Friday, 22 July 2016

black pain(t)

A palette of choice is very empty without any paint to be creative with.

Where does this paint come from? In which colours? In which qualities?

An option I recommend looking into when your life can really use a boost in quality is: making your own and start painting with your own high quality produce.

The easiest pigments to start this process with is…… black.

Two reasons:

1.       If you really and quite strongly feel that your life would benefit from a boost, because you feel you are ‘lacking’ many ‘good and joyful things’… chances are 100% that you’ve got enough of the required material in your awareness to make high quality black paint.
2.       Painting with only black paint on the white canvas of life gives a clear contrast and an opportunity to focus on the essence of the painting process (without being distracted/overwhelmed  by a multitude of things) . Using just the one pigment, makes your palette easy to manage.
Sounds plausible as a first step?
Good, let’s continue then.

The base for black paint is found in the rough materials you recognize as dark emotions: anger and sadness.
The more an emotion ‘lacks’ light and cheer, the more suitable it is to transform into a profoundly deep, high quality paint.
From pain to paint, so to say.

Safety notice:
The raw ingredients for making black paint are highly toxic!
The energetical particles may be infinitely small is size, but do have a high impact on health and wellbeing when they travel though air.
When these particles fly free, they contaminate any palettes of choice that are around.
They stick themselves to the  canvasses of life in the process of being painted, ruining the lightness and shininess of the clear paints being applied. Like a dark dust is being sprinkled over everything.
When inhaled by any person around,  they will not feel well and the desire to create ( and enjoy life) subsides.
The only way to bind those particles for safe usage, is by mixing them with enough full attention.
Full attention is the glue, the binding agent that allows them to transform to a high quality material to actively and happily use and be creative with.
OK... ?
Then.... how to proceed?
It takes some dedicated time this part of the creative process, which I call ME-time.
Where you go to a dedicated corner in your MIND, away from everybody and any ongoing projects.
Because….. making paint is not done on the canvas, nor on the palette and for safety reasons, not when you can be disturb by the presence of anybody else. Don;t eat or drink anything whiel working with these toxic raw materials.
In this separate part of the (mental) studio you’ll have a (mental) mortar available.

Like the highest quality ‘real’ paint is made by skilfully processing the best quality ingredients, the same is true for home made black meta-physical paint.
The quality of any colour meta-physical paint on the palette of choice is determined by the pureness of its core pigment.
The pureness of that is expressed in ‘ the level of truth’ it contains.
The more truth, the higher the quality.

True colours don’t fade away when exposed to the light for a while.
True colours mix well with other true colours, with predictable results.
True colours can be diluted with water to become more translucent on the canvas of life, to obtain watercolour painting effects, without losing the intenseness of their colour.
True colours behave the same on the brush, over and over again, when applied.
Artificially produced colours may look nice, may be ‘easier, quicker and cheaper’ to produce, may look shiny and bright at first glance, but since they don’t contain enough truth, they aren’t anywhere near as long-lasting and pleasant to use as genuin natural truthful colours.

Back to our black pigments, the particles of truth found in dark emotions, like anger and sadness.

Collect those particles, throughout your day, whenever you are aware of them, as if you are wearing a special pouch for it.
Give it a moment of full attention:” He, I notice some anger, resentment, sadness, disappointment….. to be here. I am picking this pain up to use it later in my mental mortar.

When you feel you have enough you go to your disconnect MIND space.
Strongly and repetitively thinking “ I’ve had enough now!”  or ‘ I really need to go now!’ and growing restless are usually a strong indicators that the pouch is full and it needs your full attention to be processed.

Pour all the content of the pouch into the mortar, consciously, when you are alone and disconnected from any other ongoing projects.

You can do this by using a journal and making an inventory on paper of all the dark pigments you have collected. Name them, feel them, feel their roughness, their sharpness as they go through the hands of your MIND by describing all you know about it, the full truth about them as you are seeing it. Pour them out , with full attention. ( But is can also be done ' in your head' )

Keep nothing out, hold nothing back, be completely honest with yourself about all the pain and dark feelings, with your full flow of open clear attention with it.
Don’t make anything ‘up’ about it as you go along…purely ‘pour’ and ‘ observe’…. that way you’ll have 100% truth (raw) pigments, with the appropriate amount of binding agent in your mortar.

Than, it needs grinding. This truth is too rough, not processed well enough to be applied yet on the palette as it is now, nor on the canvas of life.

‘Hit’ it, energetically until you are  fine’ with it.

Processing the dark truth in the mental mortar with energetically felt thoughts like:
“ it is NOT fair that…..”
“ I really RESENT this aspect of it , because…..”

Bigger lumps of dark truth shall break down into smaller truths, doing this, all the while being safely held into the container of your mortar, being binded and dissolved into your full attention.
Continue adding truths from your pouch and stamping them to ‘fine’ until there is nothing left and you feel  ‘much better’ about banging all these truths on the head  and making them  ‘fine’.

Sometimes, you’ll find that the mortar was full, although there was more in your pouch.
No worries, the more material you have, the more beautiful black paint you can make with it!

Just ‘put’ the fine mix away for now and start a new batch when you get the signal to ‘have enough’ material for it to be worth the effort.
Although the energetical mixing is done now, the paint is not yet ready to be applied on the palette!

It needs to sit and rest for a little while to really ‘set’ (like plaster).
So, just simply leave it in your mental studio corner to simmer and ripen and go do something else, somewhere else.

The interesting thing that happens is, that when you are using your palette of choice,  painting pretty pictures on the canvas of daily life, you’ll see that this new paint with it’s finer rich qualities comes onto it, automatically!

And when you have that flowing from your brush, when you see that appear as beautiful in your reality… you’ll notice what a great difference it makes to work with high quality paint.

Also, when you look back at projects created using this paint, after months or years…… you’ll see that the black colour is still as fresh and shiny as the day you put it on. Giving wonderful contrast to the bright white of the paper ( the canvas of life).
When you have experienced that, you don’t want to just grab any level of truth that seems to be available in your studio anymore.
The higher the levels of truth you apply, the more you'll enjoy the painting process, the more you’ll enjoy your results, now and in the long run.
You may think….. 
"But I can’t paint rainbows with black paint!"
"I have a huge desire to paint multicoloured canvasses!"

Hold that thought and read the blog post I’ll write about the joys life has to offer.


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