Thursday, 14 July 2016

Brexit: transformation opportuntity of home affairs

A letter
TO: Prime Minister May of Great Britain 
CC: the collective consciousness of all people who care to know and/or know how to care

Dear Prime Minister May,

On the occasion of having just been propelled forward to be the prime minister who gets to take the lead in the Brexit-transformation process, I am inviting you to play with an unconventional angle-to-fly on that task.

The invitation to read this information, may not even get past the desk of your secretary, I know.
You don’t remember ‘asking’ me for this advice, I know.
I am not a Brit, my English is not that of a native speaker, I know.
You don’t have time for reading letters from ‘the public’ now, you’ve got an urgent matter at hand, I know.
That’s why I’ll keep this letter as short as possible.

I also know: chances of you ‘liking’ what I am saying right away are fairly minimal.
The (Dutch) directness of my words, the unconventionality of the idea, are likely to be filed under ‘intrusive and odd,  best to be ignored’.

If I know all that, if I do see all these odds ‘ against’….
WHY am I investing time in writing this letter nevertheless?

Because, as a fellow human being on this planet, passionate about the quality of transformation processes  in large groups, aiming to achieve sustainable growth in health, wealth and wellbeing, I see how urgent the matter is also in the light of the evolution of mankind on this planet.

I see what a great opportunity lies here for the people of the British Isles,
to be a leading country, in showing mankind once again,  how the common-wealth can expand and change the face of ‘life as we know it’ all over the world…. civilised....for the better.

If you were not aware of this chance the Brexit holds, you cannot choose to choose it.
Although mankind might choose to seize other opportunities too…..  
this one holds a great deal of joy for the development of the British trades.

I’ll first put the core of the main suggestion  to you.

Incorporate more transformation- time into British everyday life, for everybody ( 0-120, male-female).

In very practical terms that would mean:
Promote and encourage people to:

  • frequently disconnect completely from outward affairs
    (both online and offline: socialising, shopping, working, travelling)  and
  • increasingly consciously connect with Home Affairs
    ‘Home’ is where the heart is…
    so that means
    both….. the own individual being (spending some time alone)
    and…… being with the loved ones in the home (partner, children....)

Where the whole point is to ‘do nothing’ related to obtaining ‘ input’ or giving ‘output’.

Where natural ‘transformation’ processes (so necessary for developing the 'identity' of the self) can take place.

So people actually do stop and stand still to experience what IS in the heart, what IS in the Home. 
"What assets DO I/we already actually have".....without looking (constantly) at the outside world for supply of goodies and trying to derive a sense of self from what comes back to you.

The (sense of)  ‘self’ doesn’t come back HOME to you, if you are not letting it be  ‘in’ ’!

"What do I have available to invest in the (human) resources I already strengthen them, develop them further?
  • both in the individual ‘me’ 
  • as well as the people within 'my' close relationships… "
    Which is, to be bluntly accurate: the people you live with under the very same roof!

When I say frequently, I mean: daily.
When I say ‘ daily disconnect’, I obviously don’t mean ‘ all the time’!

This suggestion is all about restoring the balance in focus on ‘input’- ‘transformation’ and ‘ output’
within healthy life and wellbeing sustaining parameters.

That will give access in a low-cost, high-effect way to both  seeing and applying the natural (human) resources  in communities wisely
That increases wellbeing for all, on all aspects of life…… so that  increases common-wealth.

Only a task for the Brits?
That there is an unbalance in the input-transformation-output dynamics is true for the whole of the modern day western world.
There is not enough time and attention actively given for what natural transformation needs and so the modern day human being gets stressed, unsatisfied, unhappy, ill at high speed.

If Britain chooses to take this opportunity to actively alter the Home Affairs dynamics, by actively prioritizing ‘transformation’ in everyday life…. it will to my understanding bring up a stream of valueable information and new (more deeply satisfying) life experiences.,
I am sure ‘ the world’ would benefit to know about this and is likley to be eager and willing to follow the set example…. for it will show the world how to create the so craved for wealth-to-be-common (common-wealth), based on common-wellbeing high standerds of civilisation

USP: the Unique 'Self' Point 
It is within the heart of British culture and the best the British civilisation has to offer: to deeply care for others.

All that needs, in order to be the best export product Britain may be able to offer and share with the rest of the world, in no-time may be..... it being introduced and tried out as a home-appliance (too), all over Britain, first.
Giving it some -time to naturally develop: so

Home to a human being is both.... where the heart is and.... where you actually mind your palette of choice.


I am an international advisor in sustainable community developments, with a specialisation in both human interactions and information management.

I am an empath. I feel deeply into the structure and needs of a living system and know what it craves for and…. how that can be obtained… usually with a small tweak on the belief system on how  the dynamics of life works.

Living with a Brit, having spend a year in Great Britain, hosting many Brits families when they are on holiday in the guests accommodation of the castle where I live….. I have a feel for the British collective belief system and her dynamics.

There is so much more I can say to explain why I feel following up on this suggestion, starting…. very early on in the transformation process… would be beneficial.

In the light of wanting to be ‘brief’, I’ll refer to my website here.

But on request, I’ll be happy to share ( without any payment of money required!) my experience in support the practical implementation  this idea.

Kind regards,

Esther Dageraad

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