Influença, the highly contagious human
flu (not many people consciously know about)
We’ve all had it, we’ll all be having
it every now and then.
It is no fun to have it.
But, there are ways to cure quickly from it, without spreading it further onto anybody else around you.
It is no fun to have it.
But, there are ways to cure quickly from it, without spreading it further onto anybody else around you.
This is what happens:
Somebody who you
trusted to be concerned about your wellbeing (too), with whom you felt to be
actively involved in developing something, for whom you deeply care(d) for…. did something that infected your trust with influença.
(S)he did
something that influenced your wellbeing with high/deep impact.
(S)he did something (to you or… you witnessed it being done to another) that went completely against the grain of several of your deepest core-values.
(S)he did something (to you or… you witnessed it being done to another) that went completely against the grain of several of your deepest core-values.
The moment of
contamination can be as short as a ‘cough’.
You might not even know when and
where it took place.
(S)he may not even have done it on purpose! May not even
have known (s)he was infected….!
The (split-)second it reaches your awareness and you realise the full impact of this on your wellbeing, the influença - ‘virus’ is already attacking and eating away at your immune system: your trust in life. You have influença right now.
The (split-)second it reaches your awareness and you realise the full impact of this on your wellbeing, the influença - ‘virus’ is already attacking and eating away at your immune system: your trust in life. You have influença right now.
As a result:
When it
reaches your awareness, which can be right in that situation, or within a couple
of hours after leaving the ‘contamination’ area
- you have a sense of not being up to anything useful, meaningful
- nothing seems ‘fun’
- with peaks of wanting to lash out, attack something
- often with feverish thoughts and emotions
- an urge to ‘pour’ them out, raw and dirty... get rid of them.
- there is not much else you thing and feel 'about', it is the main topic and no simple distraction is taking your mind of it. You can't laugh it away.
In more
detail, those thoughts and feelings contain:
- you feel very profoundly: something (major) derailed or snapped
within you
- a very strong indicator is that 'home' doesn't feel like 'home'
- you think thoughts revolving around:
- a very strong indicator is that 'home' doesn't feel like 'home'
- your worldly home..... but actually that is a 'false' projection, it is about your
- meta-physical home' the place you fall back to in dealing with life': basic trust
- you think thoughts revolving around:
- I am in (deep) trouble
- I can’t deal with this
- I need support and comfort
- I don’t know what to do with myself right now
- anxious
- turbulent
- powerless/incapable/weak/vulnerable
- with peaks of anger (frustration) and/or great sadness (diappointment) eager to get out there... get expressed to others.....
Like with a physical viral influenza
attack, you can be relatively mildly poorly, or severely ill from having to
deal with this intruder in your system. So the intenseness of these symptoms
can vary.
With a physical viral flu in our
system, being processed to be escorted to the exit, we know:
- it takes time ( about 7 days)
- you are ' no good' for anything else meanwhile
- best ‘go to bed’ and surrender to it…. the body will do the necessary
- drink enough water, not to dehydrate
- start taking food in and engaging in activities when your body indicates it ‘want’ it again.
Not understanding
Most people don’t
know about influença – the human flu, let alone that it is highly contagious to
go ‘viral’, spreading round the particles of ‘unsound energy transactions’,
infecting others with it.
Most people don’t understand the symptoms either….. and therefore don’t do the energetically most hygienic thing to deal with it.
Which is: stay out of the way of social interactions until you really feel ‘OK’…like you would with the physical flu, knowing to carry and send out contagious germs…..
That course of action is also likely to ‘ cure’ it the quickest and the smoothest with the least nasty after-effects, for all involved.
Most people don’t understand the symptoms either….. and therefore don’t do the energetically most hygienic thing to deal with it.
Which is: stay out of the way of social interactions until you really feel ‘OK’…like you would with the physical flu, knowing to carry and send out contagious germs…..
That course of action is also likely to ‘ cure’ it the quickest and the smoothest with the least nasty after-effects, for all involved.
Understanding what has happened under
the bonnet of your emotional dynamical system.
I like to use
analogies of appearances in the outside
world, to illustrate a deeper understanding of what happened in your inner world is….
That understanding is helpful to select the appropriate repair work.
That understanding is helpful to select the appropriate repair work.
In the light
of ‘ freedom of choice’……pick one that appeals most to you, there are four analogies
in green letters here.
Birds in V-formation:
Gees can fly in V-formation. The form is always a V, but
which birds is leading the group, alternates regularly. The bird who is the
strongest, most confident one to lead at any given time, is propelled forward (
by the intelligence of the group dynamics). The other birds are adapting themselves to match the flight rhythm
and course of the leader.
When a sudden, unexpected thread occurs ( a hawk attack, for example) the flock may be scattered around in panic. Some may have landed, some are still flapping around.
In order to be ‘ back on track’ ( back in the flying V-formation, the calm confident energetically fine tuned way of moving forward at speed), the birds need to settle ( calm down) and find each other again (make the connection), lift of and re-establish the natural rhythm. This process may also include a ‘group decision’ on a change of plans for the day.
When a sudden, unexpected thread occurs ( a hawk attack, for example) the flock may be scattered around in panic. Some may have landed, some are still flapping around.
In order to be ‘ back on track’ ( back in the flying V-formation, the calm confident energetically fine tuned way of moving forward at speed), the birds need to settle ( calm down) and find each other again (make the connection), lift of and re-establish the natural rhythm. This process may also include a ‘group decision’ on a change of plans for the day.
The spinning wheel
When spinning yarn on a spinning wheel, the yarn is spun
by feeding the rough wool measured into a hole. The yarn-string will pull the
wool in, because of the pulling tension, created by setting a wheel in motion.
That motion and tension is created by a core-string, a snare.
When spinning, sometimes the that string of yarn breaches. That is no ‘ biggie’ for the person making the yarn… it is a matter of stopping the wheel, find the end of the yarn (sometimes tangled up on the bobbin), pull it through the hole and gently start feeding wool again.
However.. every now and then… sometimes though wear and tear, sometimes through an incident: the core snare snaps ( or runs off) .
Without the core snare in place under the right tension, the spinning wheel doesn’t function to its purpose.
You can pump the foot pedal as much as you like, try picking up where you left off on the string of yarn….. there is no capacity to process it, to generate the tension needed to pull the wool into the yarn.
What is needed is re-stringing the core-snare. Then…. the process can be resumed.
When spinning, sometimes the that string of yarn breaches. That is no ‘ biggie’ for the person making the yarn… it is a matter of stopping the wheel, find the end of the yarn (sometimes tangled up on the bobbin), pull it through the hole and gently start feeding wool again.
However.. every now and then… sometimes though wear and tear, sometimes through an incident: the core snare snaps ( or runs off) .
Without the core snare in place under the right tension, the spinning wheel doesn’t function to its purpose.
You can pump the foot pedal as much as you like, try picking up where you left off on the string of yarn….. there is no capacity to process it, to generate the tension needed to pull the wool into the yarn.
What is needed is re-stringing the core-snare. Then…. the process can be resumed.
The car
In a car, obviously a whole system of functions is
cooperating to move forward and have full control over it.
When a problem arises in one of the secondary systems, the ride may not be that comfortable as before, but you can still drive it.
When a problem arises in one of the prime systems, you’d (better) come to a full stop and get the repair work done.
What is known to be one of the most profound repairs in a car is repairing the main belt that runs from the prime motion of the engine to feed the sub-systems with the energy to work.
When that snaps, or has worn out to far….. the car cannot be used to safely ‘get’ anywhere.
When a problem arises in one of the secondary systems, the ride may not be that comfortable as before, but you can still drive it.
When a problem arises in one of the prime systems, you’d (better) come to a full stop and get the repair work done.
What is known to be one of the most profound repairs in a car is repairing the main belt that runs from the prime motion of the engine to feed the sub-systems with the energy to work.
When that snaps, or has worn out to far….. the car cannot be used to safely ‘get’ anywhere.
The sailing ship
A sailing ship can sail when wind blows into the open
sails, under tension.
However, when a big wave or storm hits it and the mast breaks.. it can’t sail anymore. It will need a new mast and the sails properly strung to that, before it can be ‘ under sail’ again.
That is done ‘ in harbour’.
However, when a big wave or storm hits it and the mast breaks.. it can’t sail anymore. It will need a new mast and the sails properly strung to that, before it can be ‘ under sail’ again.
That is done ‘ in harbour’.
How can the repair work be done?
Under the
bonnet of confidently living, ‘ trust’ can be understood as the core string that needs to be in place,
under the right amount of tension, to be able to operate well: to move with grace and confidence trough the
challenges of the outside world.
When ‘ trust’
derails or snaps, it is a right
assessment that you cannot function properly.
Making coherent decisions where all the parts of your system are coordinated at work ‘ under the right tension’ together, is not possible. If ‘ your life’ moves at all, it feels extremely wobbly.
Making coherent decisions where all the parts of your system are coordinated at work ‘ under the right tension’ together, is not possible. If ‘ your life’ moves at all, it feels extremely wobbly.
Like in all four
analogies… this is not a ‘total loss’ situation.
See how the overall structure is still intact! It is ‘ only’ ( as much as I appreciate it feels as major) something that is at the core of the right dynamics, (right as in: the way it was designed to function smoothly) that needs repairing.
Very much similar to the procedure to get back on track in the 4 analogy situations the same goes for getting back on track with this core- emotional breach of the trust-snare:
See how the overall structure is still intact! It is ‘ only’ ( as much as I appreciate it feels as major) something that is at the core of the right dynamics, (right as in: the way it was designed to function smoothly) that needs repairing.
Very much similar to the procedure to get back on track in the 4 analogy situations the same goes for getting back on track with this core- emotional breach of the trust-snare:
- Stop completely (what you were doing)
- Make sure all parts are safe
- Give time to do the repair work on the core of the dynamics
your trust might be something you (your conscious mind) considers to be
difficult .
That is perfectly OK.
It is not the speciality of the conscious mind to do this, so that is fine.
The speciality of the conscious mind it to make the decision to get the repair work done as the prime-priority, knowing and understanding that ‘going on like this’ is not going to lead to much joyful experiences for you. And knowing that starting to act and interact with others while under the influence of this influença - human flu, is likely to lead them to suffer from influença-the human flu because of YOU…something ‘ not fair’ that can be traced back to something you did to their sense of wellbeing.
That is perfectly OK.
It is not the speciality of the conscious mind to do this, so that is fine.
The speciality of the conscious mind it to make the decision to get the repair work done as the prime-priority, knowing and understanding that ‘going on like this’ is not going to lead to much joyful experiences for you. And knowing that starting to act and interact with others while under the influence of this influença - human flu, is likely to lead them to suffer from influença-the human flu because of YOU…something ‘ not fair’ that can be traced back to something you did to their sense of wellbeing.
It is another
(usually subconscious) part of you that is perfectly capable of doing the
You, as the conscious mind, just have to be ‘not in the way’ of that process ( trying to still use your system before it is fully repaired) and ‘ hand over the full controls of the system’.
Not to somebody else….. to the specialist on Trust issues within Yourself.
Your emotional immune system can deal with this, on it’s own accord.
It even learns in this process how to handle this type of actions, so next time, those particles don’t get that far ‘ in’ to your system! You are building up natural ‘ resistance’ to it, which is way more sophisticated than any other form of ‘resistance’.
You, as the conscious mind, just have to be ‘not in the way’ of that process ( trying to still use your system before it is fully repaired) and ‘ hand over the full controls of the system’.
Not to somebody else….. to the specialist on Trust issues within Yourself.
Your emotional immune system can deal with this, on it’s own accord.
It even learns in this process how to handle this type of actions, so next time, those particles don’t get that far ‘ in’ to your system! You are building up natural ‘ resistance’ to it, which is way more sophisticated than any other form of ‘resistance’.
So, how do you go about allowing that
to happen then?
- Organise to be in a physically safe and calm place where there is nothing (or very very little!) you have to do ( both for yourself and for others).
- That means, somewhere where you can be completely alone, since you’ll have to disconnect from using your system and… interacting with other people IS using your system
- (the ‘silent’ company in the background of animals is OK)
- Make sure nothing in the outside world can distract you (phones, doorbells)
- If you can be simply ‘ sitting’ in nature, or floating in water, away from everybody, not even being looked at, that would be beneficial ( being in nature is not necessary, the disconnectedness is)
- Then.. make the decision that this time now is fully dedicated to repairing ‘ trust’
- Ask ( yourself, your inner system) to be clearly notified when the repairs have finished
You can help
that process along by visualising the analogy of your choice is your mind’s
- how the flock of birds you are calms down, lands and how all parts are doing the necessary to rejuvenate and regroup.
- how the spinning wheel is stopped and ready for the core string to be re-strung
- how the car is being collected by the garage and you sit in the waiting room with full confidence in the mechanics to do the necessary repairs on it
- how the ship is now safely in the harbour, in dock and you just sit and let the mechanical crew remove the leftovers of the old mast and install the new one.
All without
your active organisation or practical involvement.
use of electronically devices (no t.v., no computer, no smartphone)
You may feel flutters of anxiety run through you.
Wondering how long is this going to take, maybe. Or worried that you should be
doing something. Thoughts-of-all-sorts may run through you. Just let it run and
pay no attention to the content of it. If you feel like ‘ vomitting’ all your
bad experiences, nasty thoughts and feelings out? Fine…… do it on paper… and
throw it away burn it. Don’t let anybody else read it. It is toxic material, it
can contaminate them.
It is enough to know that you are safe and that whatever is ‘ stirring’ is a necessary part of the process… removing loose things, testing tensions, testing values, doing little proof-runs on parts of the system, for assessment and/or after a repair has been done. Your conscious mind may have no idea what it is for….. that is OK….. the specialists at work do know.
Bring your conscious
mind gently back to the understanding that this ‘waiting patiently doing
nothing’ is the best thing you can do now… just sit and allow this core-repair work
to naturally take place.
Granted…. it does take more time than a tiny hick-up in life. It is a flu, not a small innocent cough.
Understand that, it is in the act of not doing anything else right now, you are giving way and full support to your internal crew to dedicate all available resources to this repair work and so it will be done at the highest speed, to you highest standards.
Granted…. it does take more time than a tiny hick-up in life. It is a flu, not a small innocent cough.
Understand that, it is in the act of not doing anything else right now, you are giving way and full support to your internal crew to dedicate all available resources to this repair work and so it will be done at the highest speed, to you highest standards.
Know that
you’ll receive the very clear sign, where the crew is handing you (the
conscious mind) back the controls.
How long that may take?
It is very common for the influence, the human flu, to be dealt with within 24 hours.
Universal Intelligence at work, works at the speed of light and since this repair is of utmost importance to get your controls and connectivity and mobility back, all hands are on deck for you.
It is very common for the influence, the human flu, to be dealt with within 24 hours.
Universal Intelligence at work, works at the speed of light and since this repair is of utmost importance to get your controls and connectivity and mobility back, all hands are on deck for you.
- Just sit and meditate (on nothing particular… just breathe or ask for a ‘waiting movie’ to be played in your imagination),
- a little day dreaming of nice things and/or
- reading a very light-hearted magazine or book with no significance what so ever ,
- walking very gently around with no other purpose than stretching your legs a little
…. are things
you can ‘ do’ while the repair work is in progress.
Think of it as the type of things you could do while ‘ being stuck’ because your car has broken down in the middle of nowhere and you are now just standing in the garage’s waiting room or in the park next door, doing your best not to interfere or be in the way of the procedures.
Because you’ll know, in that comparison, that the more you agitate and interfere and resist that-this-is-something-(natural-) –you-simply-have-to-surrender-to… the longer it will take..the more difficult it will be for all involved to proceed.
Other things
you can do, if you want to support the process are the equivalent of making a
coffee for the crew, supplying chickensoup for the soul, the vitamin-c shot for the body:
Just don't go out to get it.... it is not essential and you can be contaminating shop personnel, who may not 'love and trust' you so much... so they don't get it severely from you...but they can spread the particles further onto their spouses, children, co-workers.......!:
- Apply every now and then the essential oils vetiver or bergamot onto your wrists
- Apply rescue remedy from the Bach flower essences, every now and then
When you get notified that the repair
work has been done.
because you’ll feel a burst of energy and clarity, feel joy all of a sudden and
a renewed, strong desire to do something… you’ll know that your system has been
repaired, tested and handed back over to you.
Support the
process by:
- Thanking your crew for the work they’ve done for you
- Thank you conscious mind for being patient with it.
- Ask if there is anything you need to ‘do’ that would be helpful to get you on your way again. Something that needs special attention?
If the problem occurred due to your ‘ driving style’, the repair crew may give you some pointers on ‘what you can learn from this event’. (Make sure to retrieve that gift from the wisdom of your inner mechanics.. it saves you a lot of trouble in the future to take their expert advice into account).
It might be necessary to ; take it easy for a couple of days. It is possible that the main repair has been done, to get you back on the road, but that a few emotional browses still need repair work. You’ll be notified ( if you ask ( and listen) what needs your attention, how you can support the healing to take place as smoothly and swiftly as possible)
It is also possible that you’ll feel inspired to do things that help you to solve any issues that really arose from the event that caused the trust-breach, in line with your highest core values. You’ll recognise them… you’ll feel fully confident about them and in your power, to set certain matter right in a harmonious coordinated way.
- Move on from here.
Yes, it was a major repair…and yes, it is no fun at all
to feel so out of sorts…..fine. Once the dynamics are back on track, use it to
create more wonderful experiences. Use
it to move forward, use it to express your unique ways of loving life.
When ‘ I am not happy right now’ re-occurs…. using the
wonderment-box (freely downloadable from, combined with
regular meditation, can help to not-scratch any healing emotional wounds open
With all
trust in the healing power of the Universal Intelligence that is within us all,handle wisely with your influença contaminations.
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