Wednesday, 13 July 2016

palette of choice, simpel tools

Seeing and making good  choices in an emotionally calm setting may already come with certain challenges……
Using your full palette of choice, keeping an ‘ open mind’ when there is a large blast of emotional charge running through the system, is really not ‘easy’.
But since better choices lead to better outcomes…(less regrets, less damage being done)… there are benefits to making an effort of having as much conscious choice on your own actions as possible.
Over the years, I have developed a couple of tools that are supportive to this process.
When the going gets tough and ‘ life’ closes in on you and you are experiences all sorts of difficult and strong emotions.. these tools help you to open up your palette of choice.

Here are references to the websites where you have access to these free  tools:

I know which ingredients make them work so well.

  • They all start with making the first choice: the active choice ( by actively turning to it and using it)  to have more choice than only fight-flight choices . (Fight-flight choices are highly inspired by the animal instincts and are founded in the fear that this situation doesn’t give you access to what you need.)
  • These tools are all founded on the understanding that every situation gives you access to what you need/ can benefit from… (you just may need to see what that actually is.)
  • In order to use the tools, you have got to both ‘stand still’ and ‘do’ something simultaneously…
  • which gives you both an outlet to urges to invest energy in moving away from the situation and urges to actively put your mark on it too…( you acknowledge your flight-flight choices  to be allowed as part of the palette…by not excluding them, but uniting them peacefully)
  • In instructing your body and your mind to calmly focus on using this tool, with regards to the difficult situation, means that all that you are ( body, mind & soul) is united in one single task.
  • Which also means you have now full access to both full focus and open fuzzy perceptiveness ( the full yang and the full yin energy power tools of the MIND, working together)
  • All this both this and  that… built into the concept of the tool, is already opening up the  palette of choices. Your knowing flows into you that right here, right now, you are having access to both… and…- choices too…..because you are already doing it, having it, experiencing it!
  • From there, it is a matter if building up the type of choices you would label  ‘best’.

Since the best choices to find out what it means to be a human being ( the most evolved living being this earth has to offer… so they say), could imply….  choices that a fully functioning sensible human would make.
So, in doing with your body things that only a human being can do, you are instructing your MIND  to come up with solutions that match those capacities.
That  is why they all contain elements that no animal could (all) achieve:

  • PLAY….playing as an adult makes us unique….
  • Using your opposing thumb and finger to manipulate something delicately, holding ‘it’ from both sides, carefully an deliberately.
  • Think consciously about the situation
  • Put both your thoughts and feeling in words.
  • Look at yourself, the situation and others involved from several perspectives
  • Create something with abstracts, gather the non-matter, transform it and express it
  • Actively communicate, in words and deed, what your preference is

Since they all are a complete simple mini-process in themselves…input….transformation….output, you are completing a cycle with this situation.
In completing it…. a new cycle, energetically has to begin. Life doesn’t do ‘ standing still’ very well.
That means, you have created and entered a new situation….
With a full open palette of choice on how to proceed next.
Chances are the main ingredient are: peaceful, emotionally balanced, playful, careful, confident, purposeful, consciously, respecting thought s and feeling, for all involved and …. It has been handed to you like that, as on a plate…. by being like that, body, mind and soul combined.

On top of that.. don’t be surprised when you can actually show the world this big smile about the situation.
Not  only do you now know what your room to manoeuvre is in it and what your preferences are to come from it… you also gained experience on what it means to be a human being.
That is what your soul longs to experience… that gives you a boost in energy and zest for life.

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