when it is of better quality, higher truth percentages, than what I already have available.’

( You don’t have to fight their truth if you don’t like it. Simply show a sample of yours from your palette of choice and if they want to play with it….fine. If not… equally fine.)

Just be very clear (honest) that you need to have a say in which quality products are used when painting together on a canvass of life. ( work, relationship, community) and that you are making the final decisions on all the canvasses that are strictly yours… your own belief-system, the things you invest your own time and energy on.

And that if you are not ‘sure’ about something, it doesn’t resonate on true enough for you to be ‘good’, you are in ‘doubt’ about it, you want to sleep a night on it.

Put the suggested sample overnight on the rainbow –filter-shelve, next to a sample of your own truth on the matter and see which rainbow you like better. 
You will also know why, with great and bright clarity.
(You have ‘seen’ which element is missing.. or not of the most truthful quality….)

You can then express that….. if ‘they’ are interested in improving the overall quality of the palette of choice….. 

black pain(t)

A palette of choice is very empty without any paint to be creative with.

Where does this paint come from? In which colours? In which qualities?

An option I recommend looking into when your life can really use a boost in quality is: making your own and start painting with your own high quality produce.

The easiest pigments to start this process with is…… black.

Two reasons:

1.       If you really and quite strongly feel that your life would benefit from a boost, because you feel you are ‘lacking’ many ‘good and joyful things’… chances are 100% that you’ve got enough of the required material in your awareness to make high quality black paint.
2.       Painting with only black paint on the white canvas of life gives a clear contrast and an opportunity to focus on the essence of the painting process (without being distracted/overwhelmed  by a multitude of things) . Using just the one pigment, makes your palette easy to manage.
Sounds plausible as a first step?
Good, let’s continue then.

The base for black paint is found in the rough materials you recognize as dark emotions: anger and sadness.
The more an emotion ‘lacks’ light and cheer, the more suitable it is to transform into a profoundly deep, high quality paint.
From pain to paint, so to say.

Safety notice:
The raw ingredients for making black paint are highly toxic!
The energetical particles may be infinitely small is size, but do have a high impact on health and wellbeing when they travel though air.
When these particles fly free, they contaminate any palettes of choice that are around.
They stick themselves to the  canvasses of life in the process of being painted, ruining the lightness and shininess of the clear paints being applied. Like a dark dust is being sprinkled over everything.
When inhaled by any person around,  they will not feel well and the desire to create ( and enjoy life) subsides.
The only way to bind those particles for safe usage, is by mixing them with enough full attention.
Full attention is the glue, the binding agent that allows them to transform to a high quality material to actively and happily use and be creative with.
OK... ?
Then.... how to proceed?
It takes some dedicated time this part of the creative process, which I call ME-time.
Where you go to a dedicated corner in your MIND, away from everybody and any ongoing projects.
Because….. making paint is not done on the canvas, nor on the palette and for safety reasons, not when you can be disturb by the presence of anybody else. Don;t eat or drink anything whiel working with these toxic raw materials.
In this separate part of the (mental) studio you’ll have a (mental) mortar available.

Like the highest quality ‘real’ paint is made by skilfully processing the best quality ingredients, the same is true for home made black meta-physical paint.
The quality of any colour meta-physical paint on the palette of choice is determined by the pureness of its core pigment.
The pureness of that is expressed in ‘ the level of truth’ it contains.
The more truth, the higher the quality.

True colours don’t fade away when exposed to the light for a while.
True colours mix well with other true colours, with predictable results.
True colours can be diluted with water to become more translucent on the canvas of life, to obtain watercolour painting effects, without losing the intenseness of their colour.
True colours behave the same on the brush, over and over again, when applied.
Artificially produced colours may look nice, may be ‘easier, quicker and cheaper’ to produce, may look shiny and bright at first glance, but since they don’t contain enough truth, they aren’t anywhere near as long-lasting and pleasant to use as genuin natural truthful colours.

Back to our black pigments, the particles of truth found in dark emotions, like anger and sadness.

Collect those particles, throughout your day, whenever you are aware of them, as if you are wearing a special pouch for it.
Give it a moment of full attention:” He, I notice some anger, resentment, sadness, disappointment….. to be here. I am picking this pain up to use it later in my mental mortar.

When you feel you have enough you go to your disconnect MIND space.
Strongly and repetitively thinking “ I’ve had enough now!”  or ‘ I really need to go now!’ and growing restless are usually a strong indicators that the pouch is full and it needs your full attention to be processed.

Pour all the content of the pouch into the mortar, consciously, when you are alone and disconnected from any other ongoing projects.

You can do this by using a journal and making an inventory on paper of all the dark pigments you have collected. Name them, feel them, feel their roughness, their sharpness as they go through the hands of your MIND by describing all you know about it, the full truth about them as you are seeing it. Pour them out , with full attention. ( But is can also be done ' in your head' )

Keep nothing out, hold nothing back, be completely honest with yourself about all the pain and dark feelings, with your full flow of open clear attention with it.
Don’t make anything ‘up’ about it as you go along…purely ‘pour’ and ‘ observe’…. that way you’ll have 100% truth (raw) pigments, with the appropriate amount of binding agent in your mortar.

Than, it needs grinding. This truth is too rough, not processed well enough to be applied yet on the palette as it is now, nor on the canvas of life.

‘Hit’ it, energetically until you are  fine’ with it.

Processing the dark truth in the mental mortar with energetically felt thoughts like:
“ it is NOT fair that…..”
“ I really RESENT this aspect of it , because…..”

Bigger lumps of dark truth shall break down into smaller truths, doing this, all the while being safely held into the container of your mortar, being binded and dissolved into your full attention.
Continue adding truths from your pouch and stamping them to ‘fine’ until there is nothing left and you feel  ‘much better’ about banging all these truths on the head  and making them  ‘fine’.

Sometimes, you’ll find that the mortar was full, although there was more in your pouch.
No worries, the more material you have, the more beautiful black paint you can make with it!

Just ‘put’ the fine mix away for now and start a new batch when you get the signal to ‘have enough’ material for it to be worth the effort.
Although the energetical mixing is done now, the paint is not yet ready to be applied on the palette!

It needs to sit and rest for a little while to really ‘set’ (like plaster).
So, just simply leave it in your mental studio corner to simmer and ripen and go do something else, somewhere else.

The interesting thing that happens is, that when you are using your palette of choice,  painting pretty pictures on the canvas of daily life, you’ll see that this new paint with it’s finer rich qualities comes onto it, automatically!

And when you have that flowing from your brush, when you see that appear as beautiful in your reality… you’ll notice what a great difference it makes to work with high quality paint.

Also, when you look back at projects created using this paint, after months or years…… you’ll see that the black colour is still as fresh and shiny as the day you put it on. Giving wonderful contrast to the bright white of the paper ( the canvas of life).
When you have experienced that, you don’t want to just grab any level of truth that seems to be available in your studio anymore.
The higher the levels of truth you apply, the more you'll enjoy the painting process, the more you’ll enjoy your results, now and in the long run.
You may think….. 
"But I can’t paint rainbows with black paint!"
"I have a huge desire to paint multicoloured canvasses!"

Hold that thought and read the blog post I’ll write about the joys life has to offer.


Thursday, 21 July 2016

either.... ego or ..... very essence?

A letter
TO: the collective consciousness of all people who care to know 
CC: Eckhart Tolle

Dear reader,

I recently read Eckhart Tolle’s book ‘A New Earth’.
I was enjoying the book a great deal, but in the light of ‘the palette of choice’ project, I couldn’t help noticing that the painted picture on ‘living in the now’‘ seems to contain a great deal of “either….. or….“ options, which may by troubling the MIND (Managing Information for New Developments) of an interested reader.

With all due respect for my colleague Eckhart Tolle and his pioneering work to help people focus on the opportunities offered in the NOW..... some things were not quite sitting well with my preferred palette of choice..
The way he writes about the "ego" seems to me to be somewhat at odds with what he also writes: "What you resist persists and gets even stronger.”.

In his descriptions, the ego seems to be identified as the source of all madness and the root of all evil; a very clever illusion that lurks around and jumps on any occasion to interfere with your everyday life during unguarded moments. Reason? So that you (again) come to believe that you ARE  'the ego'.

Why would that be a problem?

Well, ego-based behaviour is said to be the root of all pain and suffering; if not for yourself, then surely for others.

And, as a (wannabe) enlightened being… that is surely the last thing you would want, isn’t it?
Eckhart Tolle seems to suggest that it would best not to feed your ego with "negative" energy, because that would also feed the pain-body.  This entity, which also dwells in you, has the power to create quite some havoc in your inner household - to the point where you can even become “not yourself”.
The way he puts it may lead to this happening:- in everything you do, you start to wonder "Oh dear, is this now my ego or not?”
In ‘palette of choice-speak’: “ Is this either good/non-ego-based… or bad/ ego-based?”

And with the slightest suspicion that your ego might be involved in your thoughts, feelings and actions, you then chose to do your utmost best to prevent this ego-driven behaviour from happening ......

If  ‘experiencing enlightenment’ is your goal, this approach is likely to backfire on you, given ‘what you resist persists and gets even stronger’.

‘Thinking' is another thing Eckhart Tolle doesn’t seem to consider to be charming or very helpful in Being Yourself.
What he recommends is "Presence," a conscious presence in the moment.  Applying that allows you to accept all of this NOW with full attention, without thinking about it.

And as much as I do know and appreciate how Presence feels and works, I also know that's very complicated for beginners in the field of working with a heightened degree of awareness and consciousness to BE that; to apply that skilfully.  Especially in difficult situations where all kinds of emotions and thoughts are tumbling around in their system and you’re easily triggered into ‘either….or…… choices’ inspired by either…..fight…. or flightimpulses in a perceived crisis situation.

Then what?

Using my talent for finding and proposing really simple practical options, this is what I see could work, even for a beginner.

I think it is feasible for anybody to apply just one leading question on any challenging situation.

  • A question which both… your ego and… your innermost being find interesting to play with, which saves you having to deal with an inner conflict  (Being or Doing, Ego or Self) within the turmoil of the situation.
  • A question that focuses your attention, in an open way, on what is really present in the here and now (which automatically activates the Presence of your innermost being)
  • Something you are allowed, without tension, to actively think about (which activates your active consciousness) without having to put energy into the effort of you trying to stop thinking.  Given the beginner level of consciousness, it is simply not very likely at this time that you’ll succeed in stopping thinking - the energies present are too powerful and they don’t ‘bend’ for the powers you can confidently apply right now.

That leading question in any situation could be:

"What is of value (for me) in this situation?"

With all the things that come up you keep asking this very same question, as calmly as possible, until there is nothing more of value that you haven’t noticed or picked up.
 You know when you've reached that point, because you are then very calm, with a positive feeling. If necessary, you can walk away quietly; you let it go.  

The reason? 
You know deep within that you have left nothing behind of great value to you (or "lost" anything), in that situation.

"Value? Value?! ... Hey .... there is disappointment!" may shout a voice within you.”
"Yes, thank you for bringing that under my attention. Show me, please….what is the value for me in noticing the fact that disappointment is there, now?”

This way you show that you accept that disappointment IS present. In ‘palette of choice speak’: “ I accept both… the knocking at my door and….. the entering of the message and.. that I have to give it my full attention in order to be heard and understood.

You do not fight it, but are showing interest in its value.  Not so much inquiring why the disappointment is there, because that could quite quickly lead to a focus on what's missing in this situation, nor what is wrong about it and what others (preferably, of course ;-) ) have done wrong.
Either…right, or….wrong’ thinking patterns activate, at high speed, the "negative spiral" that is not likely to open up the full palette of choice within you.
No, this question focuses on what for you is all vitally important to experience.

What happens under the bonnet is this:
  • Your ego interprets this question as: "What is of high value for me, personally?" 
  • Leaning towards: What can I get out of this? What is in it for me, at a personal level?
  • Your deepest essence interprets this question as: "What occurs here in my Presence (what presents itself to me), that is of high collective value?" .... 
  • Leaning towards: What can I bring here? What is it that I can shine my light on?

It would be very nice if you can invite both parts to put their respective answers together in this formula:
" The VALUE of experiencing ‘X’ in this situation is that I KNOW I LOVE  ‘Y’ ".
This formula works wonders, because it contains the three magic ingredients Tolle has identified: acceptance, joy and enthusiasm.

To put it in my own words:

  • You focus on the value of this experience, which shifts your attention to Joy (Joy of Being). This actively makes a connection with the desire of your innermost being.
  • You make a statement in which you indicate that you are connected to The Knowing (the collective consciousness). This Knowing has a more versatile multi-layered, multichannel, multidimensional range of qualities than 'thinking'.
  • You say openly and honestly that you love. You feel that love, remember that love, embrace the object of your affection with your attention, here and now. Love, so they say, is the most powerful energy that you can call forward to bring relief to a situation.

I KNOW I LOVE, might very well be YOU Acknowledging Who You Really Are; Being the Knowing of your Whole Self.

In following this formula, you do absolutely nothing to push anything away in order to freely embrace what you value. (not somebody else’s experience, not even your ego, not even your pain)
In addition to that …. energetically ….. it is much easier working/playing /dealing with what IS, then with what is missing.

It even works in the material world.
Try building anything with the stones that are missing and …. it will not succeed. But if building something sturdy is the sought after thing of real value, you’ll probably see other building materials currently present in the situation that you can use to fulfil the very same purpose.

Examples of applying the formula?
You order soup to eat and it arrives cold.  You wish to calmly resolve the situation.  Applying the formula you consider:-

  • The value of experiencing disappointment in this situation, is that I know I love hot soup.
  • The value of experiencing anger in this situation, is that I know I love openness and honesty.
  • The value of experiencing frustration in this situation is that I know I love mutual respect and clear communication.

Knowing those answers will bring you peacefully, joyfully and fully automatically into the lukk palette of choice, working with all that IS (relevant), here and now.

Then, the next natural question pops up: "Okay, what is the best way of dealing with this situation now, in line with my highest values… those high values of which I have now reminded myself.” 

This act of reminding was not done by thinking or making them up, but by knowing - which is naturally firmly rooted in my own experiences in the dynamics of the choicesprocess.
Then, your innermost Being (which you have invited to shine its light on this situation) gives you instantly suitable choices.
Because you are now quite calm, in open contact with your consciousness and the Knowing, you’ll be able to notice those high value suggestions for dealing with this situation.
Based on those solid, truthful foundations you choose, in a natural way and with calm enthusiasm, a pattern of behaviour that fits your highest values ​​and serves all you need for this moment.

Of course you can say:
"Hey, but wait a second…… the hot soup, the openness, the honesty ,the respect and clear communication were not in that situation ..... ! Because nobody brought it in, it was missing!
You too have got to see that and understand it! It is obvious.”

Bear with me, because I do not deny this and I do understand the statement.

However, once YOU actively and lovingly remind yourself of the ‘joy’ of hot soup, once you have communicated openly and honestly and clearly with respect to yourself in this situation, then you have energetically inserted into this situation what you find important. Somebody has brought it in – you.
It is a new NOW in that moment, where this knowing is a part of the whole energetic situation.
What you clearly find important is to have acces to your full palette of human choices, to apply the your true colours onto the canvas of this situation.

Even more important than the question whether-you-are-right-or-wrong, or that something is-or-has-been-missing  or you’ve been-done-wrong-by-another, you have tapped into your power about how you can deal with the situation in line with your own highest values and all your needs.
Whether that other person does or doesn’t give you what you would like to receive…
Whether or not that material thing is there …..
You wind yourself up a lot less about it! It is not a life threatening crisis and you know it.

Whether you ARE either….your “ego” or…… your "very essence" has become a largely irrelevant matter too, because the two are comfortably working together as one, as a constructively collective whole, acting for the* best interests.

* Notice how I write here THE best interests and not 'your own personal interests’. "

Your innermost being positively fed your ego, with food of the highest quality ..... joy, attention and opportunities.
Your ego, who has the function to help you develop your identity as a unique human being within the context of the whole collective, has seized an opportunity for sustainable personal growth.
Your unique-me-standing-out-from-the-crowd-ego (the part of you that endeavours to develop a pleasant, unique identity in a way that has benefits for you) has experienced, with this approach, the overall interest is strongly related to his / her / your personal interest. So…… there is no threat the ego has to strongly respond to in it’s characteristic way.

The whole aim of your life is to be (both) a unique human being (and) within the dynamic context of the collective Being.

Both…. peace and…. joyful, in an ever evolving way.

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Google joy

A letter
TO: Google 
CC: the collective consciousness of all people who care to know

Dear reader,

I am asking a couple of minutes of your full attention, to put one suggestion to you.

Would you please consider (seriously) using:

·         your awareness on the importance of ‘access to all relevant up-to-date’ information
·         your available resources,
·         your unique way: clear, straightforward, clean, high quality, high speed and playful

to help mankind raise its awareness all over the world that freedom of choice is exercised most meaningful on a palette of choice that contains more than “either this…. or that….”

I don’t think that concepts need much explanation to specialists in information management.
However, you’ll find my take* on it in a nutshell explained….here.

* I am an international advisor in sustainable community developments, combining expertise in both ‘human interactions’ and ‘ information management’.

I noticed that the 24th of October is dedicated to be the World Development Information Day, by the United Nations since 1972.

I was wondering if you’d be interested doing something a bit special with that… since, in a way…..the theme is commemorating your core-business, your very raison-d’ĂȘtre in this world: Google’s Joy.
I would like to suggest to give a twist to your daily special of that day, the Doodle, and putting it ‘on’ all over the world.

A twist?
Yes, this particular Doodle will be programmed to highlight the intelligence that is necessary for both the search query results list to be produced (by Google), as well as it being used and interpreted by the user in a meaningful way.

Here is the thought in more detail:

On a normal, everyday search query, Google responds at the speed of light by composing a  comprehensive results list, in order of significance.
The user can then browse through the summaries of web content and pick and choose which websites to delve deeper into.

What if.. 
on this very day….. 
Google seems to be showing.....
in what appears (at first glance) to be a normal result list......
only’ two (!) results:
1.     the ordinary number 1 ranking for that specific search query
(so it is intelligently responding to the user’s request) and
2.     a link to an explanation website on the importance of freedom of choice and the joys, importance and meaning of being able to see and choose from more possibilities than just 2.

Under this interactive doodle-top-bar….. the normal results do still appear. 
Service as usuall.

This is a mock-up image, to give you an idea, what I picture it to be like.

This whole in itself ultra-short experience, repeated millions of times on one single day:
  • right in the heart of a normal real every day process, 
  • where a person actively desires to see a range of varied options in a search for information
    could be tempted to take having free access to such an empowering service for granted….!),  
has the power to raise a lot of awareness on the intelligence involved in making it possible to choose a beautiful life in a sustainable world-community. 

World-peace, world-prosperity, world wellbeing are all highly depending on how humans process storing, retrieving, filtering, interpreting and combining available information and options.

That is what this day is about.
That is what Google is about.
That is what I am about.
That is what this project ‘palette of choice’ is about.

Do you feel invited to play with this suggestion?
I really hope it appeals.

Always happy to be involved,


I created these Doodle-image mock-ups transforming a picture created by YAK (Yacine Ait Kaci) I found and really liked for the purpose of illustrating this idea in a letter to Google (illustrated version of thew Declaration of Human Rights)