Wednesday, 6 July 2016

making your own vibrational essence

On the main project website for the palette of choice is mentioned that you can make your own vibrational essence to support yourself with opening up your palete of choice.

This is how it goes:

Step 1: desiging*

Design your own interpretation of the triple-core constitution of being human in the tribe of mankind:

Live is a creation-process.It can be observeddescribed as well as created more of, with three elements:
  • input
  • transformation 
  • output
Every human being has the right and the free choice, to use any or all of these elements, to create life as (s)he sees fit.
(It is practical to produce it on paper (draw it, write it, paint it, cut it out.......) but feel free to sing it, act it out, dance it or..... or..... or....).
Full intention on your deepest/highest understanding of the topic is the main ingredient here combined with the fun of playing with it.

That also means, when you get tired, or feel stuck with it.... no worries.. just put it to the side for now and come back to it at a later moment.

When you feel you've got the ' right vibe' with it (joyful, enthusiastic... is what you are looking for) and you feel you are really onto something good here..... it's time to record it.

desiging your own is the preferred choice.
If, however, for some reason, you really don't feel up for that, but you would like to have access to the vibrational essence to use it yourself...... you can print and use the image above this blog post.
It is my interpretation of the triple-core constitution of mankind.
It ' came' to me when I was fully resonating on the topic, with the purpose to make something that everybody could use.

I'll post the full description of why this design sits so well with me, in one of the following posts.

Step 2. recording

You are going to transfer these vibes into spring water.

When you've produced something on paper you can do this  'overnight' recording:

In the evening:
- fill a drinking glass or a bowl with a good splash of pure spring water.
- put it next to your bed on top of the piece of paper
- go to sleep
In the morning: go to step 3.
When you have prepared something other (like a song or a dance) you can do this ' instant' recording:

- fill a drinking glass or a bowl with a good splash of pure spring water.
- put it somewhere close to where you wil be performing your interpretation
- do your ' thing' as if the bowl of water is your audience
 - 'end' the recording with your intention ( for instance by 'bowing' or saying a simple ' that's it', for instance
 Step 3: storing and preserving 
You’ve got choice here.
- Put the water in a closed, preferably glass, clean container. A dosage bottle would be ideal.
- Store it in the fridge, it will keep for a week
- Add brandy or vodka to the water, about 1/5 of the water quantity, in a dosage bottle (or another closed clean container)
- Store it anywhere, it will keep for months
You can also add some scent to it, something you like... a mix you like of natural essential oils, some perfume.... ( just be aware that not all scent products are suitable for all types of ways to use the essence!!)

Now what?

When it is made, you've got your own personal reminder of the vibes that open up your palette of choice.

There are many options on how to use it.
(Have you scented your essence, check which usage is and isn't wise.... some essential oils are not suitable for digesting or spraying, some are known to cause skin irritation)
  • put a few drops on your wrist or temples.
  • spray some over yourself with closed eyes 
  • put a few drops in a hot drink you're having 
  • put a few drops in a warm bath
  • put a few drops on a textile you are touching
  • spray some in the rooms you are frequently using
When? Again, choice! For instance:

  • start the morning with applying some on you, as you get dressed, as an active reminder that you want all choices in this day to honour your highest understanding and interpretation of your triple-core constitution.
  • Faced with a tough decision to make? Finding it rather difficult? Use some.
  • Automatically..... put it in a PIR-operated spray-device.... whenever you open the door and enter the room, you'll be reminded
  • Preparing to entering a gathering....? From being with your special-other ;-), to a job interview, to being in a crowd for watching sports or a concert, for instance......
  • End the day with it and see what options ' the night' has brought to you in the morning, to play with.
Note: this is your choice to be reminded of opening up your peltte of choice.
Spraying it somewhere where others are present is not harming them or influencing them in any way they don't want, but you might want to consider to fill them in on what you are doing
Your essence only 'works' on you. It is a re-minder of a choice you made and will probably have to remind yourself of over and over again, untill a fully open palette of choice has grown into the natural daily routines of your life-style.

Enjoy playing with it!

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