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A letter
TO: Louanne Brizendine
CC: the collective consciousness of all people who care to know
CC: the collective consciousness of all people who care to know
Dear reader,
Yesterday I started reading the e-book The Female Brain.
With a fascination on how the human MIND* influences the
developments within the tribe of mankind, with a special interest in the
quality of human interactions and the role the free flow of ‘energy’ plays in
all that, I read with great interest chapter 1.
The MIND does not equal the brain, in my understanding.
I understand the brain to be the ‘biological hardware’, with the sole purpose to manage all streams of available information and it is situated in the skull.
I understand the MIND to be the intelligence that is present in every single cell of a living body with the purpose to Manage Information for New Developments.
The MIND does not equal the brain, in my understanding.
I understand the brain to be the ‘biological hardware’, with the sole purpose to manage all streams of available information and it is situated in the skull.
I understand the MIND to be the intelligence that is present in every single cell of a living body with the purpose to Manage Information for New Developments.
It was fascinating to read:
- all humans are having what is referred to as a ‘female’-setup on the brain in the first 8 weeks after conception
the male brains then get marinated in testosterone, which ‘ kills off some cells in the communication centers and grows more cells in the sex and aggression centres’.
- The female brain sprouts more connections in the communication centres and areas that process emotion.
- “ a girl actually incorporates her mother’s nervous system into her own”..
which is highly influenced by …. ‘current circumstances’
(A story is told of two daughters having been in the same uterus, both under completely different emotional circumstances for the mum. The first harmonious confident and calm, the second fearful about the quality of the relationship. Those daughters had respectively a harmonious confident and calm outlook on life and a fearful one.
Quote in this paragraph:” Studies in mammals now show that this early stress versus calm incorporation – called epigenetic imprinting – can be passed down through several generations.”)
I found and started reading the book just after I had
finished writing a blog post that talked about the development of human beingsin their early years, after birth.
I wrote there, on an understanding that the intelligence of
life doesn’t waste energy and doesn’t ‘wait’,
but always does what can be done to develop into the next best ‘thing’:
“How 'more' important to being a human being a skill is, the earlier you'll start with using it... and by using it......training it. Becoming as good as you can be, at it.”
“How 'more' important to being a human being a skill is, the earlier you'll start with using it... and by using it......training it. Becoming as good as you can be, at it.”
I have to admit, I was a little startled, reading about how
the brain get’s already hardwired on
the gender differences, so
early on in the development of a new human being.
Even though these hardwired differences between males and females are ‘small’… (the overall setup doesn’t differ that much between males and females)….., the differences that are ‘ built in’ are hugely influential on human male and female behaviour when it comes to (inter-)acting in a social context: communicating skills and preferences for certain types of actions and contributions to the community.
There I am, writing about ‘human beings’ on what I know ‘human
beings’ to be intrinsically capable of.. with a huge faith that all people who
chose to, already have got what it
take to create a more harmonious life….
only to find that “ I am a typical female , longing for harmony, subtle communication, emotionally fulfilling relationships with strong two-way connections”.
only to find that “ I am a typical female , longing for harmony, subtle communication, emotionally fulfilling relationships with strong two-way connections”.
OMG…..is really the desire and capacity for all-that-I-hold-so-dear
destroyed for the most part in half of the population, about 7 months before birth?
Male human beings actually don’t have access to these precious resources within……?
Why would that seem such a good idea in the bigger scheme of human evolution?
Male human beings actually don’t have access to these precious resources within……?
Why would that seem such a good idea in the bigger scheme of human evolution?
There is not much you can ‘ do’ about ‘ the nature of
biology’, can you?
If this is ‘ the way things are’, then it may be time to pick myself up, dust
myself off and find another mission in life than raising awareness on the full
palette of human choices in order to create more harmony in our communities.
But in challenging circumstances, when I observe that what I
seems to be completely the opposite of what is known by others…..I always
wonder, how can this both be true?
Because I know that going into either….. or…. mode, is closing down my MIND for seeing broader understandings, who contain usually more joy.. because it is incorporating all (available) knowing, on what is ‘so’.
Because I know that going into either….. or…. mode, is closing down my MIND for seeing broader understandings, who contain usually more joy.. because it is incorporating all (available) knowing, on what is ‘so’.
Known is in this context
specifically to be understood as:
experimented with in many ways and by hands-on- experience confirmed to be so.
experimented with in many ways and by hands-on- experience confirmed to be so.
When I wonder, when I
open up my palette of choice, apply my knowing onto the new (seemingly
contradicting) information I’ve received, I see new blends appear.
Some…. not appealing enough.
Others… are really vibrant new ideas with lots of practical potential, that I think are worth playing with, by applying them on the canvas of life.
Some…. not appealing enough.
Others… are really vibrant new ideas with lots of practical potential, that I think are worth playing with, by applying them on the canvas of life.
This idea that appeared on my palette of choice in my MIND is
such a vibrant (exciting me) new idea.
The idea that shows a
way on
how ‘ the biology of nature’ can be understood to interact /interrelate with the ‘cultural choices of human beings’.
how ‘ the biology of nature’ can be understood to interact /interrelate with the ‘cultural choices of human beings’.
It is an hypotheses ( not tested, at least not as far as I
know) and it goes like this;
What if……
- The essence of: ‘what a person/man needs to know about being a (male) human being in the cultural environment he is living in’, is already conveyed by the main most reliable source of that information, right from the moment of creation?’
- What if that one sperm-cell, that ‘makes it’ to fertilize the egg-cell, does not only contain the biological setup for the human material form, but also contains up-to-date information on the currently used energetical setup, the shape of the energy body?
Sperm cells live about 70 days within the male human being.
Sperm cells are living entities.
They could very well absorb, just as embryo’s do living in the mother, the information on what the currently used settings are, based on the real latest shared intelligence on that matter on how the male in casu is actually living.
The individual sperm cell is in touch with what the energetically frame of MIND is in all cells within the body, since it is a part of that energy system. They are aware of it, because they resonate with it, vibrate on the same wavelengths.
Sperm cells are living entities.
They could very well absorb, just as embryo’s do living in the mother, the information on what the currently used settings are, based on the real latest shared intelligence on that matter on how the male in casu is actually living.
The individual sperm cell is in touch with what the energetically frame of MIND is in all cells within the body, since it is a part of that energy system. They are aware of it, because they resonate with it, vibrate on the same wavelengths.
With their purpose to create more successful members of the community (
the ultimate dream of an individual sperm cell ;-) )…..wouldn’t it be very
intelligent to use (practically apply) this knowledge on what apparently
seems to be working best at the moment on the level of energy
investments, the flow of energy-in-motion….. emotions?
Working best?
Well, let’s face it, when a sperm cell merges with an egg-cell:
Well, let’s face it, when a sperm cell merges with an egg-cell:
- under the natural circumstances
(as explained in any biology book on procreation) - as preferred to all involved
( as explained in any book/song/stage play/film/poem/dance/painting that covers the topic of ‘love’),
…. it is a very
strong indicator that the human male in casu was alive, healthy enough to ‘perform’ (individual success) and
succeeded in connecting to a female, healthy mate who was willing to receive him (which
means…..social binding success).
I am deliberately adding ‘ as
preferred to all involved’.
There is more to creating (a good) life than biological mechanics.
I know that technically (in terms of mechanical biology) a sperm cell can merge with an egg-cell without the informed consent of the mother, when one of the parties involved decides to force his freedom of choice, his desires ….. on the expense of honouring the freedom of choice of another party, involved in the process.
However, as any woman who has ever been raped can tell you, that is not the preferred way of mating for all involved.
However, as any man who has ever been ‘ framed’ into fatherhood by deliberate dishonest actions of a female can state, that is not the preferred way for all involved.
And, as any person, male or female, who has ever been robbed by another human being of his freedom of choice on any issue important to his personal responsibilities and wellbeing can tell you, that is not the preferred way for all involved.
There is more to creating (a good) life than biological mechanics.
I know that technically (in terms of mechanical biology) a sperm cell can merge with an egg-cell without the informed consent of the mother, when one of the parties involved decides to force his freedom of choice, his desires ….. on the expense of honouring the freedom of choice of another party, involved in the process.
However, as any woman who has ever been raped can tell you, that is not the preferred way of mating for all involved.
However, as any man who has ever been ‘ framed’ into fatherhood by deliberate dishonest actions of a female can state, that is not the preferred way for all involved.
And, as any person, male or female, who has ever been robbed by another human being of his freedom of choice on any issue important to his personal responsibilities and wellbeing can tell you, that is not the preferred way for all involved.
If this line of thought rings on ‘Hmmmm…. that is not beyond the
realms of possibility….’,
then I think it is worth investigating further.
Probably by female scientist who have this hardwired longing for discovering and using ways to contribute ‘more harmony’ to our societies.
then I think it is worth investigating further.
Probably by female scientist who have this hardwired longing for discovering and using ways to contribute ‘more harmony’ to our societies.
Because we ‘ know’ that harmonious human interplay is possible .
Also, because we are experiencing frustrations that so many of male play-mates ( in the home, at work, in the street, in politics) seem to be blind and deaf on receiving the obvious signals (to us) that peaceful harmony is being ( structurally) jeopardised.
What does that frustration look like, when put into words?
“Unless we start shouting,
kicking and screaming those signals on a large burst of testosterone gushing
through our vanes, marinating our verbal and non-verbal communication with it, when
investing calmly and lovingly after the natural needs of being in a ( loving,
working, living-) relationship doesn’t matter that much to us anymore (either)…
In those hostile situations where we are really not feeling human, or Being The Best Version Of Ourselves…. (Think PMS outbursts)…. Then, the signal get noticed in the male brain that something is ‘wrong’….. with us.”
Interpreted as ‘”what is wrong with those women……?! On the first sign of discontentment, they explode and force their demands upon us! Pfffff.”
“The first sign??????
Are they out of their MIND?
There has been something wrong between ‘us’ (as a couple, as colleagues, as a community) for a while. The woman has (highly likely) been communicating about it for a long while . She has been dealing with it in all possible ways that she knows that don’t jeopardise the usness, the peaceful nurturing qualities of the relation, to all involved.”
In those hostile situations where we are really not feeling human, or Being The Best Version Of Ourselves…. (Think PMS outbursts)…. Then, the signal get noticed in the male brain that something is ‘wrong’….. with us.”
Interpreted as ‘”what is wrong with those women……?! On the first sign of discontentment, they explode and force their demands upon us! Pfffff.”
“The first sign??????
Are they out of their MIND?
There has been something wrong between ‘us’ (as a couple, as colleagues, as a community) for a while. The woman has (highly likely) been communicating about it for a long while . She has been dealing with it in all possible ways that she knows that don’t jeopardise the usness, the peaceful nurturing qualities of the relation, to all involved.”
So, if this idea gets investigated and confirmed to have a
lot of merit, then it open up ways of using the biology of nature (wisely) to
create more harmony in the tribe of mankind.
There is one option I
see, that I’d like to mention in more detail here:
At the moment….women who would like to become a mother,
often start using folic acids and make other behavioural changes ( like stop
smoking and drinking alcohol) because they know that this behaviour supports the health and wellbeing during
pregnancy…. before, during and after, for both themselves as the child.
In that line of thought….. couples who would like to have a baby, may decide to make a few life style alterations too, starting about 2 to 3 months before ‘ trying for real’.
Suggestions I can come up with, based on my experience and many studies (footnote 1) to ‘things that impact the healthy alignment in your energy-household’
In that line of thought….. couples who would like to have a baby, may decide to make a few life style alterations too, starting about 2 to 3 months before ‘ trying for real’.
Suggestions I can come up with, based on my experience and many studies (footnote 1) to ‘things that impact the healthy alignment in your energy-household’
- Reduce the amount of screen time ( t.v., smartphones, computers) drastically…. to: less than 4 hours a day!
- Reduce the amount of ‘stuff’/ ‘clutter’ in your house. Make the physical (and emotional space) clean for the (new) life, by removing what you don’t need anymore. (Gently, cautiously, respecting freedom of choice and each other’s (emotional) attachments to certain belongings)
- Add more ‘ joy’ in the mix of your days, both having some time invested in things you like doing on your own, dipping into you individual likes, as well as engaging regularly in activities you enjoy doing together. Every day at least a tea spoon full.
- Add more and more- frequently down-time into your days. ( If you can… in nature)
- Have a five minute break of doing nothing between two activities. Taking nothing in ( no food, no drink, no information) and giving nothing out ( no service rendered, not attention given to anything in the outside world)….. is not doing nothing..
- it is your MIND refreshing… transformation time.. storing impressions correctly away, feeling into the current field of circumstances, needs and desires, coming up with a coherent ‘plan’ on what to do next.
(Note: Like stopping with smoking and drinking alcohol is
not only
a good idea for people who want to have children….. also this list of behavioural changes is a good idea for ‘most people’
to enjoy a better health and higher degrees of wellbeing.
It is simply that the desire of bringing a healthy baby into this world after a smooth pregnancy, may just be the powerful incentive you need to stick to the ‘ stopping’ when any inconvenient side-effects off overcoming an addiction come to pass…)
It is simply that the desire of bringing a healthy baby into this world after a smooth pregnancy, may just be the powerful incentive you need to stick to the ‘ stopping’ when any inconvenient side-effects off overcoming an addiction come to pass…)
What do I expect to
happen, when people apply these suggestions, based on my experience?
The energetical setup of both mother and father will calm down and re-integrate the
various parts.
All the chakra’s (energy centre’s) will align to a much more
harmonious state, connect to each other.
The MIND will calm down as a result of this.
All body cells, wired to resonate with the current state of MIND, will respond to this calmer, more harmonious state of being a human being, knowing that to be both individually as well as socially.
The MIND will calm down as a result of this.
All body cells, wired to resonate with the current state of MIND, will respond to this calmer, more harmonious state of being a human being, knowing that to be both individually as well as socially.
That means, not only the egg-cell(s ) of the month ripens
resonating on this make-up, but all dormant egg-cells will be marinated in
these vibes too. ( A woman carries all her egg-cells in dormant state all her
life with her… in a way: they experience everything that she experiences)
It means also that not only the sperm-cells created today,
will store that message for 70 days when still contained in the fathers body.
But also the sperm-cell producing
centre’s will accumulate the knowing that this is not a ‘ one day fly, a hype
that fades away, an exception in human behaviour’, but will experience this to
be a real structural part of what it means to be a joyful, successful human
Not only will the individuals see an improvement in the quality of their individual life ( yes, there
may be some cold-turkey side-effects from laying off energetically unsound
habits…. most last only three days), but also in the quality of their love-life
and their community life.
Will that alter the hard-wiring of the father and/or the
Probably, over time, yes…. the human brain is capably of making new neurological pathways, also in the adult life stages.
Probably, over time, yes…. the human brain is capably of making new neurological pathways, also in the adult life stages.
Will it alter the hard-wiring of the unborn child’s brain?
My guess would be, yes.
Both the male's and the female's hard-wiring developing process will be different.
My guess would be, yes.
Both the male's and the female's hard-wiring developing process will be different.
My guess would be that the need to destroy parts of the co-creative human nature (very early on, long before it is outwardly tangible) , I favour of re-directing energy to the parts that force your creative desires into other’s lives, in ‘order for the specimen/species to survive’, becomes re-evaluated and … eventually redundant.
My guess would be that the need to destroy parts of the co-creative human nature (very early on, long before it is outwardly tangible) , I favour of re-directing energy to the parts that force your creative desires into other’s lives, in ‘order for the specimen/species to survive’, becomes re-evaluated and … eventually redundant.
How to survive an internal war within the
same tribe (between opposing yin and
yang energies within a person) as a question of existential important gets
replaced by How to live within the same
Based on an experienced knowledge that both yin –and yang energies are meant to be alive together, having (many) interrelated purpose (s) and ways to express themselves, in harmony.
Based on an experienced knowledge that both yin –and yang energies are meant to be alive together, having (many) interrelated purpose (s) and ways to express themselves, in harmony.
The need to survive (your culture), get’s
incorporated in the more fundamental
meta-physical natural need to know
what it means to be alive…
Please note when you observe (rightly!) that this
is an important matter where survival
( individually as well as ‘your tribe’) is
at stake here:
You cannot be alive, without surviving. … so the increased chance of surviving comes automatically with the increase of healthy sustainable (peaceful) aliveness…
( While on the other hand, it is very well possible to exist, without actually experiencing living, as in being fully alive. )
You cannot be alive, without surviving. … so the increased chance of surviving comes automatically with the increase of healthy sustainable (peaceful) aliveness…
( While on the other hand, it is very well possible to exist, without actually experiencing living, as in being fully alive. )
Please ask yourself in the process of interpreating this suggestion…..
“How great is surviving, without actually knowing (experiencing) what it means to be fully alive?)”
Always happy to share more thoughts on this idea, on
For now, I think this will to, to add this options onto the palette of choice and on the canvas of life.
For now, I think this will to, to add this options onto the palette of choice and on the canvas of life.
P.S. If you have found this blog post interesting.....
You might also be interested in reading another blog post that was inspired by the very same Female Brain book.
You'll find it here.
P.S. If you have found this blog post interesting.....
You might also be interested in reading another blog post that was inspired by the very same Female Brain book.
You'll find it here.
Footnote 1:
I can fully recommend reading this book.
Writer and blogger Tammy Strobel describes very clearly and with a passion about the benefits of applying (herself!) all these suggestions as mentioned above.
This is NOT one of those ' instant success guaranteed, simply do as you're told here' type of book.
This book is clearly writen by an author who honours freedom of choice for all involved in a life changing process of major significance.
She is not 'blind' to the (social) obstacles anyone who is engaging with this is likely to encounter along the way.
She decribes in fair detail, what she experienced on that score and...... shares many ideas she has gathered asking around in her network of like-minded people... .
Not ' like' minded, as in Facebook ' like' but not do anything about it......
People who took the plunge and gained hands-on-experience and where willing to make their experience available to the others to. To play with 'as is', or customized and finetuned tailored to the occurances and unique details of your own situation.
She is not 'blind' to the (social) obstacles anyone who is engaging with this is likely to encounter along the way.
She decribes in fair detail, what she experienced on that score and...... shares many ideas she has gathered asking around in her network of like-minded people... .
Not ' like' minded, as in Facebook ' like' but not do anything about it......
People who took the plunge and gained hands-on-experience and where willing to make their experience available to the others to. To play with 'as is', or customized and finetuned tailored to the occurances and unique details of your own situation.
It also contains a good number of references to 'her sources' in the back delve into more in depth material.
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Thank you Tammy Strobel for sharing your experiences with the world in wrtiting! |
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