Friday, 8 July 2016

influence essence

This is how I understand the project's vibrational essence (see main project site) to guide your awareness onto the best options you have available on your palette of choice to support the quality of your life, according to your own knowing.

It is activating a filter-setting on your knowing in your MIND
(Managing Information for New Developments).

Your Knowing is like a vast database containing an infinite amount of data on your experiences.
(Very much organised like... the internet)
You can never be actively aware of all of its content, at once... it has to be filtered somehow.

As is described on this page of the main project site, many people manage their internal information stream based on 'level of urgency'.

The ' filter' on the content of the database can then bee seen as:
" Bring to my awareness all the things that are on red alert, sorted on intensity of vibes: descreasing."

No wonder you move from one red alert to the next, never ever having time to stop, fire-fighting your life treating single occurances, single voices indicating ' lack' on one thing, on a one-at-the-time basis.
No wonder when there are currently no 'red alets', you feel there is nothing meaningful you can contribute.... it is as if your to-do-list is 'empty'.

The 'filter-seting' this essence activates on your MIND can be seen as:
" Bring to my awareness all the things that are relevant to my wellbeing that would benefit from me investing actively my talents in, now, here, sorted on 'least effort for me, maximum overall effect."

Since the overall motivator in a human beings life is to 'make a significant difference', by spending your time and energy 'wisely'..... Do you see the totally different life-experiences these two ypes of filters produce?

When you believe this ' urgency'-filter produces your most meaningful to-do-list for the day, then what you'll find yourself 'doing' is seeing 'lack' everywhere you turn and investing all your time in dealing with the loudest screaming voice/vibe.... handling them one-by-one.
Each taking quite a lot of time, energy and effort, while...... you are not neccesarily in the best position (given your unique talents, skills, experience, current available resources or understanding on the overall situation and what 'this crisis vibe' would benefit most from to transform into a 'content state vibe')

It is fascinating that most emotional 'red alerts' are merely signs post, flash light on the dashboard of your life, indicating that a constellation of other things needs adressing, looking into. It is not the sign post or the flash light that needs your full attention to be ' fixed' .... it is showing to be working perfectly well! 

When you let however the 'relevancy'-filter produce your to-do-list (on the fly, dynamically changing when circumstances are know ( in the moment) to have changed) , tailor made to what you have available now to make a difference with, with the least effort and the maximum overall effect on sustaining your wellbeing....
  • You move with grace and self-confidence from one simple-to-do task  to the next.
  • Your mind (and whole emotional world) is most of the time completely at peace, since you know what to do, why and how, seeing that all you need to fullfill this task is available. 
  • You are seeing more options on ' how to' proceed, that means you are experience the full palette of choice.... which adds to the sensation of  freedom (of choice).
  • Since the tasks are 'easy', alsmost effortless ( using your talents) and usually varied ( one of the needs a human being has it variety)... you build up the empowering experience that you can make a diffrence... are making a difference. You see that, you feel that. That information flows back into your kwowing.
  • behind the scenes of your awareness, your knowing is keeping an eye on all your processes, all your needs being worked on.. even without you ( the consicous mind) noticing all details about it....... it is seeing the interrelatedness of all these occurances and calculating with minute precission which energy investment would give the best quality contribution to shaping/supporting (your) life.
    It already knowns all your needs ( short term and long term, individual and social, phsycial and mete-physical) even when you are not consciously aware of them.
    Since your needs include ' being loved, for who I am, by others'... there is no risk of that being on the expense of other people's needs. You know that nothing is more harmful ( to being loved for who you are) than robbing people of the things they need, as a human being.
  • Many tasks you'll work on, serve several purposes at the same time...killing more birds with one stone. Very efficient. Like... enjoying yourself both now the future. By investing in things that increase 'having what you enjoy now' ( even if you don't notice it , are actively grateful for or happy with.....) also in the future
  • You'll find ' breaks' on you menu, times to 'do nothing' , just sit and ponder and watch the world go by..... ( having enough transformation time is a need)
  • Very, very often, you'll be notified on the top of your 'list' that the best 'thing' you can 'do' now is to be present, to resonate with/witness/see/feel/experience something beautiful that is occuring right here, right now, sending out the highest vibes life has to offer..... pure joy of being.... and....let it be.
     (This is something that never shows up on a red-alert.urgency filter. But actually, these are the best experiences life has to offer, the ones you really don't want to miss, the spice of life, with greater healing capacity than any other colour ' vibe'. Feeding the zest for enjoying life. The prime human need: to be born to live ( which is far more than 'ust to exist')
    Whether the source of that vibe is internally or externally doesn't really matter..... when you witness it, resonate with it in your full awareness, it cannot be anything other than 'both/and'.
So it is treating the exact same set of data in such a way that it produces an entirely different result.

If you chose, day by day... from what is known the be most relevant selection of things for you, right now, to invest your time and energy in, in the light of all your needs and desires.... you are making the most of your day, your talents, your life.

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