Thursday, 7 July 2016


This blog posts is announced on the main project website.
Best read after having read the base information ( mentioned on this page).

Let's look at a real crisis situation

In a REAL urgent crisis situation, it is simple, there is no time to stop and think.
Action is immediately needed, you survival is really at stake here.

You pick (completely on auto-pilot on your knowing) the single one quickest option you know that works to stop the leak, smother the fire, get the wounded out of the situation, shoot the attacker, duck into the shelters. 
Whatever it is that can be done in this here and now, right away, by you, to survive this. 
Your only concern is at that moment, as the only theme on your MIND: physical safety.
Not a desire..... but an urgent need of top-priority. 
So, nothing else matters.

Aiming to take the necessary action(s) to still be alive and in the best possbile shape, in another place, where you can attain peace of mind again.
From there (you know), you can assess the situation you are in now and consider your options on how to move on from there.

That desired state of ‘peace of mind’ however, rarely occurs in somebody who is constantly under thread.

Very often, in modern day people, the thread is not anything in the outside world.
Very often, the enemy of the peaceful state of mind, is....... the user, the conscious mind..... who doesn't chose to structurally take all his needs and desires into account.

Then what happens in the dynamics is this:

He may have satisfied one need with a quick-fix method ….. sure.
That specific cry for urgent help got dealt with.

However, that specific action,  so suddenly taken, also impacted (quite forcefully), on the whole ongoing process.
There is (always) a whole range of things going on under the bonnet of your life, in the household of your whole being.
‘Life’ was busy satisfying a whole range of your other needs and desires.
That process got (suddenly) interrupted, disturbed, by this event and the executed actions, where all that mattered was the the need for ' physcial safety'.
So those parts of your system, normally (also) being busy working on fullfilling other needs and desires, experience various consequences of this emergency action taken.

Often perceived to be inconvenient ( to put it mildly).
See it from the inside perspective:
  • important resources have been taken away completely or drastically reduced in power,
  • connections with other parts went broken or are scrambled,
  • relevant information on the (new) situation cannot be send nor received
The parts of you, in charge of fulfilling certain needs and desires, then usually have to 'reboot'.
Forget everything you 'know', empoty your data-banks and start anew, from scratch.

As part of the formal 'emergency  reboot', your mind starts a program on finding out what happened here ( i order to be able to learn from it, avoid it to happen again, if possible).
Only when that sequence has been completed, normal routines can be resumed... unless.... they experience problems, and the various inner routines can’t continue doing properly what actually needs doing.
If that is the case, they’ll make than known to the central 'command'
Small inconviniances in a small ‘voice’ ( uncomfortable vibe’), but… when it is really important for your wellbeing in a loud voice’ large waves of uncomfortable vibes’.

Than something is really worth noting on how you (as the conscious mind) manage yourself. How you deal with Managing of Informatie for New Developments.....

If all you (as a conscious mind) are ever responding to are those red alerts that there are (separat) unfulfilled needs and energy-in-motion crises, no wonder you think you life is completely unsatisfying and a constant battle.
When you solve one issue, the problems only seem to multiply.

No wonder that when finally, for a brief moment of quietness, when nothing screams at you, you think all is well in the world and you don’t have to do anything (supportive), decision-making is not required.. time to play, withdraw and relax.
(That half your system is running on orange alert, signaling to you about things that do need your attention is then perceived to be normal living bakcground noise that can be ignored, becasue it is not urgent)
Or, some people pick the strategy that…. since it never ‘ stops’ anyway… why bother trying?
See if ignoring those signals for long enough might silence them all…..
(He, that strategy works, you know... after an emotionally turbulent life, with a wide range of pains and ailments... the plug gets pulled......)
Relating to all needs

People like Abraham Maslow and Virginia Henderson have made inventories of the natural human needs and desires.
There are individual needs and there are social needs.
There are physical needs (body) and there are meta-physical ( emotional) needs

They observe one thing: when the basic needs are not fulfilled, there is not enough time/energy to attain to the ‘ higher order’ needs, like creative self-expression.

When you realise that you are the whole packet.
When you realise that it is your job to look after the whole packet.
That you can be helped with that task by consulting your knowing on what you can do now ( as in.....all the time) to support the whole packet wisely, comfortably and joyfully.. 
Then...... you are restoring lasting peace within yourself.
(not running from crisis to crisis only interuted by a short -lived , highlt tense, seize-fire every now and then)

Instead of creating 10 orange alert problems for every red alert crisis you ‘solve’, you are satisfying 10 desires of a completely different kind by applying one coherent wise decision, long before anything goes into crisis.

All parts are heard, all parts are being taken into account, at all times.

The ones that ‘ speak’ loudly are known to be not speaking just for themselves ( "I need thingy X").
They are known to be indicators that the whole process needs attention. (If one, 'thing' goed into orange or even red alert, you'll know it will soon enough have impact on the ones that are now still in ' green'.)
Remember.... if you can you stop and think about it, simply know that you are NOT in the middle of a REAL crisis.
When there IS a crisis, you act without thinking about the matter twice. 
Tens of thousands of years of evolution have programmed your animal instincts to be able to take over, in a real crisis situation.

If you were to only alter your governing strategy and consult your knowing from that understanding, you will be fed with inspiration of the highest, human/humane order.....that is supporting all your short and long term needs and desires. Which is likely to include quite a number of both.... and...... and (new) creative hybrid solutions that use the resources that are available right here, right now..... the fascinating tools human beings have access to using.

Paying attetention to the (fucntion of the) loud voices, just as much as for the (yet) unheard voices.
You’ll be more effective (do less, with more result, because what you do is known to be constructive to satisfying all your needs and desires in the best way known to you)
You’ll feel more satisfied, since you are not operating under the breadlines of satisfaction most if the time.
You are freeing up more energy and time to get beyond the surviving into the being alive realms of life. You are manifesting all you are. Simultaneously.

The key here, is:
Let go of the idea that you have got to choose between your needs and desires and only attend to satisfying the imitate needs of those that scream that there is lack of something.

Embrace all needs and desires.

Know also that you don’t know them fully, yet, as who they really are and what they are here for in your life, what their divine purpose is in your life… .


Because….. you only know them, so far,  from the situations where they have been screaming ‘lack’ , ‘alarm’ and ‘ frustration’ at you, showing their battle-mode capacities to finally get your attention and your practical support.
You may think therefore that they are constantly at war with you.

You don’t know (yet) those parts of you in their calm state, when they don’t have to fire-fight on the bare minimum of resources to only stay alive.
Even when they were in a calm state in your presence, you didn’t speak to them, see them, relate to them, resonate with their Joy Of Being ( JOB's.......?!).

They were relating to you all along, conveying ‘nice vibes’ indicating that all is well in their department!
But he, those 'good vibes' got somewhat lost in the tumultuous mayhem of the orange alert struggles and red alert battlefields elsewhere in the system.

They may have signalled small requests for supportive actions.
Indicating that all is still well here, but might not stay that for long if this request gets not honoured and acted upon, any day soon.
Not loud enough to be heard. Not urgent enough to be perceived important. It is not screaming in panic…..? Good, excellent…. it can wait………was your conclusion....?!

Until it can’t 'wait' anymore and the issue has become not only important, but also urgent.

inward policy produces outward results

Life in this Universe seems to work around a principle called ' Send equals Receive'.

What you chose inwardly, meta-physically, is what causes outward manifestations of the very same signature.
The policy you apply on your own needs and desires is the modus operandi on the (the needs and desires of) the people around you.

Simply wonder, if it is the entities that scream the loudest that are supporting your (long term) life sustenance (only or even...... the most)? On the inside ( your thoughts and feelings), on the outside ( the people around you)...

and for those who see that that there is more to life than either ' in' or ' out':
  • Is The Universal Intelligence screaming at you, needing to be heard by you? Probably not.
  • Is your Soul screaming at you, needing to be heard by you? Probably not.
But if you cut off your inner hearing, your reception, from what all these source offer you ( often for free!) to sustain your life with…..

If you stop actively relating to what they are doing and sending to you (being a source of wisdom, a source of abundant opportunities, a source of love, a source of compassion, a source of companionship, a source of energy supply)… they may finds ways to capture your attention about the role they play in your life, in other ways.

It is such an important question!
Is it the parts of your tribe ( inwardly/outwardly) who simply get on with things, silently trusting that you are doing the best you can to invest in the things of mutual interest too, who can therefore best be given no/low priority, since they are working fine, not needing your active involvement in the process now, because they don’t scream?

They supply you, calmly, confidently, peacefully, trustingly, with not much hassle, with abundant opportunities for a wide range of things you benefit from for your life sustenance: 
  • housing, 
  • warmth, 
  • food, 
  • (warm) water, 
  • attention, 
  • advice, 
  • touch, 
  • conversation, 
  • human to human contact, 
  • comfort, 
  • practical help, 
  • appreciation for your presence, 
  • money…
  • .....
If you consider that ‘normal'.
If you figure that this is how life is supposed to be, to give you what you need of the finest quality, whenever you need it, long before your conscious mind starts to ask/beg for it (….in the form of screaming for help)….
You may want to consider making that a two-way deal.
Inwardly and outwardly… where outwardly is known to follow your inward policy!

Interestingly enough, you knowing is very well aware that all the 'goodies' come from the outside world.
Oxygen, food, water, a roof over your head, a warm fire, a blanket, attention from another person, money.......
(Let's face it, what you can produce yourself... you are producing yourself). 
So a certain pre-occupation with keeping an eye on the outside world and rendering services to the outside world is quite healthy.
However, when the inner world doesn't get it's necessary supplies, is on rations and short supply most of the time, for a long time, on even the (your!!) most basic needs to be happily and freely alive, you'll be in an ' under siege' situation.
The inner world is looking with increasingly great suspicion to this outside world, that seems to be holding it ( your conscious mind and the rest of your inner world) hostage.
It will go on the lookout for ways to 'get out of here'... to a ' better life', where needs are being met... a fullfilling life. And... you'll feel these vibes of a strong desire for a revolutionary change for the better.
But... the problem isn't with the (horrible quality of the  occurances in the outside world.
There is no ' under siege' situation.
The problem lies with the pre-occupation with the outside world and not giving enough attention to the inner world and seize the oppertunities that are abundanty available, if you care to be aware of them.
Your knowing is aware of all suitable opeprtunities in your outside world.... so it is more a matter if you care to listen to the signals that feed your palette of choice, with options on what to invest your time and energy on, now, sustain the development of your wellbeing.

Yes, the pallet of most sensible options in a REAL crisis situation is found in ‘ fight or flight’.
When you manage your life thnking that all you have to respond to is signs of red alert crisis, than all the options you’ll see yourself chose and execute comprise of fight or flight.

When it is clear that a manager only responds to e-mails with a red flag, written in bold capitals with flashy animations.......
He'll find before long that all his incoming e-mails contain red flags, bold capitals and flashy animations.
No wonder this manager is thinking there is nothing but constant fire-fighting on major crisis all the time.
Why would he.. and how could he... ever respond to anything spoken in a soft voice, under such an avalange of constant cries for his immediate attention....?

There are even teachers of being a human being, who advocate that every viable option in every situation is some form of fight or flight. 

I am not one of those teacher.
I advocate that there are allways, when you can stop and think, at least three options aviailable you can chose from.
being able to see that, opens up a whole wold of (more sustainable) possibilities.

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